Special “Baby Killing Update” E-dition



Now See How Other Local Republicans Voted

image004Conservative Review says Congress just passed a government spending bill that fully funds not only Baby Killing at Planned Parenthood, but also other Obama priorities, including ObamaCare, Amnesty for Illegal Immigrants, and implementation of the disastrous Iran deal.

Republicans gained control of both chambers of Congress in 2014 with the premise of stopping Obama by using their Constitutional right of the power of the purse to defund key parts of Obama’s agenda.

Over the 2015 summer an undercover group released numerous videos depicting Planned Parenthood engaging in the sale and harvest of organs of aborted babies. Conservatives responded with calls to halt federal funds to private organizations like Planned Parenthood that engage in this behavior. Conservatives also called on Congress to with hold funding for President Obama’s disastrous Iran deal, which puts America and her allies at risk, and to continue efforts to defund Obama’s executive amnesty.

Yesterday, Boehner and McConnell capitulated completely, and the House and Senate voted to approve a spending bill that fully funds Obama’s priorities, including Abortion, until December 11, 2015. Between now and December 11, Planned Parenthood is estimated to commit 70,000 abortions. Preceding this vote, Republicans engaged in a series of show votes to give the appearance of fighting against public funding of abortion, however this vote was a critical vote in the House to cut off those federal funds. From a spending and budget perspective this spending bill maintains the excessive burn rate of over-taxed payer dollars and lacks any spending reforms.

In The House


Ohio Republican Congressmen Chabot, Wenstrup, and Kentucky Congressman Massie did not join in Boehner’s Betrayal. image008

In The Senate


 Kentucky Republican Senator Rand Paul did not join McConnell’s Surrender in the Senate, but Ohio RINO Senator Rob “Fighting for Sodomy Rites” Portman did.


