What A Freaking Surprise
At yesterday’s morning meeting of the Conservative Agenda, when Political Insiders were asking Beloved Whistleblower Publisher Charles Foster Kane about the Dishonesty we might all be witnessing at last night’s first 2016 DemocRAT Presidential “Debate” in Las Vegas, Kane said, “Tonight’s CNN broadcast will be just another donation to the DemocRAT National Committee.” Chalk up another perfect prediction for The Blower.
FOX NEWS says: Well, of course Hillary won the first DemocRAT “debate.” But if she couldn’t have beaten that forlorn bunch she should have suspended her campaign
immediately. On stage were five candidates with a median age of 65, and the only current office holder isn’t even a DemocRAT, but rather an independent socialist who called for “political revolution” – and was seconded! Here was Hillary facing an even weaker field than Mitt Romney in 2012 – which is saying something – with the added advantage that her supposed rivals spent as much time praising her as they did offering oblique, usually embarrassed, criticisms.
THE WASHINGTON FREE BEACON reports five old white people stood on stage Tuesday night and argued about who would be the best candidate to represent the “party of the future.” They all lost. The true winner of the contest was sitting at home in a fabulous tuxedo. No, not Mitt Romney. The winner of the first DemocRAT primary debate
was Republican frontrunner Donald J. Trump. Trump, who live-tweeted the affair, deployed Nixonian wit to create powerful word-images that painted a picture of American Truth: Everyone on stage that night was a loser. A few of them might have what it takes to make it through the Democratic primary, but there has yet to be a candidate from either party who has demonstrated the leadership qualities of The Donald. His words speak for themselves. [READ MORE HERE]
WHISTLEBLOWER POLLSTER RON RASMUSSEN says just as we predicted last week, Hillary sailed through the first DemocRAT “debate” last night unchallenged, unscathed, and unrepentant. It looks like the party bosses were right when they limited the number of “debates” to six. In fact, that might be five too many if last night is any indication. [READ MORE HERE]
OHIO FIRST DISTRICT CONGRESSMAN STEVE CHABOTHEAD says I’ve had kidney stones a number of times in my life. It’s the only thing that comes close to the discomfort I experienced last night watching the two plus hours of the DemocRAT presidential debate. I watched it, so you wouldn’t have to. [READ MORE HERE]
OHIO REPUBLICAN PARTY CHAIRMAN MATT BORGES says: I can see why DNC Chairwoman Debbie Wasserman-Schultz is fighting tooth-and-nail to limit the number of DemocRAT “debates.” Last night’s circus exposed their party’s extreme-far left policies to the American people. DemocRATS offered plenty of platitudes when they weren’t flip-flopping on their past positions, but gave no substantive plans on what they would do to help Americans. As voters demand a change in direction from the failed policies of the Obama era, all Hillary and the DemocRATS are focused on is more of
the same. The DemocRATS Party has shifted dramatically to the left and has clearly lost touch with the American people. We have the biggest and most diverse field of candidates and there’s no question that our Republican nominee will be able to defeat anyone on the stage last night.”
So why are all our Kneepad Liberals in the Press still gushing and glowing about Hillary’s “BIG WIN” Tuesday night? We’re surprised any of the Whistleblower’s Persons of Consequence would ever have to ask.
But it was what all those Dumbed-Down, Self-Absorbed, Media-Influenced, Celebrity-Obsessed, Politically-Correct, Uninformed, Short-Attention-Span, Free-Stuff Grabbing, Low-Information Obama Voters Who Put Obama In The White House—Twice, and get all of their information from our Obama Supporters in the Press, were expecting to hear.
MEANWHILE BREITBART says hundreds of journalists declined to stand during the national anthem at the DemocRAT “debate” at the Wynn Las Vegas, with only 20 out of nearly 400 rising from their seats, some recognizable from Conservative media outlets.
RNC CHAIRMAN REINCE PRIEBUS sent out a fund-raising e-mail that said: Even if you missed the DemocRATS duke it out last night, the Republican Party wants to know which DemocRAT you think is the worst. Vote by clicking on the DemocRAT you think is the worst.
FINALLY, BELOVED WHISTLEBLOWER PUBLISHER CHARLES FOSTER KANE says: Last night’s so called DemocRAT “Debate” looked like the nominating speeches for Obama’s Third Term.