More Coordinated Leftist Insurrection Against Trump During His First 100 Days
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Ever Since Tuesday Night on PMSNBC, When Rachel Maddow Turned A “Scoop” On Donald Trump’s Taxes Into A Cynical, Self-Defeating Spectacle…
And Trump Senior And Junior Could Hardly Wait To Begin Tweeting Their Responses…
Media Research Center Reported
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Maddow Wastes Our Time in Delaying Release of Trump Tax Returns; Internet Loses It
On Tuesday night, one of the crazier news nights since Election Day occurred when MSNBC host Rachel Maddow failed on a level akin to Geraldo Rivera and Al Capone’s vault when she falsely claimed to have a bombshell exclusive (that wasn’t hers) in the form of President Trump’s 2005 tax returns.
CNN Mocks MSNBC’s Over Hyped Trump Taxes Exclusive: Not ‘Explosive’ 
Late Tuesday evening, MSNBC’s Rachel Maddow sent out an enticing tweet declaring that she would expose newly authenticated copies of President Donald Trump’s 2005 tax returns. As her show aired and the White House put out their official statement, it became clear that the hype was much to do about nothing. The revelation that Trump made roughly $150 million and paid $38 million in taxes fell so flat that the panel of Anderson Cooper 360 laughed about how good it made Trump look, with one saying it wasn’t “explosive” at all.
Nets Spend 20 Minutes on Trump Tax Return Non-Story ‘But What Is It He’s Trying to Hide?’
Despite a complete lack of newsworthiness, the morning news shows of ABC, CBS and NBC on March 15 spent 20 minutes and 28 seconds speculating about President Donald Trump’s tax returns based on two pages that even they had to admit were “certainly not scandalous in any way.” On March 14, Rachel Maddow revealed that her much-hyped excerpt from Trump’s 2005 tax returns were completely inconsequential and revealed nothing relevant. Nothing good, nothing bad. Just nothing. It was so little payoff for so much hype that even CNN mocked Maddow.
Despite Mockery, MSNBC Spends Hours on Trump Tax Returns
Despite left-wing MSNBC host Rachel Maddow being lampooned on social media and even by her media colleagues Tuesday night over her laughable “scoop” that Donald Trump paid his taxes, on Wednesday, the mockery didn’t deter the network from devoting extensive air time to the story every hour from 6 a.m. through noon ET.Okay, Sure: Maddow Blames Audience Expectations for Her Spectacular Fail on Trump’s Tax Return
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Wednesday afternoon, MSNBC’s Rachel Maddow gave an interview to the Associated Press defending her actions following her epic fail regarding the tease and reveal of President Trump’s 2005 tax returns by blaming viewers for over-blowing the revelation.
Media Ignore Slanderous Accusation From Trump Taxes Reporter About First Lady
The reporter who was lauded by the media for sharing Trump’s boring 2005 tax return is not getting much attention for his politics but perhaps he should be. While the networks Wednesday morning described David Cay Johnston as a “Pulitzer Prize-winning reporter,” they apparently didn’t notice that he was a hardcore liberal as well.
Mark Dice Said Trump Leaked His Own Tax Returns To Troll Critics
Greg Gutfeld Said Maddow Fell For Trump’s Baited Trap
Were Trump’s Tax Returns Released By… Trump?
Stephen Pulled A “Rachel Maddow”
And Best Of All Was When A Disingenuous DemocRAT Congressman Referred to MSNBC’s Rachel Maddow as a “Dude”
The Whistleblower Newswire Is Your Official Publication of Record For The Conservative Agenda
Beloved Whistleblower Publisher Charles Foster Kane says we always knew we would be facing extremely difficult odds “draining the swamp,” but it’s shocking how deep that swamp actually is and how many forces are arrayed against President Trump. Today Is Day Number Fifty Five of his first 100 Days, with 45 more days to go.