Special “The Week That Was” E-dition

Sunday, August 11, 2013

The Blower’s Week in Review 

  • image006OUR NUMBER ONE OBAMA INTERVIEW STORY THIS WEEK was when Obama sucked up to Late Night TV Comedian Tuesday night, making his first public statement on a frightening worldwide warning of an imminent terror attack, and responding to Leno’s question about the safety of Americans to travel abroad by saying, “The odds of dying in a terrorist attack are a lot lower than they are of dying in a car accident, unfortunately.”

Obama also tried to assure the skeptics among us “There is no spying on Americans.” Obviously, the president was trying his hand at being a comedian too.

  • OUR NUMBER TWO OBAMA INTERVIEW STORY THIS WEEK was when Obama held a “press conference” of Friday because all those Obama Supporters in the White House Press Corps had hurt feelings because Obama made news on the Tonight show.
  • AND OUR NUMBER THREE OBAMA INTERVIEW STORY THIS WEEK was that list of real questions the White House Press Corps should’ve asked Obama on Friday when they had the chance.

  • MONDAY in our Official “Earth-shattering Kaboom E-dition, The Blower asked. “Will Enola be Gay on Hiroshima Day?”

image009Hurley the Historian said on tomorrow’s date in 1945, the US dropped its first atomic bomb called “Little Boy” on the Japanese city of Hiroshima. On August 9, the US dropped its second atomic bomb called “Fat Man” on the Japanese city of Nagasaki. Less than a week later on August 15, the allied nations celebrated VJ Day, and on September 2, Japan signed an unconditional surrender.

Does dropping atomic bombs on innocent civilians work? It would certainly seem so. Unfortunately, on October 24, 1945 the United Nations was born, and war has been no fun since.

Remember when Obama led from behind in Libya and our Fund-raiser-in-Chief told congressional leaders that the “kinetic activity” (fighting) we were getting into would only be a matter of “days, not weeks?” How’d that thing in Libya turn out, anyhow? The Moslem Brotherhood got the Gold Medal on that one.

\Which is probably why our Quote for Today Committee remembered something Ronald Reagan said during a radio microphone test in 1984: My fellow Americans, I am pleased to tell you I just signed legislation which outlaws Russia forever. The bombing begins in five minutes.” Did that ever scare the crap out of the Liberals or what!  


  • TUESDAY in our Special “Serious and Specific Dangers” E-dition, The Blower noted that once synonymous with freedom, Obama’s America is now the laughingstock of the world! and our “Real E-Mails from Real Subscribers” included:

Yesterday to commemorate the bombing Hiroshima, The Blower forgot to mention how our Obama’s Foreign Policy is bombing these days. —Bombsight Designer Carl Norden

Most of the world doesn’t even respect Obama. His “red lines” are useless. His “threats” are laughed at. And we closed embassies around the world on Obama’s birth day after Obama told us the war on terror was as good as over. Judge Jeanine, Hammering Obama on the Whistleblower Link of the Day

Obama has taken America to new lows on the international stage. We’ve never seen the US so disrespected and held in such contempt, like this popular Egyptian music video telling Obama to screw himself and stop funding Jihad terrorists. —Hosni Mubarak

A year ago, Obama claimed we were on run. Now America is on the run. —Al Qaeda “On Steroids” Since the Benghazi Attack

Just because we now have a global terror alert, doesn’t mean Benghazi wasn’t a phony scandal.—Obama’s White House Spokes Dweeb Jay Cardboard

As Obama’s top national security advisors gathered for an urgent Saturday meeting to discuss the terrorist threat that forced the United States to close embassies overseas, Obama was at Camp David celebrating his birthday with friends. —Obama’s Caddy. 


  • WEDNESDAY in our Special “Weak Leadership” E-dition, The Blower said “Our enemies and allies all agree!”

image012NOT ALL OF OUR EMBASSIES ARE CLOSED: On Tuesday’s anniversary of the bombing of Hiroshima, Japan unveiled its largest warship since WWII, Obama couldn’t bomb Japan since they’re now one of our few remaining allies, so Obama bombed a few Muslim terrorists in Yemen while U.S. Embassies in the Middle East remained closed, due to all those serious and specific dangers from Al Qaeda, which despite Obama’s claims to the contrary, still appears to be in business.

