Special “Remembering Shock and Awe” E-dition

march 19 shock and awe


image005It Looks A Lot Like What Trump and Cruz Are Doing To The Republican Party Establishment Today 

            Hurley the Historian says on this date in 2003, the War in Iraq began with a shock-and-awe pyrotechnic display over Baghdad, and Defeatist DemocRATS in Congress immediately said the war had gone on too long and the response on the U.S. military was “disproportionate,” whatever in the hell that means.

Today everybody’s watching Outsider Republican Presidential Candidates Donald Trump and Ted Cruz destroy the Republican Political Establishment, with a lot of help from the Republican Political Establishment.

The donors who pumped millions into an anti-Trump campaign should now be assessing whether to continue the fight. And while some mainstream Republicans are blathering about a floor fight at the July convention, others are losing their resolve.

“Only in the minds of the delusional DC establishment is there a brokered convention at this point,” said Tony Fabrizio, a longtime GOP pollster who advised Rand Paul’s campaign. “And if the elites try and steal the nomination from Trump, the riots at the ’68 DemocRAT Convention will look like a garden party.”image009 image010