Daily Archives: December 21, 2016

Special “Real News Analysis” E-dition

Radical Islamic Terrorist Updates

At this afternoon’s meeting of the Conservative Agenda, Political Insiders were asking Beloved Whistleblower Publisher Charles Foster Kane about the way all those so-called “Fake News” journalists are trying to handle “Real News” stories, now that their latest Electoral College “News Scam” fizzled, especially their dumbed-down coverage of the latest ISIS Atrocities in Ankara and Berlin. They seemed absolutely amazed both of those ISIS attacks happened on the same day.

Steve Chabot seems to get it. In this week’s not-poorly-written blog, Ohio’s First District Congressman says “these barbarians must be defeated.”

Do you think Good Old Chabothead has been reading The Blower’s “Radical Islamic Terrorist Updates” in every Sunday’s Weekend Wisdom E-dition since April 3? For example, last Sunday, we all read the ReligionofPeace.com’s List of Radical Islamic Terror Attacks, which reported that during the past 30 days, there were only 164 Islamic attacks in 23 countries, in which 1,367 people were killed and 2,035 injured. 

Now Let’s Look At The Radical Islamic Attacks For Just Last Week

No wonder Old Chabothead said these murdering Islamic Terrorists “must be identified, rooted out, destroyed. They can’t be ignored. They can’t be bought off. They can’t be reasoned with. President Obama refused to even say who they were. And he failed miserably in dealing with this threat. His worst mistake was pulling all U.S. military personnel out of Iraq, leading to the birth of ISIS, and the abandonment of the Middle East to the savages. Then those savages migrated to Europe. And they’re coming to America. Dealing with this witches brew must be one of President Donald Trump’s top priorities. Whether he likes it or not. The mess in the Middle East isn’t Trump’s fault. But it will soon be his problem.”

Retired Army Lieutenant Colonel Ralph Peters gave us his strategy last year on how the United States should’ve responded to the beheading of the first American journalist James Wright Foley by Radical ISIS terrorists, which still seems like the perfect prescription on how to destroy the Islamic State: “Kill them, keep on killing them until you’ve killed the last one, then kill his pet goat.”

The Blower remembers when Lieutenant Colonel Ralph Peters was suspended for two weeks from his contributor position at Fox Business Network after he called the Obama “a total pussy.”