Special “State of DisUnion Prep” E-dition

Because It Will Be Like No State-of-the Union Address You’ve Ever Seen

As our countdown clock at the lower-right-hand corner of the Whistleblower Web Page continues to click off the hours, minutes, and seconds until President Trump’s Most Watched State of Disunion Address in History tomorrow night, everybody’s wondering what he’ll say.

Besides watching on TV, you can also follow along live on Twitter @WhiteHouse and @POTUS for real-time information before, during and after the speech. The speech will also be live streamed at facebook.com/WhiteHouse.

Will he merely list his accomplishments and lay out his plan for the future?
Will he call out Senate DemocRATS for obstructing his Cabinet appointments?
Will he continue to wage our war against Political Correctness  and “Very Fake News” in the Liberal Propaganda Media?

Maybe that’s why before his biggest speech to date, Team Trump is asking supporters to provide their input so he can lay out a bold plan for our future as Americans, because it’s time to show the country that Trump’s positive America First platform can truly Make America Great Again!

They’re asking questions like:

Do you believe that our country is divided?

Do you believe that the interests of other nations have been placed above our own?

Do you believe that lobbyists have too much power over government?

Do you believe that the federal bureaucracy is too big?

Do you believe that our Second Amendment rights have been limited?

Do you believe that our trade deals have largely benefitted Americans?

Do you believe that veterans receive the treatment they deserve?

Do you believe that government regulations and red tape have made it harder to start and maintain businesses?

Do you believe that the middle class is taxed too much?

Do you believe that a wall along the Southern border is an important step in stopping illegal immigration?

Are you worried about the growing national debt?

Has ObamaCare benefited you (or your family) personally?

Do you think ObamaCare should be repealed and replaced?

Have your interests been accurately represented by your local elected officials?

Should the government spend more to improve our country’s infrastructure?

Should extreme vetting measures be put in place for people coming from nations compromised by radical Islamic terrorism?

Should President Trump crack down on instances of the government providing Social Security benefits to illegal immigrants?

Do you believe that illegal immigration has taken jobs away from American workers?

Should President Trump strengthen e-verify programs so jobs are not taken away from American workers?

Do you feel that our country became less patriotic under President Obama?

Do you feel that Judeo-Christian values are still respected in our society?

Do you think that religious liberties are under assault?
Has the nomination of Judge Gorsuch (and possibly others) to the

Supreme Court given you hope in our country’s future?

Do you trust President Trump to give our military the support it needs?

Do you believe globalism poses a threat to our nation’s sovereignty?

Do you support an America First foreign policy?

Do you trust President Trump to bring back the American Dream?

Did your personal economic situation improve under the Obama administration?

And do you believe President Trump will move the economy in a positive direction?

And do you believe President Trump will move the economy in a positive direction?

You can answer some of those questions HERE.