Tag Archives: Ben Carson

Special “Political Christmas Cards” E-dition



Because You Know They’re Really Sincere

In the good old days, you used to get all those Christmas Cards from Politicians to put on your mantle, so you could show off your collection whenever your friends came over during the holidays.

These days, all those Political Christmas Cards just clutter the inbox on your computer. Some of those we haven’t yet deleted include:

Donald Trump issued his 2014 Christmas card via social media that year, firing lame duck President Barack Obama with his signature catchphrase, and further stoking a potential presidential bid of his own. The card went out to millions of Twitter and Facebook fans.

Last year, Trump’s Christmas Card looked like this.


We have a Bill and Hillary Christmas Card. We’re not sure if this is their personal card or one from Hillary’s campaign.image005  Ben Carson’s Card shows he’s not afraid to say “Merry Christmas.”image006

Ted Cruz added a Biblical Verse to show he was more Christian.image007

Ohio Delusional Governor John Kasich’s campaign sent out another Christmas Card This Year.

Alison Wondergams Grimes forgot to tell us the dog’s name in 2015.

But in 2016, the e-mail told us the guy’s name was Andrew and dog’s name was Luna.

Rob Portman was trying to play it straight with this card.image012

But if you touch P-P-P-Patrick DeWhine’s Family Portrait with your mouse, it takes you to his web page where you could donate to his campaign.image013

This year he must’ve won his race, because this picture went nowhere.

Now see how Da Judge had to stand way in the back for Mike DeWhine’s Family Portrait.


Finally We Have This Official White House Christmas Card From The Obama Family
