Tag Archives: GOP TV Debate Show

Special “Media Bashing in Boulder” E-dition



Candidates’ Loudest Applause Came After Bashing Biased Liberals In The Press

image004In Wednesday’s Another “GOP TV Debate Show” E-dition,  when Charles Foster Kane was explaining what to expect watching last night’s so-called Third 2016 Republican Presidential “Debates” in Boulder, Colorado,  Beloved Whistleblower Publisher predicted “It could be lively,” Kane predicted. “Right now it’s fun thinking about whom candidates will be attacking —each other, Hillary, or Biased Liberal Members of the News Media.”

And watching Wednesday Night’s GOP TV Debate Show, it was like all the candidates had been using The Blower for their “Debate” Preparations, especially when several Republicans followed The Blower’s advice and attacked CNBC panelists for their obvious Liberal Bias.

image009Thursday’s Headlines on the Drudge Report included:

Bush campaign manager confronts producer…
BOZELL: Forum Was an ‘Encyclopedic Example of Bias’…
HANNITY: ‘Will Go Down in History as Really Bad Night for Media’…
Montage: Harwood Debates the Candidates…
Moderators booed — again and again…
Trump boasts about limiting debate time ‘so we can get the hell out of here’…
But RNC Chairman Threw Candidates To The Wolves!
MEESE: Should Be Condemned…

image009And Drudge’s Really Big Headline on Thursday was “Shame of the Nation,” which linked to CNN’s “Seething GOP candidates escalate their CNBC grievances” story about a competitor, which was ironic, since Republicans still have three more debates scheduled on CNN, where those Obama Supporters can try to surpass their own bias level, as well as breaking CNBC’s record that was set Wednesday night.


image006Do you think Fox Business Network will focus on more substantive issues, skip the “gotcha” questions, and provide all candidates with more equal speaking time, at the next GOP “Debate” on November 10?

Thursday morning, Media Outlets are trying to report “Who Won” Wednesday night’s Debate. The Drudge Poll showed Trump, Cruz, and Rubio, got the most votes. Republican so-called Co-Leader Ben Carson didn’t appear to justify his center-stage ranking, and Ohio Governor John Kasich’s new aggressive strategy seemed to have laid a big egg, especially after Trump slapped him down. 


Donald Trump scored big when he told the CNBC Panelist, “I don’t know, you people write this stuff.”

Ted Cruz’s Best Moment of the GOP Debate was when the Texas Senator beat up the CNBC Moderators for their nasty questions:

And Marco Rubio’s high point of the night came when the Florida Senator slammed the CNBC Moderators, saying “DemocRATS Have Ultimate Super PAC, It’s Called Mainstream Media,” and “Hillary was exposed as a liar on Benghazi.”

image009Finally, Beloved Whistleblower Publisher Charles Foster Kane says, “People should never be asked ‘Who won the debate,’ because very few people would ever be answering that question objectively, because what they would be telling the pollster is ‘Which candidate they still supported after watching the debate.’ ”image003image008