Tag Archives: “RamaHanuKwanzMas”

Official “Vodkas and Latkes” E-dition


Trump’s 681st Day In Office

Happy Hannukah, Everybody!

image004Tonight will be the first night of Hanukkah. Why do Jews celebrate this holiday anyway? Hanukkah Harry explains: “More than 2,000 years ago, Syria attacked Israel. We kicked their asses. The oil in the lamps burned for eight days. Now go eat some potato latkes (sometimes referred to as Jewish weapons of mass destruction) and play with your dreidel already.”

image005Speaking of Jewish toys, The Blower was corrected yesterday for saying “nothing rhymes with dreidel.” A caller said, “How about “ladle?” Amazingly, the call was from then-Judge St. Nick Nadel.

image005How will the City of Cincinnati be celebrating this important Jewish holiday? Most Jews in Cincinnati made their Exodus to the suburbs ages ago.

image009image005How do you pronounce “Hanukkah” anyway? Beloved Whistleblower Publisher Charles Foster Kane, reportedly a part-time Rabbinic scholar in that story ages ago by Fritz Wenzel (when the president of Wenzel Strategies was but a mere political columnist for the Toledo Blade), says if you’re pronouncing it correctly, somebody will say “God Bless You.”  Maybe that’s why our Quote for Today Committee chose comedian Richard Lewis’ “Most Texans think it’s some kind of duck call.”

image011image005Whistleblower Religious Editor Fielding Mellish remembers when Obama celebrated Hanukkah at the White House two weeks early, and then lit ALL the candles at once? Didn’t any of Obama’s over-paid advisors tell him you’re not supposed to do that until the eighth night or was Rahm Emanuel the only Jew on the White House staff and he was already back in Chicago? Imagine if Donald Trump had done something that stupid. The Liberal Press would’ve gone “Meshugenah” this morning.

image014image005Every day during the Obama presidency, you saw more of Obama’s Middle East Disasters unfolding. Not only did Obama stab Israel in that back at the UN, Obama promised Palestinians he would not let Israel move forward with new settlement construction, and Obama’s Iran Nuclear Deal was the worst news since Hitler’s Appeasement, and Kerry’s visit to Geneva was compared to Neville Chamberlain’s visit to Munich in 1938, when the British Prime Minister infamously declared it would lead to “peace for our time. Meanwhile we remember at the DemocRAT National Convention, Debbie Wasserman Schultz continued to lie and claim Obama was pro-Israel.

image016image005No wonder most people believed Obama’s Israel policy caused tensions in US-Israel relations.  So why would any self-respecting Jewish person want to grovel in front of Obama anyway? Of course, six years ago in the 2012 Elections, Liberal Jews still bowed down to him as if he were the next messiah…how pathetic was that. These same people bowed down to Hitler when he was the leader of Germany. They’ll never learn. You can hit them with a hammer and they will keep coming back for more. They just don’t get it.

image005Relations with Israel have been infinitely better during the first 681 days of the Trump Administration, and that was even before Trump became the first American president to keep his promise about moving naming Jerusalem as the capital of Israel and moving our embassy there. Meanwhile in Washington, it’s the holiday season, which means politicians, dignitaries and hangers-on try to elbow themselves into as many exclusive parties as possible, with 1600 Pennsylvania Avenue being the hottest ticket of them all. But last year, Jewish DemocRAT lawmakers didn’t get to greet President Trump at the annual White House Hanukkah Party last Thursday evening. How was that for a shot across the bow!  Adding to a tradition set by his predecessor, Barack Obama, US President Donald Trump will throw two Hanukkah parties this year. The events will take place on December 5 in the afternoon, and there will be “no distinction” between the two. The purpose for two parties is simply to accommodate more guests, the official said.

image018image005Alumni of Cincinnati TV Stations like Jack Atherton, Dan Carroll, and Ben Swann really miss being at their old stations in Cincinnati, and hope you won’t forget to tune in tonight on TV 19 and Channel 5 for Trish “The Dish’s” and Sheree’s Hanukkah special where the silly “Shiksas” explain some of the quaint Hanukkah customs. And of course, our good friend Bobby Leach says he’d like to see them show us how to stick your candle into a “labia menorah.”

image019image005Former (but still reviled) Flying Buttress Publisher Tomas de Torquemada used to say in his nasty newsletter for Catholics that The Blower staff would be burned at the stake for making fun of his religion.

image005Down at the Cincinnati Metropolitan Housing Authority, it’s still not the same lately without Arnold Barnett and that Rosenberg guy exchanging Hanukkah slurs.

image005Whistleblower Senior Spoiled Sports Editor Andy FurBall (a real “landsman”) whose birthday was yesterday and can now be heard on FOX Sports Daybreak on the radio, as if you had the slightest idea of where to find it on the dial, says you shouldn’t miss Lewis Black’s “Getting In The Holiday Spirit” Video being featured as The Blower’s “Video of the Day.”   

image022image005Meanwhile in Northern Kentucky, Bluegrass Bureau Chief Ken CamBoo says he got a call from Sadie Rabinowitz who asked him: “Do you think that new Kroger store in Newport carries Hanukkah candles? None of the other Kroger stores does.” And is Kroger really selling “Ham for Chanuka” at $6.29 per pound?

image005Is Hamilton County Treasurer Rob Goering Jewish? Obviously not— it would never have taken someone of the Hebrew faith a decade to figure out how to sell deadbeat tax payers’ delinquent tax bills to private collection agencies after our Disingenuous DemocRAT Hamilton County Auditor (who was always been permitted to run unopposed) jacked-up their property taxes beyond what any of them could afford. 

image023image005Following a referral from the Harpies from Home Owners Made to pay Extortion (HOME) The Ohio Political Correctness Commission cited The Blower for making up the name “Chrismukkah” to combine the holidays Christmas and Hanukkah. They say by not including Kwanzaa in “ChrisKwanzukkah,” we are indeed thoughtless, mean-spirited, insensitive, politically incorrect, racist, and segregationist separatists. (But not poorly written.)

image025image005So now The Blower probably will also have to include Ramadan when we announce our big politically incorrect “RamaHanuKwanzMas” Party. Watch for the date. At least we won’t have to include last year’s “Thanksgivukkah” celebration (when Thanksgiving and Hanukkah fell on the same date) for another 70,000 years, or until Obama’s out of office, whichever comes first.

image026image005Now here’s the funniest politically incorrect thing overheard at a funeral today: the guy says, “Yeah, I bought my kid a present for Hanukkah.  It’s a teddy bear named Mohammed. I’m going to tell my boy to beat the hell out of it.”

        image027Remember: We never print all the bad stuff we know, and certain people ought to be damn glad we don’t, especially “The Goyim” on Hanukkah.



e-mail your Hebrew highlights today

image028 Some Jew choosing items in today’s Blower were sent in by our equally Jew choosing Subscribers.


Whistleblower Hanukkah Videos

Lewis Black – Getting In The Holiday Spirit


The Night Hanukkah Harry Beat Up Santa Claus

Sex for Hanukkah


Adam Sandler – Hanukkah Song Part 2

Jackie Mason’s Christmas and Hanukkah Card

Charlie Brown’s Hanukkah 

image027Note: We guarantee iPhone subscribers who don’t go home and see links and pictures on their computers are not going to appreciate all of this good stuff today. 


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