Because You Know This Won’t Be the Last Announcement You’ll Hear
Move on DemocRATS like Cher, Oprah, and Ellen. Republicans now have a one-name celebrity, his name is “Jeb!” and the exclamation point is included.
WHISTLEBLOWER POLLSTER RON RASMUSSEN says Former Florida Governor Jeb! Bush’s entry into the Republican presidential field comes with a burden that the other candidates don’t face: his surname.
A new Rasmussen Reports national telephone survey finds that 43% of U.S. Likely Voters say they are less likely to vote for Bush due to the fact that his father and brother both served as president, while 15% say they are more likely to vote for Jeb! because of his family’s political stature. Thirty-nine percent (39%) said the Bush name would have no impact on their vote, while three percent (3%) weren’t sure. (To see survey question wording, click here.)
At least it’ll be easy to remember for all those Dumbed-Down, Self-Absorbed, Media-Influenced, Celebrity-Obsessed, Politically-Correct, Uninformed, Short-Attention-Span, Free-Stuff Grabbing, Low-Information Obama Voters Who Put Obama In The White House—Twice, and get all of their information from our Obama Supporters in the Press.
BUT TUESDAY, “THE DONALD” TRUMPED “JEB!’S” ANNOUNCEMENT when he declared his White House bid in front of a boisterous crowd at New York City’s Trump Tower that chanted, “We want Trump,” even before the Billionaire Businessman and Reality TV Star made his announcement, saying, “I am officially running for president of the United States, and we are going to make our country great again.” Newsmax reported the real estate tycoon took shots at several nations, Obama and his campaign rivals in announcing his candidacy for the GOP nomination, but he saved his choicest words for former Florida Gov. Jeb! Bush, blasting him for his policy preferences and insisting Bush could not possibly win the presidential nomination. Trump then modestly added: “I’ll be greatest jobs president that God ever created!”
HURLEY THE HISTORIAN says on this date in 1972, the Watergate burglars were arrested. Do you think G. Gordon Liddy will remember that on his radio show?
OUR QUOTE FOR TODAY COMMITTEE: chose Liddy’s “Obviously crime pays, or there’d be no crime.”
AND IT DIDN’T TAKE LONG for Late Night TV Comedians to work Rachel Dolezal’s “Race-Lift” material into their opening monologues. Jimmy Fallon said, “How about this woman Rachel Dolezal in Spokane, Washington? She was president of the Spokane chapter of the NAACP but was exposed as a white woman who was pretending to be black. A lot of people are upset, especially her white friends who thought they had at least one black friend.” And Conan O’Brien quipped, “Rachel Dolezal, the white woman pretending to be African-American, has resigned from her position in the NAACP. She was last spotted walking out of the NAACP offices with a box full of her Coldplay CDs.” Meanwhile, Photo Shop Editorial Spoofer Edward Cropper shows us Rachel tell Miss Scarlet, “I don’t know nothin’ about being white.”
MORE HUGS FOR THUGS: No wonder Cincinnati Scruffy Mayor John Cranley’s City Mangler “Baltimore Harry” Black thinks Affirmative Action Police Chief Jeffrey Blackwell’s “Hug-a-Thug” Program to reduce Black-on-Black Violence will take more than 90 days. Police have now identified the two men shot and killed in separate incidents within an hour of each other Sunday night, Police arrested a man who is accused of shooting a woman to death in a parked SUV in Avondale on Monday night, and you still have to take a number to get an autopsy at the Hamilton County morgue.
CONSERVATIVE CURMUDGEON STU MAHLIN wrote a letter to John Cranley, about Cincinnati’s Scruffy Mayor’s “Preschool Promise” to support a school levy to pay for it, not pilfer money from the budget.
Dear Mr. Mayor:
Cincinnati property owners sure as hell don’t need another damned school levy! Have you bothered to look lately at the percentage of your real estate tax that goes to that parasitic school system?
P.S. A “government shutdown” would be really good. Can you make it last a few years?
TROUBLE-MAKING TRAFFIC-TATTLER TINO DELGATO says, I have yet to see a bike using the Bike Lanes on Central parkway. Go Figure!!! Even worse are the parked cars on the outside of the bike lanes, that’s even dumber!