The Blower remembers way back in February 2011 during the presidential primaries when Minnesota Congresswoman Michele Bachmann launched a verbal assault on Obama, claiming that his foreign policy stance was so weak that it made “Jimmy Carter look like a Rambo tough-guy.” Now all those all of those Dumb Dumbed-Down, Self-Absorbed, Media-Influenced, Celebrity-Obsessed, Politically-Correct, Uninformed, Short-Attention-Span, Free-Stuff Grabbing, Low-Information Obama Supporters have a Commander-in-Chief they truly deserve. Unfortunately, so do the rest of us.

And wouldn’t it be funny if the first question Obama might take on his Middle East Mess might come from a comedian, when he appears on The Tonight Show with Jay Leno.

          [READ MORE HERE]

  • THURSDAY, in our Official “Same Time Last Year”  E-dition, The Blower said, “Those Were the Good Old Days!”

Think of how much things have changed since last year during the first week in August when our Truth Squad had been working overtime and Whistleblower Senior National Political Affairs Analyst Britt Humus said everybody was watching to see if Obama’s re-election campaign was still running that lying CancerGate TV ad accusing Romney of letting a woman die of cancer. Let’s see—they called Romney a “Felon.” They called Romney a “tax cheat.” They claimed he hated women, and dogs. And then he was a “Murderer.” 

But Obama’s Sleazy Slander had merely begun, because we had another “86” days until Election Day to suffer even more lies from the Obama White House and Re-election Campaign and only the daily dishonesty of our Obama Supporters in the Press would allow it to continue. After all, why would anyone expect Obama’s campaign to be run any differently from the rest of his life?

Let’s face it, these Liberal Liars had no shame. Pat Buchanan said, “Obama has steadily diminished both himself and the office he holds,” and Michelle Malkin said the “Real Murderers” are the “Job Killers in the White House.”  American Crossroads: called it a “Cancer within the cloak of the presidency.”

Meanwhile, according to Bellwether Blogger Bill Sloat, The Onion is reporting a new Obama Campaign ad alleges Romney Murdered JonBenét Ramsey.” [READ MORE HERE]

Your mission, Mr. Phelps, should you wish to accept it, is to find anything this campaign says that’s true.

          [READ MORE HERE]

  • FRIDAY in our in our Special “More Marvelous Muckraking” E-dition, The Blower said, “Here’s how it all began!” 

image013At yesterday’s meeting of the Conservative Agenda, Beloved Whistleblower Publisher Charles Foster Kane said he is never surprised when Political Insiders ask about The Blower’s latest exclusive report, but Kane was surprised, however, when one of our more recent Political Insiders in attendance asked about the first time our Beloved Whistleblower Publisher “Blew the Whistle” on a really deserving public official.

Hurley the Historian was ready with a full report, because every day since November 4, 1992, The Whistleblower Newswire has been turning over rocks and shining the light of truth underneath so you could see the vermin squirming.


  • SATURDAY in our Special “Congressional Exemption ” E-dition, The Blower said, “Maybe they thought nobody would notice!”

image015Ohio’s Second District, Conservative Republican Congressman “Bronze Star Brad” Wenstrup has begun a national petition drive to call on Obama, U.S. Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid and House Minority Leader Nancy Pelosi to live under the laws they wrote and passed.  Wenstrup called upon Dishonest DemocRATS to repeal the Unaffordable Healthcare Act (ObamaCare) instead of illegally exempting themselves at over-taxed payers’ expense. [SIGN THE PETITION HERE]

That’s why our Quote for Today Committee chose Wenstrup’s “Obamacare is bad medicine and giving a special exemption for any member of Congress or congressional staffer goes against the rule of law. If there’s one thing all Americans can agree on it’s that Washington insiders should not be given the privilege of avoiding the dangers of ObamaCare. Americans who agree that, when it comes to ObamaCare, there should be no special pass for Congress, can go to www.NoSpecialPass.com and sign the national petition calling for end to this outrage.”



image016It must be, since your Neighborhood News Boy or Girl will be stopping by to collect $3.50 for delivery of this month’s Blower. The children retain half of this amount plus any tips you give them to reward good service.

