Sunday, November 4, 2012
The Blower’s Week in Review
OUR NUMBER STORY THIS WEEK was how Obama is comparing much smaller crowds in 2012 than he did in 2008. Friday night, in the cold and with long lines, 30,000 people showed up in West Chester to see Mitt Romney and Paul Ryan. That same day, Obama attracted a meager 2,800 in Columbus. But enthusiasm for the worst President in History can be judged by more than comparisons with Romney. In 2008, at his last stop in Cleveland, a DemocRAT stronghold, Obama attracted 80,000 people. Saturday morning, at his last 2012 stop in that same city, Obama could only attract 4,000. Does anybody believe Team Obama’s spin that they’ve intentionally chosen smaller venues?
- OUR NUMBER TWO STORY THIS WEEK is Obama’s upcoming backlash from Super Storm Sandy.
First Obama Supporters in the Press gave Obama a boost reporting his meaningless photo-op in New Jersey. But then reality will set in as shortages, delays, mishaps, deaths, and devastation become apparent and people turn against the incumbent. George W. Bush had his Katrina. And now Obama have his Sandy. Saturday morning, Obama ignored a reporter’s question about the mounting frustration victims of Hurricane Sandy are having with the response to the storm, refusing to let a question from the press interrupt a FEMA photo op in which he was on display taking action. On the left is a photo of Romney’s name in the sand on the New Jersey beach Obama flew over.
AND OUR NUMBER THREE STORY THIS WEEK is how Liberals and Obama Supporters in the Press are now getting ready to delegitimize a Romney Victory by claiming “Sandy stole the election.” In 2000 it was hanging chads. In 2004, it was electronic voting machines. They’ll need something to get them through the years ahead after Romney unseats Obama next week.
MONDAY in our Special “Tomb It May Concern” E-dition, The Blower said it’s really hard to tell the difference between Halloween and Election Day!
You don’t need the Fearless Forces of Political Correctness to warn you not to talk about dressing up like an Arab terrorist carrying a big bomb today to go trick-or-treating in an American airport.
For years, multi-culturalists have forbidden you to wear such “insensitive costumes.” You can’t dress up like a hobo, devil, Boy Scout, pedophile priest, homosexual Eskimo, Cleveland Indian, pregnant teenager, hunchback, hairy-legged lesbian, fat person, Michael Jackson, Teddy Kennedy in a wet suit, Vince Foster with a hole in his head, George Clooney, Barbra Streisand, or a witch who just happens to look like Hillary, although you could dress up like That Corrupt Evicted Lying Plagiarizing Meddling Overblown Tax-and-Spend RINO Bitch-in-a-Ditch Mean Jean Schmidt, who Clermont Cronies say just happens to look like a witch.
But this Halloween, as Double-Dipping DemocRATS and Republicans keep trying to scare people by telling them what’ll happen if they elect somebody from the other party, Liberal Elites say it’s still perfectly all right for you to make fun of Republicans and Conservatives, even if it might sound unpatriotic. It’s OK to blame Bush, but you can’t mention Obama’s “historic” decline in the polls since becoming president. And like Late Night TV Comics, you would never want to mention Sarah Palin’s robo-call to help get out the Conservative vote, but it was still OK to ridicule her single-mother teenage daughter Bristol on “Dancing with the Stars,” her Down Syndrome infant, her accent, her clothing, and her snow-machine-riding husband. Maybe that explains David Letterman’s Halloween joke: Bobbing for apples, or as Dick Cheney calls it, “apple-boarding.”
