Special “Obama’s Racial Divide” E-dition

Header-June 20- Obama's Racial Divide


So When Is All Our Racial Healing Supposed To Begin?

 image009image005Is Obama’s Racial Healing Plan for America really working? Southern Poverty Law Center (SPLC) president Richard Cohen says the #Charleston Church Massacre happened because Obama’s in the White House. What do you think?

image009Gun Control Activists really look stupid. The #Charleston Church Massacre happened in a “Gun-Free Zone,” and the Shooter bought the gun at a store and passed the background check. Doofus DemocRAT Presidential Candidate Martin O’Malley blames the NRA, but the former Maryland Governor had no comment on all those Black-on-Black Murders in Baltimore.

image009image008But Professional Black Racist Agitators are all revved up, blaming Fox News, warning of “Potential Race Riots,” claiming Cops are Racist for putting Charleston Shooter in a Bulletproof Vest, demanding Obama Supporters in the Press Media use the term “White Racist Terrorist,” claiming Police captured Dylann Roof alive because of . . . Wait For It . . . White Privilege, and, and a Media Matters Flunky actually tried to claim the #Charleston Shooting was about Voting Rights. And Obama’s Race-Baited # 1 Al Sharpton is on his way. That’ll help things out a lot. It seems like everybody (police, politicians, pastors, parishioners, and the population in general in South Carolina are all saying and doing the right thing without any outside help.  

image009Back in Chicago, 20 People were shot Thursday Night (but only three were killed). Curiously, there’s been no condemnation by our Race Hustlers, and best of all, Obama was so broken up over the #Charleston Church Massacre it was wheels up on Air Force One for an over-taxed payer funded DNC fund-raising trip to California, and he plans to spend the weekend on the Golf Course after making one of his usual racial-dividing politically-motivated meaningless gun control comments.

image009 image007The Blower can’t decide Obama’s “This kind of mass violence does not happen in other advanced countries” bonehead remark should be chosen by our Quote for Today Committee or be Today’s Stupid Liberal Liar Award, although we don’t imagine the difference would be noticed by any of those Dumbed-Down, Self-Absorbed, Media-Influenced, Celebrity-Obsessed, Politically-Correct, Uninformed, Short-Attention-Span, Free-Stuff Grabbing, Low-Information Obama Supporters Who Put Obama In The White House—Twice, and get all of their information from our Obama Supporters in the Press.

image009image011image010Meanwhile in Cincinnati, Hamilton County RINO Party Boss Alex T., Mall Cop GOP and Hamilton County Demo-Labor Party Boss Tim Burka issued a so-called “Joint Statement” after the killing of Cincinnati Police Officer Sonny Kim by Cop Killer Trepierre Hummons, when Police Officer Kim’s Black Criminal Murderer chose to commit “Suicide by Cop” Friday morning. The Blower’s still waiting to hear a little outrage about that!

image009HURLEY THE HISTORIAN says on this date in 1979, Jimmy Carter installed a solar energy system at the White House, and thereby assured our country’s energy independence for all time. Do any of our overtaxed payers remember Obama’s “Solyndra Scandal?”

image009image013NOW FROM SERIOUS TO THE SILLY, we have the Al Sharpton Wannabe Bobby Hinton claiming police were “racially motivated” at that fracas at the Fairfield Aquatic Center last week. Judge Traci’s Favorite Attorney Clyde Bennett II played the Race Card when he said the racist Fairfield Police Department should just drop their charges against those Black women who started all the trouble. Bennett was really busy yesterday getting his name in The Fishwrap earlier this week when he claimed Mahogany’s Deadbeat Owner Liz Rogers had supposedly turned down a plea deal that would have dropped the impersonating a police officer charge she faces. These days, Clyde will soon become the Shvartze Eric Deters, representing all those guilty black folks. CH Snitch at 1000 Main Street says he really misses seeing KimBall Perry’s byline on all those controversial stories these days.

image009TRASH TALKING TROUBLE-MAKER TINO DELGATO refers to Clyde as a “Johnnie Cochran impersonator,” with such catch phrases as “If the Bathing suits fit, you must acquit on the Fairfield Fracas.  On Liz Rogers’ impersonation of a police officer: “Why did she give over her wallet anyway?” Did we ever find out if she had that Mercedes repossessed?  Tracie Hunter could have been done with all her trials and tribulations. What if they convict her on even MORE charges?  Mahogany’s new tenant seems to be doing OK. Could it be the food, service, prices, or what? Go Figure!!!

image009image016MEANWHILE IN OUR WEEKLY CINCINNATI STREETCAR UPDATE, Trolley Trollops along Cincinnati’s Streetcar Route in Over the Rhine still hoping for Republicans to change their minds and bring their 2016 National Convention to Cincinnati were plying their trade as usual on Monday. Can you guess which one of Clyde’s Clients is really a guy named Raoul?