This week we’re featuring Eldon Pudpuller was a very troubled 12-year-old lad who ran up a whopping $38,000 telephone bill last month making calls to 1-900 phone-sex lines. But that was before he became a Whistleblower Neighborhood News Boy. For information about our carrier program, please call Mr. Scamwell at our circulation department.


  • image018OBAMA SCANDAL UPDATE: IRS Agent admits tax agency is still targeting TEA Party Groups…Fox News Poll: It isn’t the scandals that are phony….Whistleblower Rogue IRS Snitch Ferrell Katz says the IRS official who oversaw Cincinnati exempt operations office during scandal got a promotion.
  • OBAMANOMICS 101: Obama said, “We’re not growing as fast as we should, but Voters aren’t buying Obama’s Economic Talk and more than 15% of America is now on Food Stamps.
  • OBAMA’S FOREIGN POLICY FAILURES: Obama says, “Despite embassy closings, al Qeada is decimated…Obama vows U.S. will never retreat after urging flight from Yemen. Egyptians turn fury on diplomat rumored to be next U.S. ambassador. Obama’s White House Spokes Dweeb Jay Cardboard can’t decide if Al-Qaeda is Alive or Dead, and when Obama even ticks off Canada, something has to give.
  • OUR DEVOLVING CULTURE DURING THE AGE OF OBAMA: Cincinnati’s Disgraced Former 14-star police chief James Craig says the Detroit Police Dept was slow to respond to calls from community members in Detroit reporting a man for sexually assaulting a 15 year old girl with Down syndrome. Rather than wait for police to “eventually” arrive, a mob gathered around the “alleged” man and beat him to death instead…The Number of Americans renouncing their Citizenship surges and more than 100,000 apply for one-way trip to Mars.
  • SPIES LIKE US: Russia granted asylum to The Blower’s New Cyber-Spy Columnist Edward Snowden and Obama still couldn’t be more outraged.
  • THE LATEST POLLS: Whistleblower Pollster Ron Rasmussen reports a Pew Poll says 46% of Americans think the Media has Liberal Bias, but only 19% think it is Neutral. In another poll, 3/4 say it is essential for immigrants to learn English. 
  • OUR LATE NIGHT JOKE WATCHER liked Jay Leno’s “I guess you all heard about this terrorist threat the president warned us about. One of the reasons al-Qaida is upset with the United States is because we are giving aid to Yemen. We didn’t have a choice. When life hands you Yemen, you give them Yemen aid.


  • image019MEDIA MENDACITY: President Barack Obama held a rare press conference on Friday afternoon in the East Room of the White House, and was treated to all-too-common deference by the White House Press Corps. Only Ed Henry of Fox News asked a question that challenged the president in any way. The rest asked soft questions that often invited him to take shots at the Republican opposition and revisit talking points he has made repeatedly in recent speeches.
  • RACIAL HEALING UPDATES: DemocRAT Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid played the Race Card when he said he hopes Republicans who oppose the president do so “based on substance and not the fact that he’s an African-American.” Obama to mark the 50th Anniversary Of MLK’s “I Have A Dream Speech” with another speech. DemocRATS issued Talking Points advocating using Trayvon Martin’s Death to attack NRA and Gun Owners…Detroit Lions Players lovingly call each other “Cracker” and “Nigger.”
  • GAY NEWS UPDATE: Obama says no boycott of Russia Olympics: He’s looking forward to gay athletes bringing home Gold…  Mennonite wedding hall owners under Investigation by Iowa Civil Rights Commission for not allowing same-sex marriages on their property…and the Pentagon may revise same-sex benefits.
  • OTHER DEMOCRAT FAMILY VALUES:  You really have to hand it to those Liberals for “Class,” especially with their “Virgin Mary Should’ve Been Aborted” Facebook Page receiving more than 5,000 “Likes.”  These same people would scream bloody murder over a Facebook page denigrating the “prophet” Mohammed.


  • image020AMNESTY FOR FUTURE DEMOCRATS: Dishonest DemocRATS claim “We’ve got the votes to pass Amnesty in the House. Obama says, “It’s absolutely certain.”Illegals target GOP in town halls…Harry Reid says, “If we go to conference, we will win.” Americans sign petition to let Illegals out of prison, no matter what crimes they committed…DHS Grants temporary asylum to Mexicans who crossed the border illegally In July to join an amnesty protest…and Pro-Amnesty Groups are pushing Obama to unilaterally declare amnesty for all illegal immigrants In America If Congress fails to Act.


