Daily Archives: August 2, 2015

Special “Weekend Wisdom” E-dition



This Week’s Top Stories

image006OUR NUMBER ONE WHISTLEBLOWER STORY THIS WEEK was when Cincinnati made the National News again after “JayWalking Joe” Deters’ tried to calm the City from an impending Race Riot that would be even bigger than the one in 2001 with an over-the-top rant at the Hamilton County Prosecutor’s press conference where he announced his Grand Jury had actually indicted University of Cincinnati Police Officer Ray Tensing on one count of Murder (Special Felony) and one count of Voluntary Manslaughter (Felony 1) in the July 19 shooting death of Samuel Dubose, who’d been pulled over for a missing front license plate.


image006OUR NUMBER TWO WHISTLEBLOWER STORY THIS WEEK was when Hamilton County Prosecutor “JayWalking Joe” Deters guaranteed the City would not have a Race Riot that would be even bigger than the one in 2001 when he promised to try the case himself.


image006AND OUR NUMBER THREE WHISTLEBLOWER STORY THIS WEEK was when Hamilton County Prosecutor “JayWalking Joe” Deters couldn’t even get himself included with Cincinnati’s Current Affirmative Action Police Chief Jeffrey Blackwell on the front page of the Forum Section in Sunday’s Liberal Agenda Fishwrap, after personally saving the City from a Race Riot that would be even bigger than the one in 2001.

Maybe Deters’ “Healing Words” weren’t strong enough. The Blower told him he should’ve called the guy “Scum.”image010

 Edward Cropper’s World

Today, PHOTO-SHOP EDITORIAL SPOOFER EDWARD CROPPER shows us PMSNBC Shakeup: The Cycle, Alex Wagner, Ed Show Canceled — Disgraced Anchor Brian Williams to the Rescue”; “OBAMA: I COULD RUN AND WIN A THIRD TERM AS PRESIDENT”; and “Bill Clinton Is Just Like Bill Cosby.”

You can see more of Mr. Cropper’s fine work HERE.image010

 This Week’s Top Item On The Conservative Agenda

image013The Counter in the lower right hand corner of the Whistleblower Web Page continues to click off the days, hour, minutes, and seconds until FOX-TV’s all-important, make-or-break, do-or-die, first 2016 Republican Presidential Debate in Cleveland on August 6, when every Real Republican in America will finally get to see some action.

Also, 14 of the now 17 GOP Republican Candidates sharing the stage at a meaningless campaign forum in New Hampshire Monday night at 7 PM. WLWT’s parent company Hearst Television will present the candidate forum, along with the New Hampshire Union Leader and C-SPAN. The new and exciting format will feature the 14 candidates answering a series of questions about the three candidates who don’t show up.


image015The Blower believes next 464 days will be the most important period in American History for our non-stop campaign against Political Correctness, the Devolution of American Culture, and the Liberal News Media. Congress and Kneepad Liberals in the Press continue to lie and say really stupid things without a smidgen of journalistic integrity to advance to Liberal Agenda.

But as The Blower predicted, news coverage will continue to be Biased and Dishonest to appeal to all those Dumbed-Down, Self-Absorbed, Media-Influenced, Celebrity-Obsessed, Politically-Correct, Uninformed, Short-Attention-Span, Free-Stuff Grabbing, Low-Information Obama Voters Who Put Obama In The White House—Twice, and get all of their information from our Obama Supporters in the Press, and watching Boehner and McConnell these days is enough to make some Real Republicans say “Screw it,” and become Libertarians, as if that would do anybody any good.                       

Meanwhile, some other current items on The Conservative Agenda will just have to wait, including: Obama’s Leadership, The Clinton Legacy, Other Dishonest Democrats, Obama’s Secret Service, Biden’s Blunders, Obama Supporters In The Press, DemocRATS In Disarray, Polling For Trolls, Veterans, Racial Healing, Amnesty For Future DemocRATS, Baby Killing, and Making Sure Not To Hurt The Feelings Of All Those Murdering Muslim Bastards.image010

This Week’s Stupid Liberal Liar Award       

image016Breitbart reports after Dishonest DemocRAT Illinois Congressman Luis Gutierrez exploded with rage at Jessica Vaughan of the Center for Immigration Studies for daring to quote him as saying Kathryn Steinle’s death was a “little thing,” three mothers whose children were murdered by illegal aliens condemn “Hate-Filled” Luis Gutierrez and walked out of the hearing in disgust, as Photo-Shop Editorial Spoofer Edward Cropper touches up the Dissociated Press photo.  [READ MORE HERE].   


 Whistleblower War on Political Correctness

         This week, the Whistleblower’s War on Political Correctness continues to focus on those “Malevolent Marchers” from #BlackLivesDon’tMeanCrap who were only able to turn Friday night’s otherwise peaceful gathering in Downtown Cincinnati into a wannabe riot where only six instigators and agitators were arrested.


Our old pal William F. Wisniewski asks, what is the real mission of the so-called “Black Lives Matter” movement? Why is this group only outraged when a White cop injures or kills a Black person? Why do representatives of the “Black Lives Matter” movement get so offended when some poor bastard dares to say “All lives matter?” Why doesn’t this group do something about all of the Black-on-Black violence that is happening all over the United States? Aren’t these fair questions?

The Wizzer remorselessly professes that the “Black Lives Matters” group is just a bunch of hateful bigots equally as bad as the KKK. He believes they are a bunch of disgraceful and ignorant “Black Supremacists” who have been wrong-headedly motivated by the current political leadership that focuses their terrible rhetoric on identity politics.