image009IN OHIO’S SECOND CONGRESSIONAL DISTRICT, this week it was Podiatrist/ Congressman “Bronze Star Brad” Wenstrup’s 57th Birthday, and people on the mailing list received a message supposedly from Mrs. Wenstrup, asking for $57 donations. That Monica Wenstrup signature really made it look authentic for all those Women for Wenstrup.

image017Across the street from Wenstrup’s District Office, there’s only a short line of women not wearing any panties for that June 22 “No Panty Day” promotion at Anderson Trustee Andy Pappas’ Cleaner Concepts store, the same day Hamilton County Treasurer Robert A. Goering is again asking us to remind our readers that it’s the last day to pay their Second Half 2014 Hamilton County Property Taxes (jacked up by our Disingenuous DemocRAT Auditor) and any taxes paid after that date will accrue a severe penalty and a humongous interest charge. More Avoirdupois Andersonians are already standing in line to be among the first 100 customers at the Grand Opening of Andy’s new Krispy Kreme store on June 30. It’s all part of the promotion for all those fatties to have their clothes let out at Andy’s Alteration Department in back of his Dry Cleaning Establishment.

image009image049FINALLY, AT YESTERDAY’S MEETING OF THE CONSERVATIVE AGENDA, a political insider was asking Beloved Whistleblower Publisher Charles Foster Kane why most people won’t get as upset on next Monday’s Property Tax Day as they do on the big April 15 Tax Day. “Most people’s property taxes are included with their mortgage payments,” Kane explained. “So they never see how much they’re paying for those fools in schools and all those other taxes that are included.” That’s why The Blower always says everybody should have to write a really big check on Tax Day, and they should hold elections on the same day people have to pay their taxes. Do you think our elected officials would go along with that?”image019


          image020Bluegrass Bureau Chief Ken CamBoo says this weekend it’s time for “Goettafest” at Mainstrasse. Chosen as one of the Summer’s Top Ten Festivals and Events by the Kentucky Tourism Council and the Southeast Tourism Society as one of the Top 20 Events, MainStrasse Village “Original” Goettafest invites you to join in the excitement. But if you knew what was in “goetta,” you probably wouldn’t want to put it in your mouth.

Goetta is a sickening German sausage made of pork, beef, spices, and oats, and many Mainstrasse merchants are wondering if Goetta was invented in Cincinnati, why are they holding this week’s crappy Goettafest here? Please don’t confuse this with Glier’s Goettafest, which takes place at Newport on the Levee August 6-7-8-9. Traditionally, this weekend’s so-called “Original Goettafest festival at Mainstrasse” imposes a one-goetta-dish minimum on its vendors, while Glier’s requires each vendor to offer three goetta dishes, and no vendors are allowed to offer the same dish.

You can have baked goetta, fried goetta, poached goetta, steamed goetta, roast goetta, broiled goetta, boiled goetta, sautéed goetta, broiled goetta, or you could just eat it raw. There are goetta-burgers, goetta-three ways, goetta pizza, stuffed-goetta, goetta-and-dumplings, goetta-enchiladas, moo-goo-gai-goetta, goetta-chowder, shoofly goetta, goetta po-boys, goetta fajitas, Chicago-style goetta, goetta balls, and goetta ala ronge, just to name a few.   

But don’t eat too much. You might goetta sick. And if you can’t make it, we guess you should just call it Forgeotta-about-it.

Meanwhile, The Whistleblower’s Freebie Gourmet is still talking about the Packhouse Meats restaurant in Newport, which has completely abolished tipping. Downtown Cincinnati restaurants saw the effects of a no-tipping policy back when they NAALCD Convention (National Association for the Advancement of Liberal Colored DemocRATS) brought 8,000 non-tippers to town in 2008.image019


e-mail your regurgitated recipes today.


Some vile-and-disgusting items in today’s Blower were sent in by our equally vile-and-disgusting subscribers.image019

Whistleblower Video of the Day

An Emotional Jon Stewart Drops the Comedy to Talk Charleston: “We Still Won’t Do Jackshit”

Published on Jun 19, 2015: Jon Stewart dropped his usual news satire Thursday and opted for a passionate five-minute commentary on the massacre at a historic black Charleston church that left nine people dead. The Daily Show host apologized for not having any jokes to offer, adding, “I honestly have nothing other than just sadness.” Stewart’s powerful speech addressed U.S. defense spending abroad and a failure to protect American citizens at home, pointing out that blacks in South Carolina are still forced to drive on roads named for Confederate generals. “By acknowledging it,” Stewart said, “by staring into that and seeing it for what it is, we still won’t do jackshit. Yeah, that’s us. That’s the part that blows my mind.”

image023Note: We guarantee iPhone subscribers who don’t go home and see links and pictures on their computers are not going to appreciate all of this good stuff today.image019

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