TUESDAY in our Special “Gathering Storm” E-dition, The Blower asked, “Is Hurricane Sandy a Judgment from God?” and “Real E-Mails from Real Subscribers” included:
A real hurricane is headed toward Washington D.C. in then only “six” more days, but in the meantime, so is Sandy. —National Weather Service
Should we delay this month’s bad jobs report and blame it on Hurricane Sandy? —Obama’s Labor Department
The Shock and Dismay after a Romney win will be too horrible to watch. —Beltway Insiders
We’ve canceled campaign events, commercials, and fundraising appeals in states that will be impacted by Hurricane Sandy, and we’re using our campaign bus to help deliver supplies to those who will be impacted by what forecasters are predicting may be a “storm of the century. Mitt Romney has already gotten his message across to voters and we didn’t want to trivialize matters by talking about the state of the race when you have so many people right now that are going to be adversely impacted by the storm. —The Romney Campaign
If Obama can a cancel campaign event for a hurricane photo op, why didn’t he cancel Las Vegas fund-raisers after the Benghazi attack? —Newt Gingrich, speaking at Warren County GOP Headquarters in Lebanon on Monday
When Obama watched my son get murdered live during the Benghazi massacre, did he think he was watching a video game? —Charlie Woods, Father of Slain Former U.S. Navy SEAL Tyrone Woods
That’s why we chose Obama’s “I do take offense with some suggestion that in any way, we haven’t tried to make sure that the American people knew as the information was coming in what we believed.” —Your Quote for Today Committee
- WEDNESDAY in our Special “Halloween on Election Day” E-dition, The Blower said, “Only if your polling place is “spooked!”:
Dumbed-down, self-absorbed, media-influenced, celebrity-obsessed, politically-correct uninformed short-attention-span voters were really excited this morning. Everybody was waiting for Obama’s scheduled Halloween Day grass roots campaign visit at the Duke Energy Center in Cincinnati with then just “five” more days before he loses the 2012 President Election. We sure hope Duke Energy Center got its rent mo0ney up front. MILF-ord Over-taxed Payers still haven’t seen a nickel for Obama VP Buffoon Joe Biden’s Mediscare Stump Speech at the MILF-ord High School cafeteria in September.
This morning, Obama was supposed to temporarily suspend his attempts to look “presidential” watching Super Storm Sandy on the Weather Channel. Maybe that’s why our Quote for Today Committee chose this line from Obama’s acceptance speech in 2008: “I am absolutely certain that generations from now, we will be able to look back and tell our children … this was the moment when the rise of the oceans began to slow and our planet began to heal.”
On Monday as the hurricane hit, Obama was also running through his musical tastes during interviews on black radio stations like WIZF, and acting offended whenever somebody accused him of lying about his Benghazi-Gate cover-up.
And did Obama really fire Rear Admiral Charles M. Gaouette for advocating a Libyan rescue? All least when Hurricane Sandy kept the Washington metro area indoors on Monday, the sentinels at Arlington National Cemetery’s Tomb of the Unknowns maintained their vigil.
- THURSDAY, in our Special “Acting Presidential” E-dition, The Blower said, “But can Obama can keep up the act for four more days?”
LOOKING PRESIDENTIAL: The White House released photos showing Obama in the Situation Room being “presidential,” monitoring Super Storm Sandy. Photo Shop Spoofer Edward Cropper shows us what that meeting really looked like. Now The Blower wants to know where the photos are of the Situation Room on 9/11/12. Obama announced on Tuesday that if the governors are not getting enough storm damage help from the federal government, they should call him directly. Too bad Ambassador Christopher Stevens, Sean Smith, Glen A. Doherty and Tyrone S. Woods did not have that option. Did Obama really say when an “American is in need… we leave nobody behind?” Did Obama really meet with Biden and Panetta 55 minutes after the State Department was notified the Benghazi was under attack? Are there more Benghazi e-mails? John McCain vows to put Obama senior officials “Under Oath” over Benghazi. Do you think Senator McCainiac can arrange that before Election Day?
- FRIDAY in our Official “Friday Night Fights” E-dition, The Blower said Romney was saving his best rally for last.
Obama held an event at the Franklin County Fairgrounds roughly 23 minutes outside of downtown Columbus, and he drew a crowd of 2,800. Romney held an event in West Chester, roughly 27 minutes from downtown Cincinnati. He drew a crowd of 30,000 and there were probably 2,800 people still waiting in line to get in when the Romney event ended! Romney outdrew Obama by a landslide. So now who do you think has the Mitt-Mentum in Ohio?
- SATURDAY in our Special “Voter Enthusiasm” E-dition, The Blower said, “Don’t Be Surprised When Obama Loses.”
Whistleblower Senior National Political Affairs Analyst Britt Humus says Friday when Obama’s October Unemployment Rate rose to 7.9%, that made it higher than when Obama took office, meaning Obama is now facing re-election with the highest Unemployment of any incumbent since FDR. Remember when Obama promised it would be under 6%? What else did you expect? Obama never did have a recovery plan.
Under Obama, the number of people on Food Stamps has grown 75 times more than the number of jobs created during his Administration. Can you believe a PMSNBC host actually thinks Super Storm Sandy that claimed 98 lives is great because it helped Obama: “It’s been a really good week for the president?”
