Special “Sorry, No Government Shutdown Today” E-dition



More Cowardice in Congress

image006image005JUST AS THE BLOWER PREDICTED, Boehner and McConnell caved into Obama and the Disingenuous DemocRATS in Congress one more time yesterday, passing a government spending bill that fully funds not only Baby Killing at Planned Parenthood, but also other Obama priorities, including ObamaCare, Amnesty for Illegal Immigrants, and implementation of the disastrous Iran deal.

image006HOUSE GOP REACTS: And was it any surprise the House GOP Leadership elections will be held Thursday, October 8, one week from today, before any opposition can organize? It reminds The Blower of Congress Rob “Fighting for Himself” Portman announced he’d be running for the Senate only moments after being “shocked” at then-Ohio Senator Voinovich’s retirement announcement.

image006MCCONNELL’S MELT-DOWN: In the wake of establishment Republican John Boehner’s forced resignation as Speaker of the House, many Conservatives have called for establishment Republican Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell to step down as well. Conservative indictment of the so-called “leadership” of Boehner and McConnell has been that they have regularly failed to stand for Conservative policy and have all too readily caved-in to Obama on matters such as funding Planned Parenthood, Obama’s illegal executive amnesty, spending, the deficit, and raising the national debt ceiling. So what is Mitch McConnell’s response to Conservative calls for his resignation?  He called for another cave-in to Obama and The Disingenuous DemocRATS, this time on a two-year spending plan.

image006image006WHISTLEBLOWER POLLSTER RON RASMUSSEN says it looks like Republican voters are ready to clean house when it comes to the party’s top two congressional leaders. Following John Boehner’s sudden decision to step down as speaker of the House of Representatives, 46% of Likely Republican Voters think Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell also should resign. A new Rasmussen Reports national telephone survey finds that just 22% of GOP voters don’t think the longtime Kentucky senator should step down as majority leader, but a sizable 32% are undecided.

image006HURLEY THE HISTORIAN says on this date in 2001, the Supreme Court opened its new session with an order barring former Pants-Dropper-in-Chief Bill Clinton from practicing law before the court. The justices didn’t give a reason for the action but disbarment before the Supreme Court often follows a disbarment in a lower court after the attorney has lost his license to practice law. “Whenever a member of the bar of this court has been disbarred or suspended from practice of any court of record, or has engaged in conduct unbecoming a member of the bar of this court, the court will enter an order suspending that member from practice before this court,” Supreme Court rules say.

image006THAT’S WHY YOUR QUOTE FOR TODAY COMMITTEE is waiting for one of the Kneepad Liberals in the Press to ask Hillary about Slick Willie’s disbarment on the campaign trail today.

image006CH SNITCH AT 1000 MAIN STREET says everybody’s wondering if term-limited Ohio State Rep-Tile Denise Drehaus will be asking Hillary to campaign for her when Denise runs against Republican Me, Greg Hartmann for Hamilton County commissioner next year.

Meanwhile, Obama’s Middle East Policy is in absolute ruins following Obama’s “Historic” meeting with Bad Vlad Putin at the United Nations earlier this week.


Now here’s another Whistleblower prediction: Things can still get a lot worse during the 476 Days of Dishonesty and Division for America remaining during the Dark Ages of Obama’s Second Term, unless the First Black President in History is impeached.

image006TODAY’S “LIBERALS SAY THE STUPIDEST THINGS” AWARD goes to Cecile Richards, who did her best to defend her baby chop shop until she ran into the buzz saw known as Trey Gowdy. The Planned Parenthood president appeared before Congress Tuesday to put the best face possible on her organization after the release of undercover videos showing the group selling body parts of aborted babies, but she was tripping over her words when Gowdy got her on the ropes. In trademark Gowdy style, the South Carolina Republican attempted to make Richards understand why some people oppose Planned Parenthood’s continued killing of unborn babies, but Richards was smug and defiant. Until one exchange when she said, with a smile, “We don’t believe that women’s health or women’s rights should be a partisan issue.” “And we don’t think eating dinner salads and drinking wine while you’re discussing infanticide…we have a problem with that too,” Gowdy fired back, wiping the smile off of her face.

image006image009IN NORTHERN KENTUCKY: Bluegrass Bureau Chief Ken CamBoo says people are still talking about Feckless Fishwrapper Terry DeMio’s puff piece promoting Muslim Erlanger Attorney Roula Allouch’s orchestrated outrage and calling Republican Presidential Candidate Ben Carson a “Bigot” for the remarks he made about Muslims on NBC’s “Meet the Depressed.” Curiously, The Blower can’t recall any coverage of when Roula’s Council on American-Islamic Relations organization honored Obama’s Racebaiter # 1 Al Sharpton at its Annual Banquet last year.

Those Forgetful Fishwrappers have still failed to mention Carson’s campaign mangler Barry Bennett, who’d been “Mean Jean” Schmidt’s former Chief-Of-Staff and the one who got her into that mess by accepting money from Pro-Turkish interests that led to her undoing in Congress. Now, Bennett is still managing Ben Carson’s campaign, that said all Muslims are bad. Perhaps Carson didn’t know of Bennett and “Mean Jean’s” former obsession with the Turks — who are indeed Muslims.

Not to worry. The Fishwrap continues to promote Louise Lawarre’s latest lunacy when she says if everybody would just attend her next candlelight vigil standing around the Peace Pole in Anderson, all forms of racism will instantly cease to exist for all eternity. 

Josie, Zach, Bryan, and Mitchell say 23 years ago, when The Whistleblower used to be printed and delivered all over town, in Issue # 70 published on October 1, 1991 Edition’s our “Another Exclusive Whistleblower Report” exposed then Hamilton County Party Boss Clean Gene Ruehlmann’s “secret plan” to elect Republicans at Cincinnati City Hall.

image006image013FINALLY, AT YESTERDAY’S MEETING OF THE CONSERVATIVE AGENDA, Political Insiders were asking Beloved Whistleblower Publisher Charles Foster Kane about that poor deranged woman in Indian Hill who was suing her Realtors because she claims they didn’t tell her she’d be moving next door to a convicted criminal. “I can’t understand it,” Kane explained. “Last year my Republican neighbor with Williams and Mezher signs on one side of me and the DemocRAT with Jennifer Branch for Juvenile Judge and Traci Hunter Defense Fund signs on the other side, both told their Realtors there were glad they moved into their homes in Anderson just to be near me.” image003image009