Special “Saturday Strategery” E-dition



Friday Night In Alabama

 image004Alabama Bureau Chief Tuscaloosa Tadwell says Donald Trump really showed why he was the Republican Presidential Frontrunner Friday Night.

image006The Hill reported Trump commanded a fervent crowd Friday night in Mobile, as the Republican presidential front-runner said he wished voting for the 2016 election was already underway. “You know, if this were another country, we could maybe call for an expedited election, right? I would love that,” the businessman told a crowd estimated at 20,000 people gathered at Ladd Peebles Stadium. “Can we do that? I’d like to have the election tomorrow, I don’t want to wait,” Trump said.           

The real estate tycoon, who entered the stage to “Sweet Home Alabama,” told the crowd that the Bible was his favorite book, ahead of his own “The Art of the Deal,” and decried China stealing away U.S. manufacturing.

 Friday’s event marked Trump’s first major outreach for the so-called “SEC primary,” a collection of southern states including Alabama that will hold their primaries for the GOP nomination March 1. Before Friday’s event, Trump mostly appeared in early-voting states like Iowa and New Hampshire, as well as southwest border locations where he talked illegal immigration. [READ MORE HERE]

image006image006WND Break news said Establishment Republicans, plotting with their consultants on how to force Donald Trump out of the race, had better turn on their television sets to see what just happened. The Donald has done something awesome — something no other 2016 presidential candidate has been able to accomplish yet. This may be unstoppable …

As many as 40,000 people crammed into Ladd-Peebles Stadium in Mobile, Alabama, to greet GOP presidential candidate Donald Trump Friday evening in what is being called the largest 2015 presidential primary campaign event of the season.

Some attendees traveled from as far away as Florida and California to attend. 

Meanwhile, a Reuters/Ipsos poll on Friday showed Trump has widened his lead over fellow GOP candidates, as nearly 32 percent of Republicans say they support him – up from the 24 percent cited a week ago. [READ MORE HERE]

image006image008And Conservative Pundit Bernard Goldberg calls Donald Trump “A Messiah the Angry, Frustrated and Fed-Up Wing Has Been Waiting For.”

There is a civil war raging in the Republican Party, even if some conservatives don’t think so. It’s a battle between the angry, frustrated and fed-up wing and the more moderate types. At the moment Trump is the standard bearer for the angry wing, voters who may very well sit home on Election Day if Trump or someone they think is not “conservative enough” wins the nomination.

Trump tells us he’ll deport 11 million illegal immigrants. It’s not going to happen and I suspect even he knows it. But so what? It’s what the angry, frustrated and fed-up wing wants to hear.

He tells us he’s going to build a wall to keep illegals from south of the border out of this country – and the Mexicans are going to pay for it. That’s not going to happen, either. But again, so what?

How’s he going to deal with China? Don’t you worry, he will.  He’s a good negotiator. Just ask him. And that also is good enough for his the Trump faithful.

When you’re angry, frustrated and fed-up someone like Trump looks like a messiah you’ve been waiting for. They don’t care if Trump is just spouting words that have little substance. They don’t care how impractical he is. His strong suit is that he’s not the others. And for the moment, that’s more than enough. [READ MORE HERE]

image006Now Let’s All Watch Trump’s Full Speech Last Night To See What Some Of The Excitement Is About.


