Special “Panning the Plan” E-dition

Header-June 11 Panning the Plan

One of the best parts about publishing The Whistleblower Newswire is checking our e-mail first thing each morning to see some of those politically insightful items we’ve received from our equally politically insightful subscribers. Our readers’ comments are extremely helpful for our analysis and interpretation of the news.


Bad Timing for a Violence Reduction Plan Press Conference

image004Wednesday morning, Cincinnati Affirmative Action Police Chief Jeffrey Blackwell finally introduced his Dumbed-Down “90-Day Violence Reduction Plan” for Obama’s Long Hot Racially Divided Summer, the morning after Police removed a body from a wooded area behind a church in the Killing Fields of Over-the-Rhine, and a man confronting Police with a rifle was killed in Northside. Let’s see. The dead guy in Northside distributed drugs and had a rifle pointed at the police, but The Fishwrap claimed he was really a good guy, according to the dead guy’s family and neighbors. You know, Hitler was also good at the beginning according a former local sports team owner. Then Wednesday afternoon in broad daylight, those poor misunderstood yoofs ignored Chief Blackwell’s Plan and another man was killed and three others injured after a shooting in Evanston.

Solution: Only send Veteran African American Policemen to these neighborhood disturbances. A White cop shoots a Black perpetrator will be labeled a Bad Cop. If a Black cop shoots a Black OR white perpetrator, it’ll be justified and no Race Rustlers or Rhyming Reverends will be coming by to appear on camera. Plus, it might be a good idea for Scared Suburbanites to stay out of Northside and Evanston this week.

image006TASABLE TROUBLEMAKER TINO DELGATO says Cincinnati has now hired TWO police chiefs from OUTSIDE the City. The sad part is Cincinnati had a qualified IN-HOUSE candidate better suited to the task (assistant chief Paul Humphries). The first chief they hired (Craig) could not pass the Ohio State police exam and the second one (Blackwell) has failed to pass muster. Maybe it is time to hire someone who knows the city. That would be MY 90 day plan. Go figure!!!


Chief Blackwell’s “Hug a Thug” Plan featuring Guilty White Liberals holding signs included everything The Blower predicted from a DemocRAT Controlled City, and even less. There’ll finally enforce the curfew, blah, blah, blah. They’ll concentrate on high-crime areas, yada, yada, yada. And with Blackwell’s ambitious goal of reducing shootings citywide by a whopping 5% and reducing overall crime by 10%, there’s no doubt Obama’s Black Attorney General Loretta Lynchmob will be promoting Cincinnati’s “Politically Correct Policing” Program as a model for racially divided cities all across Obama’s Racially Divided America, because “Black on Black Violence” was never mentioned.

Meanwhile, Award-Winning Photo Illustrator Artis Conception adds to his “Cincinnati Police Chief” Series with this tasteful tableau of Chief Blackwell and Mayor Cranley involved in a bit of BureaucRAT Butt Covering, trying to figure out how dumbing-down testing procedures for Police promotions will ever lower Black-on-Black Violence in the Killing Fields of Over-the-Rhine.


image006TODAY’S LIBERAL LIAR AWARD IS A TIE. Chief Blackwell declared, “We heard from the community to have an approach which incorporated enforcement strategies along with community engagement,” and City Mangler Black claimed, “We are building strong community partnerships. We are all in this together. We will not rest in our quest to reduce all kinds of violent crime.” Spoken like a couple of real BureaucRATS!

image006DURING “BALTIMORE HARRY” BLACK’S BIG SPEECH at Tuesday night’s Cincinnatus Association monthly meeting at the United Way Building, John Cranley’s City Mangler proved himself to be a total Liberal Affirmative Action BureaucRAT. “Baltimore Harry” led the White Guilt Ridden Cincinnatus Group in singing “Kumbaya,” and promised under his leadership the City will now be efficient, improve customer service, use limited resources available, invest, be transparent and accountable, and bring everyone to the table to make decisions together. When asked about the Port Authority, “Baltimore Harry” said, “It’s good to have because we’re on a river so there is actually a port here and they’re new and feeling their way so we’ll work with them.”

image006image008CONSERVATIVE CURMUDGEON STU MAHLIN said it was no big surprise that “Expert” raised concerns about the Clifton Market, and sent an e-mail to the editor and Cincinnati Vice Mayor David Mann, who said he was “impressed with the number of people who put up money for the market” and “the absence of a grocery store has had a devastating effect on the (Ludlow) business district.’ Mann said, ‘We owe it the community to save it before it’s lost.”

