The Whistleblower Newswire Is Your Official Publication of Record For The Conservative Agenda
MONDAY, JUNE 4, 2018
This Morning, On Day #500 Of The Trumpster’s First Term, While Everybody Hereabouts Is Wondering How Long The Number One News Story Would Be About Samantha’s Bee Calling President Trump’s daughter Ivanka a “FECKLESS CUNT,” Our Conservative Cartoonists Continue Their Caustic Commentary.

Rep. Jared Polis (D-CO) introduced the “Students Over Special Interests Act,” which would reverse the GOP tax bill. President Trump mocked the bill tweeting, “A Democratic lawmaker just introduced a bill to Repeal the GOP Tax Cuts (no chance). This is too good to be true for Republicans…Remember, the Nancy Pelosi Dems are also weak on Crime, the Border and want to be gentle and kind to MS-13 gang members…not good!”

Clay Bennett, Chattanooga Times Free Press

Bruce Plante Cartoon: Trump Diplomacy, President Donald J. Trump, North Korean Chairman Kim Jong Un, North Korea, China, Japan, Asia, , Yo-Yo Diplomacy, Ping Pong Diplomacy, Gunboat Diplomacy, opinionhomepage1, Plante 20180602
The Whistleblower Newswire Is Your Official Publication of Record For The Conservative Agenda
The Blower believes we’re still living during the most important period in American History for our non-stop campaign against Political Correctness, the Devolution of American Culture, and the Liberal News Media. Congress and the Liberal Media Establishment will continue to lie and say really stupid things without a smidgen of journalistic integrity in their effort to advance the Liberal Agenda.
Beloved Whistleblower Publisher Charles Foster Kane Says The Conservative Agenda Is Now Working On Donald Trump’s Fourth 100 Days To Make America Great Again. Today Is Day Number 500 And There Are Now Only 882 More Days Until Trump’s Re-Election Day on November 3, 2020.