The size of Obama’s campaign rallies are a lot smaller than they were in 2008. Only 2,800 people showed up in Hilliard, Ohio (wherever the hell that is). But if Obama wants to see big crowds, tell him to check out the mile-long lines of people in New Jersey waiting to pay $6-per-gallon for gasoline, when they can get it, and hungry people in New York eating out of dumpsters. Obama was in New Jersey for a photo op earlier this week, then it was back on Air Force One for some last minute campaigning in all 57 states at over-taxed payers’ expense.
Maybe that’s why our Quote for Today Committee chose Obama surrogate Bill Clinton’s “I may be the only person in America more excited about Obama this time.”
Obama is bringing in Stevie Wonder for his desperation rally at UC—talk about the blind leading the blind! Why UC — the bill Obama VP Buffoon Joe Biden’s Mediscare Stump Speech at the MILF-ord High School cafeteria in September still hasn’t been paid.
And in a speech to a packed room of Obama for America phone bank volunteers at the DemocRAT National Committee headquarters Thursday night in Washington, D.C., Special Assistant to the President Kareem Dale said that people with disabilities are going to be “absolutely killed” under the proposed policies of Mitt Romney and delivered strong message to the crowd: “let’s win this motherfucker.”
Although our campaign is not associated with the Failed United Way, your liberal guilt giving throughout the year still makes it all possible.
e-mail your stories about worthy waifs today.
- PRESIDENTIAL POLITICS 2012: Three days out from the presidential election, the Romney campaign is out with a new ad urging voters to cast their ballots “for love of country,” not “revenge,” like Obama said. The 30-second spot, “Revenge or love of country,” plays clips of both Obama’s original comment and Romney’s response before posing the question, “What is your reason for voting?”
- TAKE YOUR ID TO VOTE: Accepted identification includeS: a valid Ohio Driver’s license or Ohio photo ID; bank statements; utility bills; paychecks; and any other government issued document showing your current address. (A US passport, personal check or a Board of Election card are examples that are NOT valid ID for voting purposes.)
- THE OHIO RINO PARTY: Buckeye Bureau Chief Gerry Manders said Ohio Republican Party Chairman Boob Bennett said the new job numbers released on Friday were a far cry from where they should be and criticized Obama for not having an economic recovery plan. “It’s gut wrenching that with over 23-million Americans still unemployed and underemployed this President tries to take a victory lap. Today’s stagnant job numbers is proof that President Obama’s policies of more regulation, red tape and taxes don’t work. We need Mitt Romney and Paul Ryan in the White House to ensure Ohio’s economy grows.”
- STILL UNDECIDED: CBS News says for these voters, this election is a referendum on Romney. They’ve mostly already made up their minds about the incumbent. They don’t dislike President Obama, but they think he’s either incapable of improving the economy or locked into a do-nothing phase with Congress.
THOSE LOONY LIBERTARIANS: At last Sunday’s big First Congressional District Debate on Fountain Square, only Loony Libertarian Jim Berns and Green Party Rich Stevenson participated. DemocRAT Jeff Sinnard and Republican Steve Chabothead did not even show up, and only the horse was listening.
- DIALING FOR DOLLARS: We know Citizens for Community Values Action will still be paying phone bank callers $15-per hour until Election Day. Call (513) 652-5035 right away.
- OBAMA SUPPORTERS UPDATE: Today’s question for dumbed down Obama Supporters is “What do you think of Mitt Romney’s kill list?” We’re still trying to decide the Obamabot of the Week. Was it that woman who screamed “I love you, Chicago Jesus!” Or was it the nine-year-old black boy at a Michelle Obama rally who said “If Mitt Romney wins, we’ll be going back to the crop fields.”
- SIGN CENSORSHIP: So how much business is the Lamar Outdoor Advertising losing because that Obama-loving billboard company refused run this digital signs paid for by Patriots Action LLC?
MEDIA MENDACITY: The only aggressive coverage of Benghazi-gate (besides The Blower) is coming from FOX News. By refusing to cover Benghazi-gate, Obama Supporters in the Press are acting to cover it up, at least long enough to give the man responsible for it another chance at the Oval Office.
- IN CLERMONT COUNTY: Say what you want (and we will) about That Corrupt Evicted Lying Plagiarizing Meddling Overblown Tax-and-Spend RINO Bitch-in-a-Ditch. At least she signed Americans for Tax Reform’s Taxpayer Protection Pledge, unlike the guy who beat her in the primary.
- HURLEY THE HISTORIAN says on this date in 1948, Tom Dewey woke up to discover he had not been elected president like the Chicago newspaper said. How do you think Obama’s going to feel next Wednesday?