The “Black Lives Matter” recent shameful behavior in Cincinnati provides a perfect example of the movement’s moral bankruptcy. Yes, the University of Cincinnati police officer recently indicted for killing a Black man most likely should never have worn a badge. But, that doesn’t justify the “Black Lives Matter” disgusting behavior. These people are a terrible fraud.

Billy F. is very happy that at least some of them were arrested.

image019Being Politically Correct means always having to say you’re sorry, according to all those Dumbed-Down, Self-Absorbed, Media-Influenced, Celebrity-Obsessed, Politically-Correct, Uninformed, Short-Attention-Span, Free-Stuff Grabbing, Low-Information Obama Voters Who Put Obama In The White House—Twice, and get all of their information from our Obama Supporters in the Press, who would rather ride to downtown Cincinnati on a bus and stand in line for three hours to vote, than mail in absentee ballots.

Now Here’s Today’s Politically Incorrect Joke: WLW Hate Radio Trash Talking Racist-in- Residence Bill Cunningham told us this one: “Q. What’s the ultimate rejection? A. When you’re masturbating and your hand falls asleep.”image010

Angry Andersonians

image021So how many prospective school board candidates actually plan to turn in their petitions at the Hamilton County Board of Elections this week to run for the two spots on the Forrest Gump School District that need replacing because of the part Board Members Randy Smith and Jim Frooman played in “Smiling Dallas Jackson’s Tax Hike Scam Debacle?

The deadline, in case everybody’s totally forgotten is still Wednesday, August 5 at 4PM.



 In Northern Kentucky

    image025Bluegrass Bureau Chief Ken CamBoo says the Louisville Courier-Journal’s Joe Gerth is reporting how Disingenuous DemocRAT Gubernatorial Candidate Jack Conway attacked Republican Matt Bevin and Bevin attacked the partisan nature of the Fancy Farm Picnic on Saturday at the state’s annual political and barbecue orgy that traditionally kicks off the fall campaign season in Kentucky.

“The one thing that discourages me … about this process is that we are literally celebrating the worst elements of the political process,” Bevin said. “We are celebrating our division and we’re doing it in a childish way that frankly does not resolve any of the issues that we face.”

Matt Jones, the host of Kentucky Sports Radio, who emceed the event, was incredulous.

“Matt, I’ve got to give you credit,” Jones said. “That’s a strong speech, come to Fancy Farm and say you don’t like Fancy Farm. That’s like me going to Rupp Arena and saying (U of L basketball coach) Rick Pitino is a better coach than (UK coach John) Calipari.” [READ MORE HERE]

         Now let’s watch the rest of Matt Jones’ “Take-No-Prisoners” Video.

The CamBoozler says you can see the rest of the speeches courtesy of Kentucky Educational Television HERE. 361 miles down and 361 miles back. Just think of all the driving The Blower just saved you.

 The Feck Stops Here

image027This week after The Liberal Agenda Fishwrap and other Kneepad Liberals in the Press were unable to stir up a real race riot like the one in 2001 over that shooting of Samuel Dubose by University of Cincinnati police officer Ray Tensing, word went out to attempt to rehabilitate the image of those “Malevolent Marchers” from #BlackLivesDon’tMeanCrap who were only able to turn an otherwise peaceful gathering and march into a wannabe riot. Hundreds marched and gathered respectfully, and CPD’s finest kept them safe and protected their First Amendment rights, but of course our Feckless Fishwrappers focused on the six people who wanted to cause trouble, completely against the wishes of the Dubose family. And how ironic was it that one of them was Reverend Demon Lynchmob’s son, who’s only accused of “turbulent behavior,” and charged with disorderly conduct and resisting arrest. It’s always a proud day indeed in the Lynchmob family when another generation gets arrested! And did you notice where Lynch III was quoted as saying “nothing has changed?” So why isn’t anybody in the local news media asking why Reverend Lynchmob was running out to Ferguson to try to convince the locals that if a bunch of agitators are loud enough, they’ll miraculously get a collaborative agreement that will fix their problems (the way he did by walking away to “focus on the boycott”)?

And where was the outrage in the Black Community when Black gang members terrorized black neighborhoods and shot totally innocent Black four-year-old children? If “#BlackLivesMatter,” what about this child and the many others constantly shot and endangered by Black-on-Black violence? Apparently, “#BlackLivesMatter” only when they’re killed by law enforcement and get demonstrators and race-baiters on TV.

Let’s see, so far there’ve been 14,987 news reports about the DuBose shooting, one story about the four-year-old killed in an Avondale drive-by shooting, and zero coverage about who’s really behind all those #BlackLivesDon’tMeanCrap urban terrorists who always seem to show up to further Obama’s Racial Divide Agenda.

image028Meanwhile, our Feckless Fishwrappers are continuing to promoting all their other favorite Liberal Causes, as well as supporting Trans-Racists Who Want To Call Themselves Black, Transgenders Just Looking for a Place to Pee, Over-Sexed Swingers in the Suburbs, Perverted Physicians, and Corpsefuckers at the Morgue, along with PC (If It’s Politically Correct, You Can’t Object), Tree Hugging, Keeping People From Smoking, Diversity Uber Alles, Unions Blues, Fanatical Feminists, Supporting Sodomy Rites, Global Warming: G-Uncontrol, Liberal Brainwashing In Schools, Voting Rights For People Who Are Too Stupid To Vote, Streetcars, Scalping the Washington Redskins, and Giving Away Free Stuff With Your Money.

But why should any of this surprise you? After all, don’t our Feckless Fishwrappers always say:  It’s not Baseball, Mom, or Apple Pie that have always made our area great, it’s our “Disgraceful Diversity.” 

More of our Weekend Wrap Up Laterimage010image011