  • OBAMACARE UPDATES: 63% want Congress to keep going after ObamaCare…Most Americans think ObamaCare is a joke, kind of like Obama’s presidency. PMNBC’s Joe Scarborough offered one of the most interesting ObamaCare metaphors to date on Friday’s Morning Joe, claiming that President Obama’s signature health care reform is “like a zombie” that is “neither alive or completely dead.”  
  • G-UNCONTROL: Billy Bob Carbine saw this sign at a recent gun show: “If You Voted For Obama, We Do Not Want Your Business. You’re Too Damn Stupid to Have a Firearm.         
  • image023BABY KILLING UPDATE: The GAO is launching an investigation into Planned Parenthood’s use of half billion Over-Taxed Payers’ Dollars. In addition to the abortions, the fraud is rampant.
  • UNION BLUES: Troubled by huge debts and a plummeting membership, AFL-CIO leader Richard Trumpka seeks to expand membership beyond unions into organizations such as the NAACP.            
  • MURDERING MUSLIM UPDATE:  How better to end Ramadan? Hamas mass executions to celebrate. Obama marks end of Ramadan by giving $195 Million to Syrian refugees, bringing total to over $1 Billion…Religion of Pieces: Bombing at Afghan Cemetery kills 12 women, 2 children… DOD Slaps “Gag Order” on Fort Hood Victims, tells families to keep silent and Liberal Icon Richard Dawkins says, “Muslims have contributed nothing since the Middle Ages.


  • image025DOOFUS DEMOCRATS: Chelsea Clinton is gearing up for her run in 2028.
  • HAREBRAINED IN THE HOUSE:  On August 6, Donald Trump played golf with John Boehner, and on August 7, Donald Trump had the hardest job in the world. What a load of crap that was.
  • SENILE IN THE SENATE: Senator John McRino meets with Muslim Brotherhood in Cairo.
  • TEA PARTY TERRORISTS:  At a recent town hall meeting in Maryland hosted by Fox News anchor Greta van Susteren, GOP voters ripped Congressman Andy Harris and the GOP for not standing up against government abuses.
  • RECOVERING REPUBLICANS: Romney returns, urging Republicans to pick a Candidate who can win this time.

Closer to Home

  • image026IN COLUMBUS: Buckeye Bureau Chief Gerry Manders says according to an editorial in the Dispatch, Ohio lost more than 400,000 jobs under former Gov. Ted Strickland’s bloated and outmoded development department. Under JobsOhio — Gov. John Kasich’s inventive team of sharp, connected business recruiters — Ohio has regained 162,000 private-sector jobs. Show of hands: Who wants to go back to the old way? That would be the guy running for Kasich’s job. [READ MORE HERE]
  • CONGRESS IN RECESS: Ohio First District GOP Congressman Steve Chabothead is back in the district holding town hall meetings during Congress’ August Recess, and his recent blog provides answers to some of the questions he’s received. [READ THOSE ANSWERS HERE] Now you don’t have to attend any of Steve’s other town meetings, since his answers will likely be the same. 
  • GUESS WHO: Whistleblower Gossip Columnist Linda Libel wonders why only three people so far have been able to identify the well-known Greater Cincinnatian who “likes little boys.”
  • IN CINCINNATI: The Charter Committee (whatever the hell that is) has endorsed three additional candidates for Cincinnati City Clown-cil (DemocRATS David Mann and Greg Landsman, along with Republican Amy Murray. That’s what happens when you don’t have any candidates of your own to endorse. COAST, the Cincinnati TEA Party, and the Willie Nelson TEA Pot Party have endorsed Loony Libertarian Jim Berns for mayor, so you can see how much difference those third-party endorsements really make.   Berns answered Jane Prendergast’s silly question of the week for Sunday’s Fishwrap in 50 words or less, but not without first apologizing for calling Foxy Roxy a “Freaking Idiot” for supporting the Trolly [sic] Folly last week, where Sidney Spellchecker says our Loony Libertarian also misspelled “Trolley.”  
  • CH SNITCH AT 1000 MAIN STREET says The Blower was weeks ahead on one aspect of The Fishwrap’s puff piece editorial about Sheriff Jimmy, when we reported the Hamilton County Sheriff’s Department millions of dollars over budget. CH also says Neil is a professional law enforcement officer — not a political hack. He and his team get it. They’re not patronage job leeches. For the first time in a quarter century, career law enforcement people are running that office, not Republican Party hacks.
  • All day Wednesday, everybody (especially at the Forest Hill Urinal) was waiting to hear if anybody except our Two Republican Endorsed Trustee Candidates Josh Gerth and Andy Pappas had filed to be on the ballot for this year’s race when the filing deadline passed at 4pm. 
  • ALSO IN ANDERSON: Slate.com has announced that it will “no longer refer to either the NFL Washington Redskins or the Anderson High School football team as the “Redskins.” For decades, American Indian activists and others have been asking, urging, and haranguing the Forrest Gump School District to ditch their nickname, calling it a racist slur and an insult to Indians…. Why, then, has nothing changed? “Because Republicans in Anderson Township are just a bunch of homophobe racist bigots,” a spokesman said. Now everybody’s waiting to see if the PC Fanatics at the Forest Hills Urinal do the same thing.
  • A group of supporters gave Keith “The Mooch” Maupin a once-in-a-lifetime surprise makeover earlier this week. They plan to hold him down and make-over his ungodly beard, as soon as they can install new batteries in their weed-whackers.

