Tag Archives: Disguised DemocRATS

Special “Saturday Strategery” E-dition



It Seems To Be Happening In The Suburbs

image004 At this morning’s meeting of the Conservative Agenda, Political Insiders were asking Beloved Whistleblower Publisher Charles Foster Kane about Disguised DemocRATS running as “so-called Independents.”

“It’s happening a lot in Republican suburbs,” Kane explained, “Mostly because of the really awful political news coverage in the Community Press where candidates are basically running image003Yard Sign/ Social Media Campaigns. And by calling themselves ‘Independent’ candidates, sometimes you even see their yard signs in people’s yards right next to Real Republican Candidates’ yard signs where the Republican homeowners are really gullible.”

Last week on the West Side at the Green Township Candidates Night catered by Buddy LaRosa, pundits were asking why 72-year-old DemocRAT Undertaker Pete Rebold was running as an “Independent” candidate for Township Trustee. As they always say in the funeral business: “You can’t put a good man into the ground,” and Pete was unavailable for comment.

This week on the East Side, we noticed the same thing happening in Anderson Township by the Disguised DemocRAT candidate who claims to be “Dedicated to Service, Engaged in the Community, and Economically Responsible” running against long-time Anderson Trustee President “In Russ We Trust” Jackson.

image007The same thing also happened in 2013 when TEA Party Patriot Andy Pappas was first running for Anderson Trustee and his opponent Disgraceful DemocRAT Candidate Horse Doctor John Piehowcz claimed to be “Non-Partisan” at the League of Women Vipers Debate, but forgot to mention that until three months prior to that time he was Anderson’s DemocRAT Ward Chairman.

Also, right out of the DemocRAT Play Book, Bonnie Dunkleman, President of the Anderson-Newtown DemocRAT Club and Neighborhood 2012 Team Leader of Obama for America, was supporting John Piehowcz in 2013 and is now supporting Jackson’s opponent in 2015. Coincidence? We think not.


More Shameless Suburban Skulduggery Laterimage003image005