Tag Archives: 3rd Infantry Regiment (The Old Guard)

Special “Politics Unusual” E-dition


Political Pass-Times
At this afternoon’s meeting of the Conservative Agenda, Political Insiders were asking Beloved Whistleblower Publisher Charles Foster Kane about the popularity of The Whistleblower Fax Edition during the 1990s. Seen here is Cincinnati Compost Photographer Bob Dickerson’s photo of Cincinnati Clowncil-man Windbag sneaking a copy of that day’s Blower to fellow Clowncilman Tirade Yates (Now a Hamilton County Municipal Court Judge) behind the back of Odd Todd Opportune (Now a Hamilton County Commissioner).The Cincinnati Mess: Cincinnati Parks director Willie Carden will be retiring in a matter of weeks.  Not soon enough!  The questionable Carden has continually brought many problems upon himself and has no one to blame but himself.

When Carden got that job in 2001, he probably couldn’t believe his mother lode of luck.  He was given power and unfettered access to the Cincinnati Parks Foundation money, a seemingly endless secret fund of money flowing to Carden for his personal pleasure.  Nobody was checking on Willie and that’s the way he liked it.

    Back in 2014, we wrote here about his junket to Las Vegas where it was revealed he spent  $9,486.15 for a 4-day stay, but who know how much he really spent?  During that trip, with three of his staff, he even chartered a helicopter to fly him from Las Vegas to the Grand Canyon in Arizona, where an extravagant catered gourmet lunch was set up outside for their pleasure.  Carden claimed the money came from the Foundation, which is still hush-hush.

When diminutive mayor John J. Cranley was elected mayor in 2013, he immediately chose Carden to be the Cincinnati city manager.  Nobody knows why Cranley made that ridiculous decision, but consider all the ridiculous decisions Cranley has made since then and you won’t be suprised.  Carden declined the position.  He had access to more money via the Parks and he couldn’t risk doing business in the light of day where his flim-flam expenditures might be tracked.

    Carden is the guy with the over-whitened big teeth and the fancy footwork when it comes to explaining his lavish expenditures.  And wasn’t he seen last summer on another junket with Sister of Charity Barbara Busch in Paris, France, staying in a penthouse suite of rooms at the luxury five-star Hotel de Crillon?

Willie has had sixteen years to grab money via the Parks Foundation.  Seventy-six people have applied for Carden’s position.  Hey, Willie, do let the door hit ya on the ass as you leave!  It can’t be soon enough!

SIGNS OF THE TIMES: And with all of their Politically Correct Coverage, our good friend Alan B. West wants to know if our Feckless Fishwrappers actually forgot to show us that picture of that “Gun Free Zone” sign at the site of Cincinnati’s Record Mass Shooting at the Delightfully Diverse Cameo night club. (MORE)

OUR ADDLED ANDERSONIAN wonders when Anderson Township will officially close, especially after Trustees Josh Gerth and Andrew Pappas advised us that paving would begin this week on the World’s Most Expensive Left Turn Lane at Beechmont and Five Mile. The Blower doesn’t want to begin publishing our Official Detour Advisories until the paving actually begins. 

FINALLY, Political Insiders applauded The Whistleblower staff for their continuous patriotic coverage, especially after the Blower published those exclusive photos of New Richmond’s Kevin Long being promoted to Sergeant Monday afternoon at the 3rd Infantry Regiment (The Old Guard) in a ceremony officiated by Ohio Second District Podiatrist/ Colonel/ Congressman “Bronze Star Brad” Wenstrup. Our DC Newsbreaker got us some great pictures,” Kane explained, “particularly the one of that guy in Kevin’s outfit who was out of uniform.”