Special “Papal Politics” E-dition


Thursday, September 24, 2015

Trying to Separate the Pope’s Visit From The Hype

image004Whistleblower Senior National Political Affairs Analyst Britt Humus says all that hype and hypocrisy over the Pope’s will continue, like with this photo of the Pope’s meeting with Satan.

image014TODAY’S “LIBERALS SAY THE STUPIDEST THINGS” AWARD goes to Obama’s White House Propaganda Minister Josh Earnest for trying to compare Obama to the Pope, claiming “Both Pope Francis and Obama have selflessly devoted their lives to helping others.”

There are a couple of things Obama and the Pope agree on—Pope Francis calls illegal immigrants in America “Pilgrims” and they both believe Global Warming is a BFD. 

image014LATE NIGHT COMEDIANS WILL BE COMING UP WITH LAME JOKES ABOUT THE POPE’S VISIT ALL WEEK.  Late Night comedians will be feasting off the Pope’s visit all week. Tuesday night Jimmy Fallon said, “I saw that top congressional leaders sent a statement to the House and Senate with guidelines for Pope Francis’ visit, including a request to not shake his hand. Apparently, they’re worried that if politicians touch the Pope they’ll burst into flames.” Conan O’Brien said,The Pope arrived in the U.S. today. I think that’s exciting. The Pope flew into Washington this afternoon on Lifelong Virgin Air.” Jimmy Kimmel said, The Pope is a very humble man. He doesn’t believe in extravagance. He’s not a fan of commercialism or consumerism. With that said, this is how we welcome him here in the United States — with Pope Francis bobble heads, with Pope Francis dolls, T-shirts that say “Pope Is Dope.” And Seth Meyers said, Pope Francis will fly on American Airlines while traveling between Washington, New York and Philadelphia, and not, as I had assumed, Virgin.”

image014image007IN COLUMBUS, Buckeye Bureau Chief Gerry Manders says Wright State University will host the first general election presidential debate next September. The Republican National Committee caved in again. Doesn’t anybody remember that Racial Healing Moment in February when Wright State issued its so-called apology for that offensive Black History Month Menu that forgot to include chitlins on the sign that included chicken, mashed potatoes, collard greens and cornbread under a picture of Martin Luther King Jr. and other famous black figures? 

image014WHISTLEBLOWER POLLSTER RON RASMUSSEN says Donald Trump still holds his lead in the 2016 GOP presidential primary race in the latest Fox News national poll— but Carly Fiorina and Senator Marco Rubio have gained ground as support for Vice President Joe Biden almost doubled on the DemocRAT side. 

image014image008HURLEY THE HISTORIAN says on this date in 1789 the Supreme Court was established, and the Founding Fathers could’ve never imagined what kind of community organizers Obama would’ve appointed or some of the rulings the Obama Court has made.

image014THAT’S WHY YOUR QUOTE FOR TODAY COMMITTEE chose Ronald Reagan’s “More than a decade ago, a Supreme Court decision literally wiped off the books of fifty states statutes protecting the rights of unborn children. Abortion on demand now takes the lives of up to 1.5 million unborn children a year. Human life legislation ending this tragedy will some day pass the Congress, and you and I must never rest until it does. Unless and until it can be proven that the unborn child is not a living entity, then its right to life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness must be protected.”

image014image009IN CINCINNATI:  The Liberal Outrage Machine went into hyper drive when former Hamilton County Commissioner and Cincinnati City Clown-cil Phil Heimlich called Interim Cincinnati Police Chief Eliot Isaac “portly.” The Blower’s been calling Heimlich “Schnozzy” because of his big nose for the past twenty years and you don’t hear him complaining. 

image014OUR CITY HALL SNITCH wonders who screwed up the paperwork when the City of Cincinnati missed out on two federal grants that would have helped purchase body cameras for police officers. Maybe it was the same person who forgot to pay the Duke Energy bills on time. Meanwhile, the Hamilton County Sheriff’s Office was awarded $139,500 for its pilot body cam program on Monday. Word is, that grant is directly traceable to the recommendations that Greenwood & Streicher made to the HCSO in its assessment.

