Special “Invitation to the Pope” E-dition



White Privilege in Anderson

         image005Not yet on Pope Francis’ Public Schedule during the remainder of his visit to America would be an opportunity to officiate at a Prayer Vigil for Political Correctness tonight at the Peace Pole Garden in Anderson. And what an opportunity that would be, especially after our Feckless Fishwrappers turned over Thursday’s Opinion Page to a group of concerned individuals in our interfaith community, along with members of Greater Anderson Promotes Peace, who have been meeting to dialogue about Racism and how we can respond with action that transforms hatred into welcome.

image006Hopefully, the Holy Father could help those White Guilt Ridden Anderson Township Residents become more aware of, informed about, and sensitive to matters of Racism.

image006The People’s Pope could also help them get in touch with their unconscious biases and better understand the concerns and experiences of people of color.

image006Should the Pontiff decide to accept the invitation from those White, God-fearing Andersonians, Beloved Whistleblower Publisher Charles Foster Kane’s next door neighbor Archbishop Schnurr says, “His Holiness would be welcome to bunk at my place tonight. It’s not quite as big as the Vatican, but it’s almost as opulent.”

image006Anderson Trustee President “In Russ We Trust” Jackson says, “Maybe Pope Francis would like to help me put up a few yard signs for my re-election campaign.”

image006Anderson Trustee Andy Pappas says, “I’d like to hear the Pope’s views on Amnesty for all those illegal immigrants working in that building behind my Cleaner Concept store on Beechmont Avenue.”

image006Forrest Gump School Board President and Newtown Resident Randy Smith could ask about changing the name of the Anderson Redskins.

image006Meanwhile, “TaxKiller Tom” Brinkman says, “Pope Francis would be most welcome to hear confessions at tonight’s End of Summer Picnic at Veterans Park. He could enjoy the free food and drink and even announce the winner of the door prize (four tickets to the Bungals-Browns game/ second prize 8 tickets), but make sure he knows people with last names from A-M have to bring a desert [sic] and folks with last names from N-Z should show up with a summer salad or side dish. Pontiffs with names ending in Roman numerals have to bring bottled Holy Water.”


