Tag Archives: Bobbie Sterne

Another “Those Were The Good Old Days” E-dition

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Trump’s 1,013th Day In Office1991


image004Edition #74 (published on October 29, 1991) of the original printed edition of The Whistleblower (not the Newswire) was delivered to Persons of Consequence all over town. It was our “No secret is safe! Our spies are everywhere!” Edition, and our REALLY BIG STORY was Politics From Hell. Our TOP TEN LIST listed the top ten reasons to stay home on Election Day. We tried to explain why Jerry Springer’s TV show was still on the air after its first month. And Senator Howard Metzenbaum said, “Stop me before I leak again.”image006

PAGE TWO featured another REAL EDITORIAL BY PUBLISHER CHARLES FOSTER KANE talking about Vendorsements. CAMPAIGN FORUM asked ordinary peoply what they thought about the 38% School Tax Hike. REAL FACTS featured our Homosexual Hotline. DIGGING DEEP explained the Cincinnati Federation of Teachers donation to the 38 % School Tax Hike campaign. Howard Metzenbaum was humiliated in the  in the WEEKLY WHISTLEBLOWER LIMERICK CONTEST. The page also included another WHO GIVES A BIG RAT’S ASS item.image008

PAGE THREE featured CHEAP SHOTS taken at Mickey Esposito, Judge Thomas Crush, and Special Prosecutor Thomas Smith; Blake Baird, Michael Clark, and Patricia Lopez Baden; and Cincinnati City Council Candidate Jay Andress. There was the customary promo for Whistleblower Publisher Charles Foster Kane’s appearance on a local radio talk show, and Bunky Tadwell told us it was going to be a great year to “whine” in ANOTHER GUEST EDITORIAL.image010

 PAGE FOUR featured the REAL LETTERS FROM REAL SUBSCRIBERS, and during all those years, not a single one of those people has ever called to complain that their letter might not have been real. In ANOTHER EXCLUSIVE WHISTLEBLOWER REPORT, we saw how Norman Murdock was trying to get his name in the papers again. SURBURBAN SHENANIGANS reported the latest about County Auditor Dusty Rhodes and Hamilton County Republican Party Chairman Clean Gene Ruehl-mann. And Superintendent Michael Brant appeared in a “Citizens for a Mediocre Education” ad for the Cincinnati Public Schools 38% Tax Increase.image012

  PAGE FIVE featured Ken Camboo’s BLUEGRASS HOLLER, which featured items about William T. Robinson, III, Fort Wright Police Chief Gene “I’m Clean” Weaver, Clyde Middleton, and Bernie Moorman.  Northern Kentucky Bureau Chief J. R. Hatfield’s “Thank God it’s almost over” told included the latest about Brereton Jones, Larry Hopkins, Denny Bowman, Nyoka Johnson, Newport Mayor Steve Goetz, George Herbert Walker Bush, and Kentucky Post Editor Judy Clabes, and Paul Puddler was our UNITED APPALL PERSON OF THE WEEK.image014

And PAGE SIX included HOTLINE HANG-UPS, with some of the anonymous calls we received last week on the Whistleblower Hotline. And right before those FAKE CLASSIFIED ADS, and Whistleblower Gossip Columnist Linda Libel reported some the latest goings-on at Cincinnati City Hall, especially involving Nick Vehr, Joh Meuthing, John Mirlisena, Bobbie Sterne, Marilyn Ormsbee, Richard Green, David Mann, and TV 5 Anchorbimbo Felecia Ferguson. We wonder if any of them are still alive these days.image016

 It was a lot of fun publishing The Whistleblower in 1991.
That’s why we say “Those were the good old days.”
You can download that entire edition HERE.image003 image008