- HOW ABOUT DEM BUNGALS: Whistleblower Senior Spoiled Sports Editor Andy Furball says, “Even with the way Marvin’s Misfits have been playing, there’ll still be more people at the Denver game today than will show up at Obama’s rally at UC.”
- THE LATEST POLLS: Whistleblower Pollster Ron Rasmussen says it’s too close to call: With eight states, all carried by Barack Obama in 2008, likely to decide the winner. Romney and Obama are tied nationally with 48% support each.
- OUR LATE NIGHT JOKEWATCHER liked Conan O’Brien’s “Today Rush Limbaugh joked about President Obama and Chris Christie being gay lovers. Obama and Christie are furious, and said they’d give a formal response as soon as they get back from the Caribbean.”
- OUR QUOTE FOR TODAY COMMITTEE: chose Rudy Giuliani’s “Obama doesn’t want a second term. He wants a second chance, because he screwed it up the first time.”
- VOTER FRAUD UPDATE: Buckeye Bureau Chief Gerry Manders says, “How about that voting machine in Marion County?” When voters selected “Mitt Romney” on the electronic touch screen, Obama’s name lit up. A mere technical glitch, to be sure.
- OHIO ELECTION COMMISSION UPDATE: An Ottawa County commissioner candidate filed a complaint with the Ohio Elections Commission, alleging a mailer from Ohio Democratic Party chair Chris Redfern’s office made false statements. A panel of the commission ruled 2-1 there was probable cause incumbent Republican Ottawa County commissioner Mark Stahl’s complaint was valid, and it referred the matter for a hearing before the full commission, after the election, so what good will that do?
- FORGETFUL FISHWRAPPERS: The Cabal of Northern Kentucky attorneys out to destroy “Crazy Eric” Deters is wondering why The Fishwrap is giving “Crazy Eric” all that free publicity to promote the appearance of his client, the infamous oversexed education teacher Sarah Jones, on her own reality TV show. Isn’t this the same infamous oversexed education teacher Sarah Jones for whom “Crazy Eric” has files a frivolous lawsuit against Skaggie Maggie, Wedgie Washburn, Jim Hannah, and Terry DeMio at The Fishwrap, and they haven’t even reported the lawsuit?
THUGS ‘R US: In Perrysburg, Ohio, Union Goons listed on the Sheet Metal Workers Local 33 Web site as business agents for the union’s Toledo district were arrested for stealing Romney yard signs. The men were in a pickup truck registered to Local 33 in Parma, Ohio, police said.
- LIBERAL LUNACY: In Human Events’ “365 Ways to Drive a Liberal Crazy,” #309 is tell them is instead of referring to Obama as POTUS (President of the United States, it should be COOTUS (Community Organizer of the United States).
- RACIAL HEALING UPDATE: Obama supporters step up riot threats if Obama loses and on HBO, a black pastor received death threats after revesing his support for Obama, and Obama Million Dollar Donor Bill Maher told Romney Supporters: “Black People Know Who You Are and They Will Come After You.”
- TEA PARTY PATRIOTS: from around Ohio organized Operation Ohio~Battleground for the Truth, and met Obama at Ohio stops on Friday. FoxNews interviewed them and Rush Limbaugh mentioned them on Friday. [SEE THIS FROM ED HENRY] The group is also planning a Benghazi Truth welcome for Obama at UC’s 5/3 Arena on Sunday.
- REPUBLICANS FOR HIGHER TAXES wrote a passionate endorsement for Sean Donovan, calling him the finest candidate on the ballot this year. And why wouldn’t they? Donovan has publicly supported the Streetcar for many years, campaigned day and night to raise Hamilton County’s Sales Tax for a Si Lies Memorial Taj Mahal Jail and another $600 million of spending on top of that, and opposes a Performance Audit for the Sheriff’s Department. If you believe in higher taxes and big government, Donovan is one of your favorites.
ABSENTEE BALLOT UPDATE: The latest information from the Hamilton County Board of Elections shows that although Republican have asked for more absentee ballots than in 2008, they haven’t completed and returned in their absentee ballots. So what they hell are these political procrastinators waiting for…Veteran’s Day?
- 2012 VENDORSEMENTS: After The Fishwrap endorsed Mitt Romney last Sunday, shouldn’t our Feckless Fishwrappers be covering “All the News That’s Fit for Mitt?”
