Daily Archives: June 16, 2015

Special “GOP Candidate Update” E-dition

Header-June 16 GOP Candidate Update

TUESDAY, JUNE 16, 2015

We Can Hardly Waiting For the First Debate

Yesterday Jeb! Bush officially announced he was a 2016 Republican Candidate for President in 511 more days. Here’s what Jeb!’s announcement looked like, courtesy of C-SPAN.

Politico reported when JEB! finally took the stage after 40 minutes of warm-up speakers and musical acts, roughly six months of non-stop fundraising and countless campaign stops, what he said was no surprise – even if he sought to portray it that way. “I have decided,” Bush said. “I am a candidate for president of the United States.”

Like the protestations over the last several months that he wasn’t really a candidate, his official declaration that he’s running wasn’t the result of a decision he’s recently arrived at; rather, it’s one he made at the end of last year and put off announcing until today in order to raise the $100 million it may take to survive a bloodbath of a GOP primary.

Republicans may not have been totally ready for Jeb!’s announcement, but those Determined DemocRATS certainly were, because this e-mail arrived in our in-box while Jeb! was still making his political pronouncement.  



Mere moments later, so-called “Factivists” from the DemocRAT National Committee e-mailed us a few reasons purported Middle Class Voters whoever the hell they are shouldn’t be voting to put the third Bush in the White House, instead of the second Clinton.

Disingenuous DemocRATS claim Jeb!:

* image007 Defends voter ID laws that disproportionately affect women, minority, and student voters

*  Thinks citizenship for undocumented immigrants is an “undeserving reward”

*  Said businesses “absolutely” should be able to discriminate against gay Americans

*  Has advocated for the public shaming of single mothers

*  Is completely unfamiliar with the Paycheck Fairness Act

*  Takes policy advice from his brother — and recently defended invading Iraq

*  Supported a budget that guts Medicare and education funding

You’ll never guess what happens when you click on the “I’M IN” Button.image003image010