Tag Archives: school district is soliciting bids to buy more buses.

“Anderson Apocalypse Update” E-dition (More Breaking News)

Trump’s 581st Day In Office

Rather than seeking bids to contract bus services, we see that the school district is soliciting bids to buy more buses. 

Don’t those red budget numbers looming on the 5-year plan mean anything to the people running the school district?  Floating down the river, the roar of the falls getting closer, they just keep paddling downstream.


A bus service contractor would almost certainly be more efficient and lower cost than do-it-yourself.  Suggestions to make this change by some of the more realistic board members and civic-minded observers have been ignored for years.  School district officials refuse to give it a shot.


Buying more buses is absolutely certain to spend a significant amount of money.  It is also absolutely certain that the intended spending on a new bus depot is going to cost millions.  “Pick the sure thing” taken to an absurd reality.


These are the people responsible for educating our kids.  Why?  It’s because we let them without doing anything about it.


Earlier Today: Enemy Alert