Daily Archives: October 7, 2015

Another “It’s Un-Debatable” E-dition



Suppose They Gave a TV Debate and Nobody Watched

image005Anderson TEA Party Trustee Andy Pappas says “It’s hard to you believe can’t the nearly total lack of interest in that League of Women Vipers Candidates Forum scheduled for October 14 at Anderson Center on Five Mile Road. It promises to be almost as boring at the Anderson Township Republican Club Meeting scheduled at the same place tonight.”

Maybe that’s because Angry Andersonians remember last year’s League of Women Vipers so-called debate between Returning 27th Ohio House District State Rep-Tile “TaxKiller Tom” Brinkman and his unnamed DemocRAT Opponent. The size of that audience was underwhelming. At least Former Feckless Fishwrap Editrix Wedgie Washburn moderating the event didn’t ban the Pledge of Allegiance, as has been reported at other Politically Correct LWV Debates across the country.

That Tuesday night, hardly any Warner Cable Subscribers in Anderson paying that exorbitant Franchise Fee the Township had been skimming for years tuned into Anderson Cable TV to watch the League of Women Vipers sign the Whistleblower Pledge and allow the audience say the Pledge of Allegiance when Feckless Fishwrap Editrix Wedgie Washburn gave her opening remarks at the “Campaign Forum” between Returning 27th Ohio House District State Rep-Tile “TaxKiller Tom” Brinkman and his unnamed DemocRAT Opponent at the Anderson Center. It was not a particularly well-attended event.


Hurley the Historian said Lincoln and Douglas were turning over in their graves, because the Vipers couldn’t even call Tuesday’s worthless program a “Debate.” It was a dumbed-down version of those Joint Press Conferences that pass for those so-called “Debates” with Partisan Panelists and Mendacious Moderators that insult our intelligence during our increasingly Dumbe- Down Presidential Campaigns every four years. What kind of cockamamie contest is it when they give you the questions in advance anyway?

No wonder none of those Dumbed-Down, Self-Absorbed, Media-Influenced, Celebrity-Obsessed, Politically-Correct, Uninformed, Short-Attention-Span, Free-Stuff Grabbing, Low-Information Obama Voters Put Obama In The White House—Twice, and get all of their information from our Obama Supporters in the Press, even bothered to tune in.

image013image007It was so bad, not even a single member of Brinkman’s family nor his campaign manager who had suffered through all of “TaxKiller Tom’s” previous campaigns, watched the so-called debate.

image013Anderson Trustee “In Russ We Trust” Jackson, who still hadn’t gotten over how the Forest Hills Urinal’s League of Women Vipers Reporter Lisa Wakeland moderated the event in 2013, didn’t watch the so-called debate.

image013Since they’d already voted (but not that many times yet), all of those people who’d lined up around the block in the rain before 8:30 AM Tuesday morning at the Hamilton County Board of Elections to vote early and often in the 2014 Elections, didn’t watch the so-called debate.

image013Disingenuous DemocRAT Charlie Luken, who was still trying to make people think he was a “Conservative” with his “Luken for Probate Judge” signs, didn’t watch the so-called debate.

image013Whistleblower 2014 Fall Interns Josie, Zach, Bryan, and Mitchell, who claimed they were doing their homework, didn’t watch the so-called debate.

image013image010Sodomy Rites Activists who probably wouldn’t have been satisfied with their DemocRAT Candidate’s response to the gay marriage question, didn’t watch the so-called debate.

image013Ohio Governor Kasich, who says so what if his name isn’t on the sample ballot in Clermont County, didn’t watch the so-called debate.

image013Revered Former Ohio Congressman Bob McEwen and “Mean Jean” Schmidt, who both said they had enough of the Vipers when they were running for office, didn’t watch the so-called debate.

image013Wyoming Hottie “Vivacious Vicky” Zwissler, who was home watching herself in YouTube commercials from all 50 states, didn’t watch the so-called debate.

image013Devious DemocRAT Micah Kamrass, who’d accepted a large campaign contribution from Disbarred Greedy Hearse-Chasing, Disgraced Democrat, Clinton-Loving, Fen-Phen Scandal Plagued, Not-Yet-Indicted Trial Attorney $Tan Che$ley, didn’t watch the so-called debate.

image013Metro Mole, who said everybody at The Fishwrap was studying that new chart showing all the jobs Wonderful Wedgie planned to cut, didn’t watch the so-called debate.

image013image012Forrest Gump Teachers, who were busy illegally campaigning and not just during working hours for the School Board’s outrageous $103 million building bond issue on the November ballot, didn’t watch the so-called debate.

image013State Senate Candidates Cecil Thomas and The Windbag, who were still busy trying to explain how they’re really “Pro-Life” after both men told The Fishwrap they’d hesitate to support new abortion restrictions, didn’t watch the so-called debate.

image013Special Prosecutor R. Scott Croswell III, who said “Hamilton County Prosecutor Jaywalking Joe Deters would like to see Ditzy DemocRAT Juvie Judge Traci Hunter beheaded but denied that was necessarily his goal too, didn’t watch the so-called debate.

image013Cincinnati Police Chief Jeffrey Blackwell, who was calling Assistant Chief Bailey from Columbus to complain he needed to do a better job polishing the gold braid on his Chief’s hat, didn’t watch the so-called debate.

image013In Northern Kentucky, Alison Wondergams Grimes, who was ducking questions from real reporters asking about James O’Keefe’s Project Veritas videos showing Alison’s campaign staffers admitting she’s deceiving voters on her energy plan and a second video showing a real estate mogul and top DemocRAT donor saying, “She’s going to fuck ‘em as soon as she gets elected,” didn’t watch the so-called debate.

image013Good DemocRAT Thomas Eric Duncan, late of Liberia, and the first Ebola patient diagnosed in the United States, didn’t watch the so-called debate.

image013Our Incredibly Shrinking President, who was busy trying to spin his promise that nobody in America would ever die of the Ebola, didn’t watch the so-called debate.

image013Race-Baiter Jesse Jackson, who said “White Privilege led to the death of the Ebola Patient,” didn’t watch the so-called debate.

image013Finally, Defeated State Rep-Tile Peter $tautberg, whose opposition to Common Core had landed the TEA Party its only true Statehouse victory in May’s Republican primaries when “Tax-Killer Tom” Brinkman cleaned $tautberg’s clock 54%-46% despite the Ohio GOP’s Million Dollar Smear Campaign (shown in the ad below), didn’t watch the so-called debate.


image036Note: Our Friends at Anderson Community Cable were saying rebroadcasts of that So-Called Debate should be available sometime early the next week or maybe not, and The Blower will let you know if and when that really happens. As the official publication of record for all that political scrambling, speculation, mud-slinging, and back-stabbing in the Tri-state, our readers expect nothing less. In the meantime Good Government Groupies in Anderson could always watch this.


More Proud Sponsors and Avid Fans


Today’s edition is brought to you by a generous “in-kind” donation during our October fund-raising drive from American Parliamentary Debate Association, teaching proper political debate procedures to serious students of debate for fun and profit.image003

e-mail your winning arguments today.


Some argumentative items in today’s Blower were sent in by our equally argumentative subscribers, but let’s face it, we could always use more.image003

Whistleblower Video of the Day
Political Science Theater 2012 (Episode One)
Coverage Of The Last Meaningful Political Debate In Anderson

image016Sent in by CFK-TV, which never quite got off the ground in 2012 the way it was supposed to.

image017Note: We guarantee iPhone subscribers who don’t go home and see links and pictures on their computers are not going to appreciate all of this good stuff today.image003image012