Meanwhile, some residents of Union Township are wondering if the zoning laws there allow for him to operate his business in a residentially zoned neighborhood.

  • FOOLS IN SCHOOLS: Our FCPS Snitch says don’t worry about Lisa Hamm, the disgraced superintendent of the College Preparatory charter school, who is currently under indictment for scamming thousands from the state. Lisa was hired by Delhi Mike to work at his scam of a charter school in Bond Hill. Birds of a feather REALLY DO stick together!  
  • FROM THE GREAT WHITE NORTH:  NoTaxJack better start picking up all of his “No More Taxes” signs after voters renewed that 2-mill, five-year permanent improvement levy. The owner of a $100,000 house still gets to pay $46.09 a year. About 68% of voters must not have seen the signs.

On the South Shore

  • IN NORTHERN KENTUCKY: Bluegrass Bureau Chief Ken CamBoo says everybody’s still talking about that picture of Republican U.S. Senator Bitch McConnell ogling the sexy legs of his opponent last weekend at Fancy Farm. Alison Lundergan Grimes’ Official Whistleblower Nickname will now be Alison Wondergams Grimes.   Last year, Goof Doofus and “BeanBall Jim” Bunning backed Trooper Babe State Rep-tile Alecia Webb-Edgington against Thomas Massie because she had great looking legs, and The Blower says, if Alecia’s “Legs Commercial” had only been on TV a few more times, our Trooper Babe would’ve won by a landslide.

Meanwhile, Ed Marksberry, another DemocRAT running for U.S. Senate, thanked The Blower for running his misic video in yesterday’s e-dition. [WATCH IT HERE]

And Rick “The Bat Boy” Robinson says if his former boss “Beanball Jim” Bunning, the Hall of Fame pitcher who went on to represent Kentucky in the U.S. Senate, were running Major League Baseball, Alex Rodriguez would be benched for life for using performance-enhancing drugs, just like Shoeless Joe Jackson and Pete Rose were kicked out of baseball for gambling.              

