Special “Terrorists in Kentucky” E-dition



They’re Only Iraqis!

 image005POLITICAL INSIDERS AT THE CONSERVATIVE AGENDA have been gloating for days watching Obama’ critics and even a few Obama Supporters in the Press question Obama’s sanity because he wants to flood America with Murdering Muslim Terrorists Disguised As Syrian Refugees.

image020WEDNESDAY, The Blower was reporting how Kentucky’s Disgraced Democrat Governor Steve Beshear, On His Way Out, said Kentucky should do “the Christian thing” and welcome all those Murdering Muslim Terrorists Disguised As Syrian Refugees, while Kentucky’s Republican Governor-Elect Matt Bevin, On His Way In, said the recent terrorist attacks in Paris serve as a warning to the entire civilized world that we must remain vigilant. It is imperative that we do everything in our power to prevent any similar attack by evildoers from taking place here in America. My primary responsibility as Governor of Kentucky will be to protect the citizens of the Commonwealth. This is why I am joining with other governors across the country in opposing the resettlement of Syrian nationals until we can better determine the full extent of any risks to our citizens.

image020image007THURSDAY MORNING, The Blower reported from Columbus, where Buckeye Bureau Chief Gerry Manders said “We told you so,” after Cleveland 19 TV News reported five “Foreign Nationals with Murdering Muslim Names” were arrested on the Ohio Turnpike in possession of credit card duplication tech, and Manders wondered what else they were up to? [READ MORE HERE]

image020LATER THURSDAY MORNING, All of America had yet another example of the utter stupidity of Obama’s deranged claim that no Murdering Muslim Terrorists Disguised As Syrian Refugees are entering the country when Obama’s Department of Homeland Security (DHS) confirmed that eight Syrians had been taken into custody at the Laredo port of entry.

image020image008THEN THURSDAY AFTERNOON, better newspapers from all across America (but apparently not the The Fishwrap, which was busy chasing a story about how Cincinnati Mayor Cranley had given the Key to the City to an actress who played a lesbian in a movie shot in Cincinnati) reported how Iraqi “refugees” who settled in Bowling Green, Kentucky, in 2009 as part of a U.S. program to help displaced Iraqis. Their plan unraveled when they teamed up with an FBI informant, leading to their 2011 arrest for plotting to send sniper rifles, Stinger missiles, and money to al-Qaida operatives waging an insurgency back home against U.S. troops. The scheme was foiled and both are in prison, but the case has understandably left any sensible person to believe extremists might easily slip in among Syrian refugees resettling in the U.S.

image020KENTUCKY SENATOR RAND PAUL, who is vying for the image009Republican presidential nomination, pointed to the case in his hometown this week while touting legislation to block Obama’s goal of bringing 10,000 additional Murdering Muslim Terrorists Disguised As Syrian Refugees to the U.S.

image020SENATE MAJORITY LEADER BITCH McCONNELL, also of Kentucky, said the case proves that “the ability to vet people coming from that part of the world is really quite limited. And so that’s why I, for one, don’t feel particularly comforted by the assertion that our government can vet these refugees.” McConnell has called for “a pause” in allowing Syrian refugees into the U.S. What’s needed, the Kentucky Republican said, is a strategy “to give the refugees an opportunity to stay in their own country.”

image020BELOVED WHISTLEBLOWER PUBLISHER CHARLES FOSTER KANE totally agrees. If Obama says ISIS is “contained,” why would all those people have to come here in the first place?