- THE CINCINNATI MESS (You’ll only read about in The Blower): Just how bad an idea is 4-year terms for Cincinnati City Clown-cil? The Fishwrap endorsed it and Republican Amy Murray and DemocRAT Charlie Luken actually made an advertisement against it. [CHECK IT OUT] And a former Whistleblower contributor says “If this was a good idea, it would have originated from the citizens of Cincinnati; not the elected officials.”
- HC SNITCH AT 1000 MAIN STREET: This lifelong Republican was all set to cross party lines and support Neil for Hamilton County Sheriff… until he met Neil, who told this voter he was a Republican. Turns out, I am not the only person Neil lied to about his party affiliation. Several friends put Neil signs in their yard after he knocked on their doors and told him he was “a Republican running for Sheriff.” After learning the truth when they voted early, those Neil signs are gone! One guy was so p.o’d about being lied to that he put two large Donovan signs at each of his business locations and outfitted his fleet of trucks with Donovan bumper stickers. Looks like Jim Neil is just another double-talking candidate. If he can’t be truthful about his party affiliation, when the truth is right there on the ballot, why should we believe a word he says about what he is going to do? It’s also very hard to believe he is going to crack down on double-dipping when so many double-dippers have Neil signs on their lawns. Personally, there is no way on God’s Green Earth I was voting for Donovan, so I left this one blank.
- IN ANDERSON: According to the Liberty News, Revered Former Ohio Congressman Bob McEwen spoke at Liberty University in Virginia on Wednesday and delivered the Convocation message about how to measure the greatness of a nation. The Anderson resident also spoke on the role of government, politicians, and civic duties. He encouraged students to understand the founding principles and match them to today’s government. Don’t take our word for it,
- SLUTS ‘R US: Are local “Sluts for Obama” Laure “Not so” Cleanlivin and Denise Dreihaus now trying to get on Crazy Eric Deters’ infamous oversexed education teacher Sarah Jones’ reality TV show?
- WALL STREET WEEK: Whistleblower Business Editor Merrill Forbes says everybody’s wondering what the Stock Market will do on November 7 after Romney’s elected.
- CONFRONTING MUSLIM ATTACKS: Obama has still refused to answer whether Americans who were under attack at the U.S. consulate in Benghazi were denied requests for help during the 9/11/12 terrorist attacks that resulted in the murder of Ambassador Chris Stevens and three others. Do you think there’s any chance we’ll be hearing anything about that before Election Day?
NOW HERE’S THE LATEST FROM BUNKY TADWELL: Election Day is nearing and we have another timely poem from the Bard of Cleves.
Best Poem Ever
Barack be nimble
Barack be quick
Barack be history
November 6.
- MORE NORTHERN KENTUCKY NEWS: Bluegrass Bureau Chief Ken CamBoo says NoKY Fishwrapper Scott Wartman reported on DemocRAT Congressional Candidate Bill Adkins’ campaign commercial using Goof Doofus’ comments during the Republican primary critical of Republican Thomas Massie. So why didn’t Scott supply the link, so you could watch the commercial for yourself. Is that the kind of coverage worth extra to see?
THIS WEEK AT A MEETING OF THE CONSERVATIVE AGENDA: Political Insiders were asking Beloved Whistleblower Publisher Charles Foster Kane what most people were thinking during the final weekend before the 2012 Presidential Elections. “Most people just want the long National Nightmare of the Obama Administration to be over,” Kane explained. “They just want their lives back. They stopped caring as soon as they mailed in their absentee ballots and they can’t wait for the Viagra ads to be back on TV.”
AND COMING UP IN “THE WEEK THAT WILL BE”: The Blower’s Campaign Countdowns to will continue. Speaking of which, the 2012 Elections are only “one” more day away and it’s only “77” more days until Obama’s Last Day in Office on January 20, 2013.
Monday is the day before Election Day, and we’re calling it RoboCall Reminder Day.
Tuesday we’ll be casting their ballots and our Real Subscribers will be casting their aspersions with their Real E-Mails.
Wednesday we’ll really be gloating, especially if all our predictions are accurate.
Thursday we’ll see how many of the of the Obama Administration’s lies have been exposed in Obama’s Benghazi Betrayal .
And the first line of next Friday’s limerick is: “This year on Veterans Day.”
e-mail your revolutionary recaps today
Some political scorekeeping items in today’s Blower were sent in by our equally political scorekeeping subscribers, but let’s face it, we could always use a lot more.
Link of the Day
Note: We guarantee Blackberry subscribers who don’t go home and see links and pictures on their computers are not going to appreciate all of this good stuff today.