Official “DemocRAT Talking Points Memo” E-dition



Did you ever wonder where Kneepad Liberals at Your Local TV Stations Get Their Liberal Bias National News Stories?

image005They’re most likely reading their “Official DemocRAT Talking Points Memo” with slanted stories like these from the PoliticusUSA Newsletter:

image005image007CLINTON CAMPAIGN HAMMERS SANDERS FOR HYPOCRISY OVER CAMPAIGN FINANCE ALLEGATIONS (In a conference call with reporters, the Hillary Clinton campaign pushed back hard and hinted at the hypocrisy of the Sanders campaign for complaining about the exact same joint fundraising agreement that Sanders has in place with the DNC.)

image005SANDERS OPPOSES CONSTITUTION PIPELINE BETWEEN PENNSYLVANIA AND NEW YORK (WASHINGTON (Reuters) – Democratic presidential candidate Bernie Sanders on Monday said he opposes a proposed natural gas pipeline between Pennsylvania and New York and called on New York officials to reject the project. “The possibility of methane leaks from the proposed Constitution Pipeline would be catastrophic to our air and our climate — and if […])

image005HILLARY CLINTON RIPS SHAMEFUL SANDERS FOR BASELESS CAMPAIGN FINANCE VIOLATION ALLEGATION (In a blistering statement, Hillary Clinton’s campaign manager called the Sanders campaign’s allegations of campaign finance violations baseless and urged to stick to the issues instead of trying to convince the next generation of progressive leaders that the Democratic Party is corrupt.)

image005BERNIE SANDERS ACCUSES HILLARY CLINTON AND DNC OF VIOLATING CAMPAIGN FINANCE LAWS (In a letter to DNC Chair Debbie Wasserman Schultz, Bernie 2016 claimed the fundraising agreement between the Hillary For America and the DNC is illegal.)

image005SANDERS GAINS WITH WOMEN AND MINORITIES AS NATIONAL POLL SHOWS 2 POINT CLINTON LEAD (Bernie Sanders is making gains with women and minorities as Hillary Clinton’s national lead has been shaved to two points (50%-48%) in the Democratic primary.)

image005MITCH MCCONNELL’S SUPREME COURT OBSTRUCTION MAY HARM 5 MILLION IMMIGRANTS IN OBAMA CASE (According to reports, the Supreme Court appeared divided while hearing a case of President Obama’s executive orders that deferred deportation for 5 million immigrants. If the Court splits 4-4, Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell’s obstruction of Obama’s Supreme Court nominee will harm millions.)

image005BERNIE SANDERS SAYS A NEW YORK LOSS DOESN’T MATTER, HE’S GOING ALL THE WAY (Sen. Bernie Sanders (I-VT) is vowing to take his presidential campaign through the California primary and to the Democratic convention, no matter if he loses the Democratic primary in New York.)

image005CALIFORNIA CRISIS! HOW TO SPEND BUDGET SURPLUSES BECAUSE DEMOCRATS VOTED (Democrats push the governor to relax his grip on surplus money because the state is “overflowing with billions of dollars in extra cash”)

image005SANDERS AND CLINTON SUPPORT OF RIGHT OF AMERICANS TO SUE SAUDI ARABIA OVER 9/11 (“The bottom line is that keeping this material classified only strengthens the theory that some in the US government are hell bent on covering up for the Saudis.”)

 image010And Media Research Center Reports (Tracking Liberal Media Bias Since 1996) Reports

image005image006ABC FINDS REPUBLICANS TO SLAM CRUZ ON CIVILITY, GUN CONTROL, GAY MARRIAGE (ABC on Monday found Republicans who are bothered by Ted Cruz’s supposed lack of civility, who disagree with him on gun control and gay marriage. The town hall aired on Good Morning America, allowing the senator 30 minutes and 38 seconds to talk to voters. But, unlike past ABC events that gushed over Hillary Clinton, this one featured tough questions from voters.)

image005NETWORKS BOW TO HILLARY, CLOONEY OVER CLAIMS THEIR FUNDRAISERS WILL GO AWAY IF CITIZENS UNITED DOES (On Monday morning, the “big three” networks of ABC, CBS, and NBC fell in line and faithfully touted the promises of liberal actor George Clooney that his fundraisers for Democrats like Hillary Clinton will go away once they elect enough of them to ensure the Supreme Court overturns the Citizens United decision. Further, CBS This Morning used a portion of their interview with socialist Senator Bernie Sanders to lobby him to join Clooney and Clinton in raising money for Democrats collectively across the country.)

image005NBC USES LEWINSKY INTERVIEW TO SILENCE TALK OF CLINTON SCANDALS (In a report for Monday’s NBC Today, news anchor Natalie Morales highlighted a new interview with Monica Lewinsky in the The Guardian and used the words of the former White House intern to scold Republican frontrunner Donald Trump for bringing up Bill Clinton’s past sex scandals during the 2016 campaign.)

image005CNN’S CUOMO BADGERS SANDERS ON GUNS; BOOSTS LAWSUIT AGAINST GUNMAKERS (CNN’s Chris Cuomo hounded Bernie Sanders on Monday’s New Day over his opposition to litigation against gunmakers and dealers. Cuomo spotlighted the lawsuit by some of the families of the Newtown shooting victims and wondered, “Why did you give such a quick no on…whether or not they should be sued?” Cuomo pressed him again about the Newtown case specifically: “Do you think they should be able to sue?…many people said you were on the wrong side of that issue.”)

image005AP: SURVEY SAYS JUST SIX PERCENT PUT THEIR TRUST IN THE MEDIA (The Associated Press reports the latest bad news for the press: “Just 6 Percent of People Say They Trust the Media.” Trust in the news media is being eroded by perceptions of inaccuracy and bias, fueled in part by public skepticism about what they read on social media. “Just 6 percent of people say they have a lot of confidence in the media, putting the news industry about equal to Congress and well below the public’s view of other institutions.”)

image005HEY BERNIE, ARE YOU JESUS? (When it comes to softball questions Bernie Sanders has had his fill from cable and network hosts alike but they’d all be hard-pressed to top Comedy Central’s Larry Wilmore’s slow-pitch to the socialist senator when he asked: “Are you Jesus?”)

image005UNITED STATES MOCKED ON CBS’S ‘GOOD WIFE’: ‘THE LAND OF GUNS AND GANGS’ (CBS’s The Good Wife on Sunday took some gratuitous shots at the United States, referring to America s the “land of guns and gangs.” A Canadian justice of the peace lectured: “I’m only remarking now as a Canadian citizen. It would be better if our neighbors from the south would try to emulate the freedoms we enjoy here, with no surveillance and with our superior health care system.”)

And Here Are A Few Left-Wing Cartoons We Just Receivedimage012image013image014

 And Those Liberal Lies Will Just Keep On Coming

Expect More Of The Same For The Next 276* Days Until Noon on Inauguration Day When The Nation Can Begin To Undo All The Damage Obama Has Done.

*1,296 If You Live In Anderson Townshipimage003image018