image014image010DISBARRED GREEDY HEARSE-CHASING, DISGRACED DEMOCRAT, CLINTON-LOVING, FEN-PHEN SCANDAL PLAGUED, NOT-YET-INDICTED TRIAL ATTORNEY $TAN CHE$LEY is now suing his former fen-phen clients. Word is he even transferred almost $60m of personal assets to the defunct law firm — of which he was always sole owner — to avoid paying the clients from whom he stole millions. Suing the very clients he victimized is the lowest of the low.

image014TINO DELGATO EXPLAINS IT THIS WAY: $tan Che$ley has been barred from practicing law. But he must have missed his name in the lights. He is now suing those who WON a suit against him for his usurious (greedy) compensation.  $tan may be the highest paid non athlete per hours worked. He will be the richest man in the graveyard with no one visiting him. His grave stone to read: You Can’t Take It With You But I Tried. Where he is headed they do not have class action law suits but they do have plenty of lawyers. Go Figure!!!   

image014IS P-P-P-PATRICK DEWHINE REALLY RUNNING FOR OHIO SUPREME COURT? Has P-P-P-P-PATRICK DeWhine *ever* worked in the private sector? His daddy has spent over 40 years sucking the public teat, and junior has now spent his entire “career” as a clowncil-member, county commissioner, trial judge, and now first district appeal judge. Surely capping this illustrious “career” with a goon position on the Ohio Supreme Court will increase his pension paid by We, The Over-Taxed Payers! Hey, P-P-P-P- PATRICK what exactly have you ever achieved in the private sector, or for that matter, the public one?

image014image011ON THE EAST SIDE: The Whistleblower has learned from a snitch that David Pepper has given up his dream of being Anderson Township Trustee and quit the township to move to Maderia.  By moving now, he qualifies to run for the State Representative seat currently held by Jonathan Dever.  The foul mouthed Dever was last seen selling out to lobbyists for campaign cash by voting for ObamaCare in the State of Ohio. A Former Blue Ash Mayor is welcoming Pepper’s arrival as a past campaign contributor. Lee Czerwonka would love a change.

image014IN NORTHERN KENTUCKY: Feckless Fishwrapper Terry DeMio’s puff piece promoted Muslim Erlanger Attorney Roula Allouch’s  orchestrated outrage and call Republican Presidential Candidate Ben Carson a “Bigot” for the remarks he made about Muslims Sunday on NBC’s “Meet the Depressed.” Curiously, The Blower can’t recall any coverage of when Roula’s Council on American-Islamic Relations organization honored Obama’s Racebaiter # 1 Al Sharpton at its Annual Banquet last year.

image006Those Forgetful Fishwrappers also failed to mention Carson’s campaign mangler Barry Bennett had been “Mean Jean” Schmidt’s former Chief-Of-Staff and the one who got her into that mess by accepting money from Pro-Turkish interests that led to her undoing in Congress. Now, Bennett is holding court with Carson who said all Muslims are bad. Perhaps Carson didn’t know of Bennett and “Mean Jean’s” former obsession with the Turks — who are indeed Muslims.

Not to worry. The Fishwrap is also promoting Louise Lawarre’s latest lunacy when she says if everybody would just attend her next candlelight vigil standing around the Peace Pole in Anderson, all forms of racism will cease to exist for all eternity. 

image014WHISTLEBLOWER INTERNS Olivia, Damon, Wyatt, and Tristan image013say 24 years ago, when The Whistleblower used to be printed and delivered all over town, Issue # 70 published on September 24, 1991 including an item where the Whistleblower was standing by the accuracy of its reporting.   

image014FINALLY, AT YESTERDAY’S MEETING OF THE CONSERVATIVE AGENDA, Political Insiders were asking Beloved Whistleblower Publisher Charles Foster Kane how long it took him to atone on Yom Kippur yesterday. “It didn’t take long,” Kane explained. “I used the drive-thru lane, and anyway, I only had one thing to atone for. It was that time I didn’t tell a guy what I really thought of him.”image003

More Proud Sponsors and Avid Fans

Today’s e-dition is brought to you by another generous non-refundable donation made during our September fund-raising drive by Papal Products, exploiting Pope Francis’ Visit for the Love of Christ. 




E-mail your Jewish-Catholic messages today.

Some ecumenical items in today’s Blower were sent in by our equally ecumenical subscribers, but let’s face it, we could always use more.image003

 Whistleblower Video of the Day

Yom Kippur in Sixty Seconds

image017Note: We guarantee iPhone subscribers who don’t go home and see links and pictures on their computers are not going to appreciate all of this good stuff today.image003

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