FRIDAY, JUNE 07, 2024
President Trump in Phoenix, AZ
Today marks the 80th anniversary of D-Day, also known as the Normandy Landings.
There are a few thousand D-Day WWII vets still alive in the United States. There are even fewer veterans still alive in Great Britain, maybe less than a hundred.
D-Day was one of the most ambitious and dramatic undertakings of the war. Many soldiers knew they stood a good chance of dying. Many did. Just watch “Saving Private Ryan” for a realistic taste of the D-Day landing.
Our heroic American soldiers were fighting to liberate Europe from tyranny. They believed in defending freedom and were willing to sacrifice their lives for it both here and abroad. Sadly, Europe now seems intent on handing western civilization over to the woke globalists who seem intent on destroying our civilization. Tyrants are in power around the world. Hitler is probably laughing at us from Hell.
America is struggling with its own tyrant—the globalist puppet, Joe Biden. Joe doesn’t care about America or the sacrifice of our veterans over many wars. Biden infamously looked at his watch as the bodies of our servicemen and women were being offloaded from his disastrous Afghanistan evacuation. Biden didn’t care about our war dead then and he doesn’t now. He cares only about his own power. Well, maybe now he cares mostly about ice cream and getting his Depends changed.
Joe’s five-day trip to France and his speech on D-Day will be another carefully orchestrated PR event designed to convince Americans to vote for Biden. When Biden arrived in France, his handlers immediately called a lid on the day and shuttled old Joe off to a hotel. How will Joe hold up for 5 days? This could prove interesting.
Biden is supposed to meet with with Macron, the French president and then with the grifter from Ukraine, Zelensky. We are sure Zelensky with be there with his hand out crying for more billions of dollars. He and his ilk probably need more waterfront mansions and luxury cars.
The 80th D-Day anniversary ceremony on Friday at the famed Pointe du Hoc cliffs, will feature sleepy Joe and center around the dangers of isolationism and the need to stand up to dictators, which is funny because that is exactly what Biden is becoming, a dictator of a banana republic.
Look for Biden to call President Trump ‘literally Hitler’ in his speeches.
Today we choose to remember our brave soldiers who fell on those bloody beaches. They will have not died in vain as Biden and tyrants like him will be once again be defeated by Americans—this time not on beaches, but rather by means of ballot boxes.
— The grrrTeam
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President Biden, President Obama, and a couple 👀special guests👀 would like to meet YOU.
Yes you, Dumbed-Down Voter.
In person.
Because there are at least two things that can make them smile from ear to ear:
💸 Raising money to defeat Donald Trump and help elect Democratic candidates nationwide
💪Getting to meet stupid supporters like you who are powering this campaign
So if you’re up for it, they’d love to say hello.
All you have to do is donate $25 today and you’ll be automatically entered for a chance to meet President Biden, President Obama, George Clooney, and Julia Roberts. Thank you,
Team Joe
Thank you,
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The Blower believes we’re still living during the most important period in American History for our non-stop crusade for Election Integrity and against Coordinated Leftist Insurrection and the Devolution of Our American Culture while Congress, the Deep State, and the Radical Media Establishment continue to lie to advance their Coordinated Leftist Agenda.
But first, we must see a Corleone Political Reckoning on Election Integrity Along With Indictments And Perp Walks For Laws Broken During The Illegal 2020 Presidential Election, without which nothing else really matters.
Beloved Whistleblower Publisher Charles Foster Kane Says The Conservative Agenda is watching to see if any progress is made during the next 149 days (at press time) before the 2024 elections