Daily Archives: October 22, 2015

Special “Politicizing The Benghazi Hearings” E-dition



Straight Out Of The DemocRAT Playbook

image005Yesterday as Disingenuous DemocRATS were orchestraing their coordinated Campaign of Obfuscation while Hillary was practicing lying her ass off at Trey Gowdy’s Benghazi hearings this morning, Desperate DemocRATS were frantically fund-raising with an e-mail campaign asking Dumbed-Down Dems to sign another meaningless petition to tell Republicans to shut down the Benghazi Committee immediately (if not sooner). 

They claimed: Republicans are abusing their power in Congress for political gain, and it needs to END. And when you clicked the button,


You were taken to a page where you could “Sign On” image007

And when you clicked that “Sign On” Button, Disingenuous DemocRATS thanked you for signing and for a mere $3 donation, they promised to send you a “Get Money Out Of Politics” Sticker, along with the opportunity to donate even more money. Notice where the box to make this donation a monthly recurring donation has already been checked for your convenience. image009

Unfortunately for those Dumbed Down Dems who were stupid enough to sign the petition and donate money, the petition didn’t work, because Republican Benghazi Committee Chairman Trey Gowdy’s Opening Statement this morning sounded like a real indictment. [You Can Read That Here]

Maybe those suckers on the Disingenuous DemocRATS E-mail List should ask for a refund along with their “Get Money Out of Politics” bumper stickers. Only a Stupid DemocRAT would fall for something like that for a paltry $3!


