Tag Archives: Tomorrow’s Headlines Tonight

Special “Thursday’s Tactics” E-dition

Seeing Tomorrow’s Headlines Tonight
This afternoon at the Whistleblower Newswire newsroom, some people were wondering about the headlines we might be using for our first few e-ditions tomorrow. “But wouldn’t you have to know what the big political story was going to be?” asked one of the interns.

“That’s how The Blower does it,” explained Beloved Whistleblower Publisher Charles Foster Kane.

Would it be about Trump’s visit to Paris for Bastille Day tomorrow?

“No-No-No-No,” said Kane, who was getting ready to answer a question from Horny in Hebron about the second line of Winston Churchill’s classic quote: “The French, the French, a curious race …?”

 Would It Be The Blower’s prediction about the long-awaited decision on the Tensing Retrial that Hamilton County Prosecuting Attorney “Jaywalking Joe” Deters’ “may” announce next week?

“The Blower will be holding off on our prediction until we get a little closer to the actual announcement,” Kane made clear. “That way we can promote our announcement, just like our good friend Joe is doing with The Fishwrap. 

The Blower is going to go way out on a limb,” Kane advised, “but I think we could safely predict the biggest political story tomorrow morning might still have something to do with the media hysteria over Donald Trump, Jr.’s meeting with Russian lawyer Natalia Veselnitskaya that Mark Steyn ridiculed last night, 

especially after PoliZette reported CNN spent 93% of their Morning Show with Chris Cuomo’s obsession with Trump-Russia stories.” (READ MORE HERE)
Tonight’s Ben Garrison Moment

​”The Hornets’ Nest” 

CNN has been exposed. We know they are liars and purveyors of fake news. They continue to lose viewers and credibility and now they’ve gone over the top with their attempt to suppress free speech. They targeted a young man and forced him to promise not to produce any more animated videos such as the wrestling comedy that showed them getting body slammed by President Trump. They made him apologize—or else they would expose his identity, a tactic known as ‘doxxing.’ By threatening one individual, CNN hoped to send a warning to the conservative, Trump-supporting ‘deplorables’ on the Internet, whom they consider to be trolls. To those of us who have been targeted by trolls, we know CNN’s efforts are a fool’s errand, but apparently CNN has yet to learn that lesson. They will get that lesson now—good and hard.

..…….Read More at the Cartoon Blog

The Whistleblower Newswire Is Your Official Publication of Record For The Conservative Agenda

Beloved Whistleblower Publisher Charles Foster Kane Says The Conservative Agenda Is Now Working On Donald Trump’s Second 100 Days To Make America Great Again. Today Is Day Number 177. There Are Now Only 1,208 More Days Until Trump’s Re-election Day on November 3, 2020.