Another “Conservative Cartoonery” E-dition



Barack Obama: Warrior President?

image004Whistleblower War Hero Ollie Hackworth says the New York Post reported the baton was officially transferred last Monday to the world’s new sole superpower — and Vladimir Putin willingly picked it up. President Obama (remember him?) embraced the ideals espoused by the United Nations’ founders 70 years ago: Diplomacy and “international order” will win over time, while might and force will lose.

Putin, too, appealed to UN laws (as he sees them), but he also used his speech to announce the formation of a “broad international coalition” to fight ISIS in Syria and Iraq. “Similar to the anti-Hitler coalition, it could unite a broad range of forces” to fight “those who, just like the Nazis, sow evil and hatred of humankind,” he said. And who’d lead this new coalition? Hint: Moscow has always celebrated the Allies’ World War II victory as a Russian-led fete. [READ MORE HERE]

Now, because they say one picture is worth 1,000 words, The Blower is now offering 13,000 words worth of Conservative Commentary on the subject of Obama’s Failed Foreign Policy Leadership.  image005

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More Obama Bashing Laterimage003image014