Daily Archives: November 9, 2018

Special “Weekly Whistleblower Limerick Contest” E-dition


Trump’s 658th Day In Office

A Hero is Not Just a Sandwich

image005This week, everybody who says veterans and active duty personnel need to be thanked more than one day per year, e-mailed an entry to the Whistleblower Limerick Contest.

The winner is real war hero Ollie Hackworth, one of the survivors of that “Three Against a Thousand Massacre” The Blower described earlier this week.

Ollie wins an autographed picture of Sergeant York, a complete set of Audie Murphy westerns on DVD, and a FREE Bloomin’ Onion Card from Outback, one of the best parts of being a Veteran on Veterans Day. His winning entry is

This year on Veterans Day
I’ll be going out of my way
To tell the leeches in America
To cut the crap and hysteria
‘Cause we don’t believe whatever they say.

Lt. Colonel “Bronze Star” Brad Wenstrup wrote:
This year on Veterans Day
Patriotism should be on display.
This may be one of the last chances we’ve got,
Now that our currency isn’t worth squat,
To celebrate before the US of A goes away.

Semper Si Leis submitted:
This year on Veterans Day
You can do it any old way.
Because, what the hell
With don’t ask and don’t tell
We honor them both straight and gay.

SP4 Brad Beckett e-mailed:
This year on Veterans Day
We still won’t know who is gay.
“Don’t ask and don’t tell”
Still holds for all personnel,
Even those wearing cologne and hair spray.

Colonel Danny Bubp-kiss-ass sent in:
This year on Veterans Day
There’s just one thing I want to say
“Thanks” to our brave vets
On the land, ships and jets
We owe them more than we can ever pay.

And in Kentucky, Colonel Sanders says:
This year on Veterans Day
Let’s see what Donald Trump has to say,
I’m sure his rhetoric
Will be meteoric
Without his teleprompter leading the way.

Perturbed in Park Hills says:
This year on Veterans Day
Those “migrants” down Mexico way
Will hit a wall of barbed wire,
And Soros’ plan will backfire,
No matter how much he tried to pay!

And from the Unlicensed Anderson Laureate (It’s not terribly mean-spirited this time, but then, he’s a Republican):

This year when it’s Veterans Day
Remember the price some had to pay
They fought Hitler and Minh
Giving their lives to win
“God bless ’em” is all I can say.

They fought in the Pacific and in ‘Nam
Some were killed by a suicide bomb
We’re proud of them all
They answered the call
And stood up to radical Islam.

In our country, we want to be free
And so far, that’s how we’re allowed to be
But our enemies won’t quit
They’ll come at us bit by bit
A courageous, strong military’s the key.

Thanks to those who gave their lives
We can’t give them enough high fives
Some lost a leg or an arm
Just to save us from harm
They’ll be saints when Judgment Day arrives.

The first line of next week’s limerick is:
“Do You Believe Donald Trump Actually Won?”


image010Happy Birthday Tomorrow, United States Marine Corps!
