Daily Archives: September 1, 2021


The Whitewashing Of History And Blame-Shifting Begins For Biden, But It Won’t Work

The corporate press and the globalist machine are already trying to whitewash what just happened in Central Asia and shift accountability to the backs of our uniformed military personnel who were on the ground.

Afghanistan Vet Rep. Jim Banks: Biden Giving ISIS-K A “Safe Haven, The Ability To Rise Up”


MEANWHILE, BEN GARRISON SAYS, “Many Americans are experiencing a deepening discontent as the long hot summer drags on.”

The Federal Reserve continues to print the dollar to infinity in order to maintain the expansion of the market bubble. Most of the stocks are owned by the top 1 percent, so the rich at the top of the pyramid are getting richer while the middle class is going away—they pay the price in terms of inflation. One wonders if Powell is intentionally melting the dollar’s value in order to usher in a new totalitarian digital currency and social credit system.

One of the worst discontents has been the war in Afghanistan. It has lasted way too many summers. Nearly 20 of them. America has lost its longest war, but the military-industrial complex remains a clear winner. They have raked in trillions of dollars from the taxpayers while heroic Americans were killed and maimed in a war that should never have been fought. The blame lies with the Bush and Obama administrations. $88 billion alone was spent to train Afghan troops, but now they’re collapsing like a house of cards in the face of a relentless Taliban advance while Biden licks his ice cream and wanders in circles.

Let’s face it, the Afghan people WANT to live under a medieval religion that prevents their girls from going to school. The Bush family in particular are war criminals. After all, Building 7 falling in its own footprint proves it was all set up to steal American freedom and begin wars a half planet away in order to waste lives, time, and money. The Vietnam lesson was not learned and so now we also have the Afghanistan lesson.

The “scamdemic” continues to drag on. I warned everyone that the mask-wearing and vaccines would never go away and they haven’t.

Americans are getting banned due to posting so-called ‘misinformation’ on social media while Fauci, the CDC, the WHO, and the globalists spew outright lies. Biden wants us all to get dangerous, experimental injections against a virus that has a 99.7 percent survivability rate. At the same time, the demented pedophile in chief leaves our southern border wide open to COVID-infected invaders. His crack-addicted son rakes in a billion bucks in graft from the CCP, who cooked up the virus as a bioweapon in the first place. Nothing is done about the open corruption.

The Swamp protects their own.

Meanwhile, the delusion that a man can become a woman rages on. Sports Illustrated even participated, but nobody can point to scientific data proving a man can become a real woman any more than a wooden puppet can become a real boy.

Finally, we had Arnold Schwarzenegger flex his ugly opinion right in the face of Americans. The USA has been mighty good to ‘Ahhnold.’ His mediocre acting talent has been handsomely rewarded because he has more muscles than brains. Due to his stardom, he was even made a governor for a while, but now he has stabbed America in the back when he said, “Screw your freedom!”

One might think he’s reverting to ancestral roots. His dad betrayed Austria by becoming a Nazi. In the case of Arnold, the rotten apple didn’t fall far from the tree.

There’s a lot more to be discontented about, but I can only put so much into one cartoon

— Ben Garrison


Editorial Cartoons Are A Major Part Of American Culture And A Focused Picture Of How People Are Reacting To The News Of The Day.

Often they express a silent view of one or more parties or issues. Editorial cartoons are a form of nonverbal communication and are vital to American culture because they help shed light on issues that affect many American values.


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The Whistleblower Newswire Is Your Official Publication of Record For The Conservative Agenda

The Blower believes we’re still living during the most important period in American History for our non-stop crusade against Political Correctness and the Devolution of American Culture.

That’s because America has just suffered an actual moving coup by Leftists In Congress, the Deep State, Radical Media Establishment, and the Eternally Dishonest D-RAT Party. It’s amazing how terrified they still are of the Trumpster and his ideas to drain the swamp (establishment of both D-RAT & RINOs) and take away their power and return it to the people.

Beloved Whistleblower Publisher Charles Foster Kane Says The Conservative Agenda Is Now Working On Joke Biden*s Third 100 Days To Ruin America. Today Is DAY NUMBER TWO-HUNDRED-AND-TWENTY-THREE, But It’s Only 1162 MORE DAYS Till Election Day On November 5, 2024, to vote for a Real President, And Not Just A “Resident,”

It’s Only 63 MORE DAYS Till The 2021 Elections On November 02, to vote for Your Local Conservative Township Trustee Or Anti-Woke School Board Member Speaking Out Against “Critical Racist Theory” And Leftist 1619 Propaganda.

Plus with Rob “Fighting For Himself” Portman’s Replacement Election In Only 434 MORE DAYS Away Real Republicans Are Wishing Portman Had Just Resigned especially since RINO Rob just voted with the Dishonest D-RATS for that January 6 Commission.

Thanks to a “bipartisan” group of D-RATS and RINOs who came up with a way to spend some $1.2 trillion over-taxed payers’ dollars. They said it was for “infrastructure” but it turned out to be porky special projects for radical leftists.

 The Blower also remembers Congressman Portman’s Legacy when he abdicated his seat and Second District Republicans wound up with “Mean Jean” Schmidt.

Marine Corps Vet Josh Mandel, Arizona Sen. Wendy Rogers & Jenna Ellis Appeared At An Election Integrity Rally In Dayton Tonight

Ohio U.S. Senate Candidate Jane Timken: Election Integrity is the #1 issue for 2022 elections