Special “Conservative Cheering” E-dition

header-sept 25 boehnerSaturday, September 26, 2015

And Now The Boehner Bashing Really Begins

             image004The Counter on at the lower right-hand corner of the Whistleblower Newswire web page is already starting to click off the days, hours, minutes, and seconds until Republican House Speaker John Boehner is scheduled resign to avoid doing irreparable harm to Congress on October 30, and the Boehner Bashing has already begun.

image006Conservative voters roared in a standing ovation Friday at the Values Voter Summit in Washington after 2016 Presidential Candidate Florida Republican Senator Marco Rubio announced Boehner’s plans to retire. Rubio worked it into prepared remarks where he questioned why a Republican Congress isn’t “able to stop our country from sliding in the wrong direction.”

image006image007Was Boehner a Conservative? You’ve got to be kidding. Under the spending deals cut by Boehner, the federal government’s debt has climbed $3,968,445,855,460.28, according to debt numbers published by the U.S. Treasury. That works out to an increase in the debt of $26,627.43 per each of the 149,036,000 people who, according to the Bureau of Labor Statistics, had a full- or part-time job in the United States as of August 2015. The Blower is really surprised Boehner’s lasted this long.

image006Whistleblower Pollster Ron Rasmussen says only 2% of GOP voters are “very satisfied” with Boehner-McConnell and 62% of Republicans Feel BETRAYED by their Party. This now puts Republican Senate Majority Leader Bitch McConnell in the RINO Hunters’ cross-hairs.  

image006With the Pope’s visit this week, Boehner claimed he had “Nothing Left To Accomplish.” “Not true, says Beloved Whistleblower Publisher Charles Foster Kane. “I’m sure if Boehner really tried, he could find a few new ways to cave in to Obama and the Disingenuous DemocRATS.”

Now from Newsmax, here are Seven Reasons Conservatives Are Cheering Today:

  1. image009Boehner is unpopular among Conservative voters —Of the 4,025 polled, less than 6 percent would want their Representative to re-elect Boehner as House Speaker if the election were held today.
  1. His frequent crying does not instill confidence — In the past, Boehner has wept openly while giving speeches, adding a heartfelt touch to political events that can often be quite dry. In July of this year, however, he shed tears while speaking to an interviewer from The Golf Channel, of all places — an incident that many commented was a bit strange.
  1. He lost many ObamaCare arguments in the media — This year, several left-leaning media outlets sought to hold Boehner accountable for his past predictions about the Affordable Care Act, and he failed to hit back. Chuck Todd of NBC’s “Meet the Press” asked Boehner if he was wrong on ObamaCare, as more people had insurance as a result, and the country added jobs the year it was implemented. Boehner’s response quickly went into the weeds, talking about hours worked and employer burdens — arguments few found compelling.
  1. image011He has been slow to react to political opportunities — Florida Republican Congressman Richard Nugent was kicked off the Rules Committee after he publicly criticized Boehner for his shortcomings. He specifically called out Boehner’s 18-month delay in appointing a select committee to investigate the 2012 Benghazi attacks, as well as his months-long delay in filing a lawsuit against President Barack Obama’s overreaching executive actions.
  1. He has a record of voting to inflate the nation’s debt — As FreedomWorks reported, Boehner voted at least five times from 2002 to 2008 to increase the U.S. debt by $450 billion to $900 billion at a time. “[I]n total, John Boehner voted to increase America’s debt by 3.631 trillion-with-a-t dollars,” the conservative outfit reported.
  1. He is unlikely to fight for defunding Planned Parenthood this fall — After multiple undercover videos have called into question whether the organization has violated the law in performing abortions, many high-profile Republicans called for defunding. After Senate Majority Leader Bitch McConnell signaled an unwillingness to fight in the face of a likely veto from Obama, Boehner is likely to follow suit.
  1. image012He worked with DemocRATS to pass the “cromnibus” bill funding Obama’s immigration plans — This past December, 67 Republicans voted against the legislation, while Boehner sided with the opposition party, harnessing 57 of their votes to pass the bill. He then offered empty rhetoric to his conservative colleagues, vowing an immigration fight in 2015 that has yet to materialize.

image006Ohio TEA Party Guy Tom Zawistowski said: “Our problems with Speaker Boehner could not have been more clearly stated than when Speaker Boehner said in his comments today that “The number 1 responsibility of the next Speaker is to protect the institution.”  Speaker Boehner, the next Speaker’s number 1 responsibility will be to protect and defend the Constitution of the United States and to put the well being of every individual citizen of the United States first and foremost in every action taken by the US House of Representatives. What is wrong with Washington, and what was wrong with Speaker Boehner, is that they have long forgotten that they are there to serve the people and all they do is to serve themselves and their monied special interests.”

image006That’s why Award Winning Photo Illustrator Artis Conception now shows us a collective sigh of relief from Conservatives in Congress after hearing Boehner’s announcement. You should add it to the other Dirty Dozen examples published in The Blower’s “Artis Conception Gallery” E-dition on Friday afternoon.

