Official “DemocRAT Talking Points Memo” E-dition



Did you ever wonder where Kneepad Liberals at Your Local TV Stations Get Their Liberal Bias National News Stories?

image004They’re most likely reading their “Official DemocRAT Talking Points Memo” with slanted stories like these from the PoliticusUSA Newsletter:

image005FRIDAY FOX FOLLIES – DEFENDING THE INDEFENSIBLE (Good news, loyal readers! There will be nothing about the Fox “News” love affair with Donald Trump this week. APRIL FOOL!!! Don’t blame me; blame Fox & Friends. While I loathe Fox & Friends, I still watch it every morning. Maybe because I was a News Writer on the highest-rated morning in Toronto for a […])

WITH THE ENTIRE WORLD WATCHING, OBAMA ANNIHILATES TRUMP ON FOREIGN POLICY (At his press conference following the Nuclear Security Summit, President Obama all but called Republican frontrunner Donald Trump danger to the world who doesn’t know much about anything related to foreign policy.)

GOP CHAMPIONS OF WALL STREET IN A TIZZY OVER OBAMA’S NEW ‘FIDUCIARY RULE’ (Ryan called the rule, designed to protect investors from conflicts of interest and hidden fees, “an April Fools-worthy joke”)


IT’S ALL DOWNHILL FOR TRUMP AS FACT CHECKERS FIND HE LIED ABOUT BATTERED JOURNALIST (Spoiler alert! Donald Trump got busted lying again. This time the Republican frontrunner was awarded the Pants on Fire rating from Politfact, for falsely claiming that reporter Michelle Fields changed her story.)

MSNBC FIRES BACK AND STOPS A BIG TRUMP LIE DEAD IN ITS TRACKS (MSNBC is firing back against Donald Trump’s claim that MSNBC edited his interview with Chris Matthews to take his comment that women should be punished for having abortions out of context.)

REPUBLICANS TRY TO FIX THEIR TRUMP PROBLEM BY HIRING A NEW ‘BLACK MEDIA’ DIRECTOR (The fact that the RNC is putting a black man who thought Rand Paul had a good message for African-American voters in charge of their messaging to “black media” is reason number one to be dubious that this will work.)

TRUMP COULD BE FACING CRIMINAL INVESTIGATION OVER ILLEGAL JOB OFFER TO BEN CARSON (A public interest group has written to the Justice Department seeking a criminal investigation into Ben Carson’s claim that Donald Trump illegally offered him a job in his administration in exchange for his endorsement.)

YES HE CAN: OBAMA PRESIDES OVER RECORD SETTING 73RD MONTH OF JOB GROWTH (The latest economic data released today showed that President Obama continues to smash records by presiding over a 73 straight month of private sector job growth.)

CRUEL TEXAS REPUBLICANS FORCE WOMEN TO DELIVER DEAD BABIES (Even in extremely dangerous pregnancies, Doctors are forbidden to induce labor because Texas considers it an abortion)

GALLUP: 7 OUT OF 10 WOMEN HAVE UNFAVORABLE VIEW OF TRUMP (7 out of 10 women have an unfavorable opinion of Trump, and almost 6 out of 10 men, and only 1 out of 4 women view him favorably)

image006And Media Research Center Reports (Tracking Liberal Media Bias Since 1996) Reports

image007 NETWORKS CONTINUE PUNTING ON HILLARY’S E-MAILS; FNC EXPOSES HER ‘STORM OF LEGAL MISERY’ (Despite reports trickling out about the FBI investigation into Hillary Clinton’s e-mail scandal and one about Clinton soon being interviewed by the bureau, the “big three” networks of ABC, CBS, and NBC again saw no reason to keep their viewers abreast of this scandal on Thursday night, with only 16 seconds spent all week on it by the evening newscasts.)

CBS ONLY NETWORK TO IGNORE CLINTON TEMPER TANTRUM (Both ABC and NBC’s nightly news broadcasts on Thursday shared a video of Hillary Clinton losing her temper when asked a question at a rally by a Bernie Sanders supporter. The video shows Clinton ranting and pointing her finger in the face of the questioner. While CBS found time to include Clinton and Sanders’ criticism of Donald Trump, they ignored the less-than-flattering video of Clinton. On NBC, Lester Holt called the exchange, “high drama” toting the new video showed Clinton “losing her temper.” Kasie Hunt echoed Clinton was “flashing anger.”)

NETS TOUT TRUMP ABORTION COMMENTS AS ‘GIFT’ FOR HILLARY (On Thursday, all three network morning shows gleefully seized on Donald Trump’s abortion comments during a Wednesday MSNBC town hall to boost Hillary Clinton, declaring the remarks to be the “perfect” “gift” for the Democratic frontrunner.

LARRY KING ASKS RICHARD SCHIFF: ‘DID FOX NEWS AND THE RIGHT WING CREATE TRUMP?’ (On Thursday night’s Politicking with Larry King, the liberal pundit asked West Wing actor Richard Schiff what he thought about Donald Trump and his popularity. After discussing how Trump was a larger-than-life character like Citizen Kane, King asked Schiff: “Do you think it’s Fox News and the right-wing that created Trump?”)

 MEYERS USES TRUMP’S ABORTION COMMENTS TO SKEWER ‘HYPOCRITICAL’ PRO-LIFE POLICIES (While noting the near universal criticism of Donald Trump’s comments on abortion, NBC’s Late Night host Seth Meyers couldn’t help but take a few moments early Friday morning to blast pro-lifers as “hypocritical” for calling out Trump since GOP state legislators “are still looking for other non-criminal ways to essentially punish women for having abortions.”

SETH MEYERS GOES ON ANTI-CHRISTIAN RANT, COMPARING RELIGIOUS FREEDOM BILLS TO SEGREGATION (Days after he smeared the Last Supper as bland and ruled the didn’t blame Judas for betraying Jesus, NBC’s Late Night host Seth Meyers spent over seven minutes early Thursday morning viciously berating and decrying conservatives backing religious freedom laws in Georgia and North Carolina as segregationists alongside Christians, Chick-fil-A, and North Carolina Republican Governor Pat McCrory.)

And Here Are A Few New Posters We Just Receivedimage010 image011 image012 image013

 And Those Liberal Lies Will Just Keep On Coming

Expect More Of The Same For The Next 293* Days Until Noon on Inauguration Day When The Nation Can Begin To Undo All The Damage Obama Has Done.


*1,312 if your live in Anderson Townshipimage009 image010