Special “Saturday Strategery” E-dition



Let The Hair Jokes Begin!

This morning at the Whistleblower Newswire Newsroom, everybody was watching the counter at the lower-right-hand corner click off the hours, minutes, and seconds until Republican Presidential Front-Runner Donald Trump gets all that FREE publicity hosting Saturday Night.


For weeks, Liberals have been outraged that Saturday Night Live would dare give a Republican all that FREE publicity, demanding Trump’s removal as tonight’s guest host. Thursday, The Blower’s STUPID LIBERAL LIAR AWARD went to Dipsy DemocRAT California Congresswoman Loretta Sanchez who claimed Donald Trump’s hosting Saturday Night Live this weekend would be like someone yelling “Fire” in a crowded theater. Sanchez even called his appearance an “affront” to the Latino community. Meanwhile NBC is continuing to promote the hell out of Trump’s appearance.

image005You can see Host Donald Trump Shops Around SNL For A Running Mate

image005You Can See Donald Trump Rips Ben Carson in New SNL Promos

image005You Can Even See SNL Host Donald Trump Tries on Sia’s Wig

image005So how could Whacko Liberals manage to create even more FREE publicity for Donald Trump? Their protest in front of the studios was a huge failure, so Hispanic activists released a video showing grade-school kids saying “Fuck You, Donald Trump” and giving Trump the finger obviously backfired, when Trump and the rest of the Right-Wing Media got still more FREE publicity criticizing the stupid protest video.

“The fact is someone did him a favor with this. Now they’re attacking him with little kids giving middle fingers? I think this is going to be great for Donald Trump,” said Salem State University communications professor Rob Brown. “This is exactly the kind of ugly expression of unpolitical correctness that Trump has been talking about … this won’t hurt him at all.”

And if The Blower didn’t know better, we might even suspect if Trump hadn’t actually arranged that ??? protest, he certainly didn’t mind it a bit.

image005Meanwhile, at The Blower, we’re pretty sure where we’ll be able to find some interesting videos for tomorrow’s “Weekend Video Review” E-dition.image012image001