  • image030ALSO IN NORTHERN KENTUCKY:When the Commonwealth of Kentucky’s King of Comb-Overs, Attorney General Jack Conway, blew into town for a late afternoon, self-promoting press conference, do you think he bothered to tell anyone in the press that he’s not actually prosecuting the case against a Boondoggle County child predator?  Of course not!  Conway, who is openly campaigning for governor, took credit for the work of a female deputy attorney who actually went to court to handle the case.  No, Conway, who has previously admitted he’s not really a prosecutor, blew into Northern Kentucky hours after the case was over to jump in front of TV cameras in an effort to convince voters he’s a law enforcement guy before the 2015 governor’s election.  Even the Feckless Fishwrap almost picked up on Conway’s campaigning when they noted that he ignored Lovely Lady Prosecutor Linda Tally Smith’s personally chosen prosecutor, but of course The Fishwrap failed to ask Conway the follow up question: WHY?!  As in, why deviate from protocol, unless of course, you’re just using a high-profile case of child molesting for your own personal gain?!  Unfortunately it’s the victims of the sexual abuse who will suffer as their case is fumbled by a do-nothing Attorney General who has never stopped campaigning for some other office.             
  • CRIMEBUSTERS IN NoKY: The CamBoozler also says Monday afternoon a guy in Fort Wright was robbed by a young black man in his 20s wearing baggy shorts when he was getting ready to make a bank deposit from his store in the Fifth-Third Bank parking lot at 1975 Highland Pike here late this afternoon. NoKY Crimebusters says whatever you do, be careful making bank deposits and watch out for young black men in their 20s wearing baggy pants.  

More Political Insight This Week

  • image031IMPLODING AT THE FISHWRAP: Metro Mole thought you might appreciate this news from a sinking ship:  They’ve been training breaking news reporters on live stream, but they’ve barely had any training and still aren’t confident with it.  There was a shooting in Ft. Thomas, Kentucky Tuesday morning where a woman remained in critical condition Tuesday night after her estranged husbanded shot her in the lobby of her office building before turning the gun on himself. The Fishwrap was late to the party and they sent Jen Baker out to do live stream. Maybe she forgot her mic was on, because she said a lot of very inappropriate things. 
  • GOING GALT means asking in the face of new taxes and government controls, “Why work at all?” “For whom am I working?” “Am I a slave?”
  • LIBERAL LUNACY: In Human Events’ “365 Ways to Drive a Liberal Crazy,” #227 says you should quote the wisdom of Al “All-American” Gore, like when he said “Who are these people?” (To a tour guide at Monticello after seeing busts of George Washington and Ben Franklin.)
  • HURLEY THE HISTORIAN says on this date in 1984, President Ronald Reagan made a joking off-the-cuff remark about bombing Russia while testing a microphone before a scheduled radio address.
  • MAYBE THAT’S WHY OUR QUOTE FOR TODAY COMMITTEE chose Reagan’s “My fellow Americans, I am pleased to tell you today that I’ve signed legislation that will outlaw Russia forever. We begin bombing in five minutes.” Kneepad Liberals in the Press still haven’t gotten over it.
  • image032NOW HERE’S THE LATEST FROM BUNKY TADWELL, THE BARD OF CLEVES: August is a month for vacations and we have another timely poem from Bunky Tadwell.

Ode to August
They’re called the “Dog Days of Summer”
Perhaps the name is right.
But when the name is action
To the cats belong the night.                          

  • image013AT YESTERDAY’S MEETING OF THE CONSERVATIVE AGENDA: Political Insiders were asking Charles Foster Kane about Obama if Presidential Campaigns go on too long. “You bet,” Our Beloved Whistleblower Publisher explained. “Obama’s still campaigning from 2012 and everybody else is already running for 2016.”

Monday we’ll be featuring a Liberal Bias Alert with and we’ll still be counting down the 1,257 days until Obama’s “historic” Third Term begins

Tuesday we’ll be checking to see if Obama is enjoying another over-taxed payer vacation on Martha’s Vineyard, and our “Real E-Mails from Real Subscribers” will comment on the cost.

Wednesday we’ll be celebrating “National Creamsicle Day,” and Disgraced Anderson Township Trustee Kevin O’Brien will demonstrate how to freeze the stuff.      

Thursday is “VJ Day,” not to be confused with “BJ Day.”            

The first line of next Friday’s limerick is: “How many lies will Obama tell,” and we’ll use our super counter.            

Saturday is “the 2013 Midwest Black Family Reunion” and The Blower will be covering it, so we aren’t accused of being a racist.  

Sunday Comix by Dixon Diaz



e-mail your revolutionary recaps today


Some political score-keeping items in today’s Blower were sent in by our equally political score-keeping subscribers, but let’s face it, we could always use a lot more. 

Link of the Day

Smartphone pictures pose privacy risks

image039Note: We guarantee Blackberry subscribers who don’t go home and see links and pictures on their computers are not going to appreciate all of this good stuff today. 

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