ONLY FIVE MORE DAYS: Hamilton County Treasurer Robert A. Goering says please don’t forget, June 22 is the last day to pay your Second Half 2014 Hamilton County Property Taxes (jacked up by our Disingenuous DemocRAT Auditor) and any taxes paid after that date will accrue a penalty and/or interest; and failure to receive a tax bill will not avoid such penalty and/or interest. Troubled Over-Taxed Payers wonder why the Hamilton County Treasurer instructs those paying their property taxes to put HIS name on the check. The Blower says simply putting Hamilton County Treasurer is sufficient. This reminds us of the need for State Governors to put THEIR names on highway signage and rest areas, all at over-taxpayers’ expense. These shameless politicians have found a way to put the word “I” into everything.
In addition, Aroused Anderson Trustee Andy Pappas asked us to remind our readers that June 22 is also “No Panty Day” at my Cleaner Concepts at 7857 Beechmont Avenue.
THE CAMBOOZLER HAS ALWAYS BEEN BUSY COVERING THE NEWS IN NORTHERN KENTUCKY: You’ll no doubt recall 24 Years Ago This Week (when The Whistleblower used to be printed and delivered all over town). Edition #55 (published June 18, 1991) featured CamBoo’s coverage of Primary Elections, Police Brutality, Vicious Dogs, and Only Little People Pay Taxes, just for fun. [SEE EDITION #55 HERE]
TODAY’S LIBERAL LIAR AWARD goes to P.G. Sitt-‘n-Spin’s spokesman Dale Butland, explaining why the Dumbed Down DemocRAT Ohio U.S. Senate Candidate had not yet filed a financial disclosure form with the Senate, missing deadlines to report his assets, liabilities, and other information that is required for federal candidates and office holders. Dale Butland claimed the report was “in the process of being prepared” and the campaign was planning to file it on Friday “so we won’t be in violation.” But according to The Fishwrap, on Tuesday morning, the Senate Office of Public Records had still not received anything from Sitt-‘n-Spin’s campaign. The information was due May 15. The Senate ethics committee gives lawmakers and candidates a 30-day “grace period” before imposing fines. But Sitt-‘n-Spin has also missed that extended deadline and could face a whopping $200 penalty. Maybe his Stupid Streetcar Supporters could take up a collection for him.
MEANWHILE AT THE FISHWRAP: Metro Mole wonders what the record is for leaving a “departed employee’s” web page on line at The Fishwap, featuring all those pictures of CONVICTED DITZY DEMOCRAT Hamilton County Juvenile Court Judge Tracie Hunter.
FINALLY AT YESTERDAY’S BRIBE LUNCH AT BELTERRA where another politician was trying to get more unsubstantiated rumors about his opponent in The Blower, Charles Foster Kane was asked about that time Watergate Burglar G. Gordon Liddy made him an Honorary Watergate Burglar. “That was quite an honor,” Kane explained. “Liddy even told me who ‘Deep Throat’ was. Unfortunately, Liddy said it was not actress Linda Lovelace, famous for her performance in the 1972 hardcore porn film Deep Throat. Our Good Friend Bobby Leach says he’ll be searching for that tape at the bottom of his sock drawer tonight.”
Remember: We never print all the bad stuff we know and certain people ought to be damn glad we don’t, Burglar Buddy, G. Gordon Liddy.
PLAGIARISM COUNT: Unattributed material was pilfered from only one websites for the production of today’s Blower. (This time we only plagiarized ourselves!)
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e-mail your Opposition Research Reports today.
Some back-stabbing political items in today’s Blower were sent in by our equally back-stabbing political subscribers, but let’s face it, we could always use more.
Donald Trump Announces Run For President – Trump Speech Presidential Announcement
Published on Jun 16, 2015: Donald Trump Announces Run For President – Trump full Speech Presidential Announcement Donald Trump running for President 2016 video ” Donald Trump: “I Am Running President United States” Donald Trump Presidential speech announcement 2016 – Donald Trump Bashes Mexico Obamacare Donald Trump President announcement 2016 – Donald Trump Bashes Mexico Obamacare & China Donald Trump Presidential speech address president 2016 announce Presidential Announcement Running Press Conference Donald Trump says he is running for president in 2016 Real estate mogul and TV personality Donald Trump announced on Tuesday that he is a candidate for the Republican nomination in the 2016 presidential election.
Note: We guarantee iPhone subscribers who don’t go home and see links and pictures on their computers are not going to appreciate all of this good stuff today.