Stu says, “Uh, Mr. Mann, the Ludlow business district is adjacent to UC and Pill Hill.  As long as ‘higher’ education, the medical profession, and public money for both survive, the Ludlow business district will be alive and well. Need groceries, Mr. Mann?  Then take the damn bus to Hyde Park Plaza or Norwood or Findlay Market.  Liberals like you are in love with public transportation, so use it for your freaking grocery shopping.”

image006image009SODOMY RITES UPDATE: In Columbus, Buckeye Bureau Chief Gerry Manders says RINO Senator Rob “Fighting for Fagellas” Portman, in a reversal form an earlier poll this past Spring, holds a 10-point lead over his likely Deceitful DemocRAT opponent, former DemocRAT Gayvenor Ted Strickland, according to a new Sodomy Rites Survey shared exclusively with The Whistleblower.

image006IN CINCINNATI, City Clown-cil Gay Chris Squealback says Caitlyn Jenner has been invited to be Grand Marshal at Cincinnati’s Perverts Parade later this month.

image006AND IN NORTHERN KENTUCKY, Bluegrass Bureau Chief Ken CamBoo says Boondoggle County Clerk Kenny Brown explains that in 2004, Kentucky voters went to the polls and voted overwhelmingly for an amendment to the Kentucky Constitution that makes it unlawful for the commonwealth of Kentucky to recognize or perform same-sex marriages or civil unions. The referendum was approved by a mere 75% of the voters. As the Boone County GOP Chairman at that time, I voted for the amendment and supported and passed a Republican Party resolution supporting the passage of the amendment. The debate has worked its way through our federal court system and is now being considered by the highest court in the land. The U.S. Supreme Court will render its decision this month. I hope the court will rule in favor of our Constitution and not the activist federal judges in the lower courts. Liberals may begin calling Kenny a “Homophobe” in 5, 4, 3, 2, 1… 

image006image010CH SNITCH AT 1000 MAIN STREET wanted us to  Metro Mole at The Fishwrap about all those rumors at the Hamilton County Courthouse concerning KimBall Perry’s “departure” when The Fishwrap is still publicizing his web page featuring all those pictures of CONVICTED DITZY DEMOCRAT Hamilton County Juvenile Court Judge Tracie Hunter.

image006ONLY ELEVEN MORE DAYS: Hamilton County Treasurer Robert A. Goering again asked us to remind our readers that Monday, June 22 is the last day to pay their Second Half 2014 Hamilton County Property Taxes (jacked up by our Disingenuous DemocRAT Auditor) and any taxes paid after that date will accrue a severe penalty and a humongous interest charge; and failure to receive a tax bill will not avoid such penalty and/or interest. If only our Disingenuous DemocRAT Auditor had a real opponent the last time he ran, what a great time it would be to start campaigning.

image023In addition, Aroused Anderson Trustee Andy Pappas asked us to remind our readers that June 22 is also “No Panty Day” at his Cleaner Concepts at 7857 Beechmont Avenue, where women no wearing any panties always come first.

image006ALSO IN ANDERSON: Sunday’s Flag Day Parade will begin at Cleaner Concepts at 7857 Beechmont Avenue at 11:00 AM, and proceed west to the Anderson Towne Center, 7500 Beechmont Avenue. Everyone watching the parade is requested to stay behind the “white line” on Beechmont Ave.  Many units participating in the parade will be using several lanes.  A community celebration will be held at the Anderson Towne Center immediately following the parade around 12:30.

 John Wayne died on this date in 1979.

image006MAYBE THAT’S WHY OUR QUOTE FOR TODAY COMMITTEE chose The Duke’s “Courage is being scared to death but saddling up anyway,” but the one we like best was “Life is hard; it’s harder if you’re stupid.”

image060 image006FINALLY, AT YESTERDAY’S MEETING OF THE CONSERVATIVE AGENDA, Political Insiders were asking Beloved Whistleblower Publisher what he thought of Cincinnati Affirmative Action Police Chief Jeffrey Blackwell’s Dumbed-Down “90-Day Violence Reduction Plan” for Obama’s Long Hot Racially Divided Summer. “It’s so stupid, it looks like it comes straight out of the Obama Playbook,” Kane explained, just like Obama’s latest plan to defeat those Murdering Muslim Terrorists from ISIS.”

image020Remember: We never print all the bad stuff we know and certain people ought to be damn glad we don’t, especially Thug-Hugging Liberal Politicians. image013

More Proud Sponsors and Avid Fans


Today’s edition is brought to you by a generous “in-kind” donation during our June fund-raising drive from The City of Cincinnati’s “Hug a Thug Program,” for helping them reduce shootings citywide by a whopping 5% and reducing overall crime by 10% during the next 90 days.image013


e-mail your PC Policing Poppycock today.

Some politically incorrect items in today’s Blower  were sent in by our equally politically incorrect subscribers.image013

Whistleblower Video of the Day


image019 (Sent in by Diminutve DemocRAT Cincinnati Mayor John “Scruffy” Cranley, who may not have yet figured out this isn’t a real plan.

image020Note: We guarantee iPhone subscribers who don’t go home and see links and pictures on their computers are not going to appreciate all of this good stuff today.image013

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