Special “SRO in Sharonville” E-dition


Tuesday, September 22, 2015

Have Republicans Finally Found A Black Man They Could Support?

image005A couple of weeks ago at The Conservative Agenda Political Insiders weren’t expecting much of crowd or news coverage of 2016 Republican Presidential Candidate Dr. Ben Carson’s visit to the Sharonville Convention Center this morning. “Just wait till Dr. Ben borrows a page from the Donald Trump Playbook and sets off a firestorm of controversy attacking Murdering Muslims or Illegal Immigrants,” Beloved Whistleblower Publisher Charles Foster Kane predicted, “Disingenuous DemocRATS, RINO Republicans, and Liberal Obama Supporter in the Press will attack him, Carson’s poll numbers will increase, and it’ll be Standing Room Only in Suburban Sharonville.

image014Sunday on NBC’s Meet the Depressed, Carson said, “I would not advocate that we put a Muslim in charge of this nation,” describing Islam as inconsistent with the Constitution. Disingenuous DemocRATS, RINO Republicans, and Liberal Obama Supporters in the Press immediately attacked him, demanding an apology blah, blah, blah, and the country’s leading Muslim-Apology Group immediately called on Carson to drop out of the race, yada, yada, yada, Carson said the next president would have to be sworn in on a stack of Bibles, not a Koran, CAIR sent Carson a copy of the Koran to “Dispel Any Misconceptions About Islam,” and this morning the Sharonville Convention Center was SRO with supporters and the news media.

image014To say the crowd was “mostly Caucasian” would’ve been a real understatement, but Cincinnati City Clown-cilman Charlie Windbag did get give a short introductory speech. So why didn’t more Black people want to hear a Black Republican Presidential Candidate speak? Maybe it was because Carson wasn’t pandering, blaming White people, or giving away FREE Stuff. 

image014image006Our Liberal Agenda Fishwrap did its usually half-assed job asking “Is Rob Portman’s connection to Ben Carson a problem?” Deirdre Sheesgreen, most famous for the legendary hit piece she wrote against Bob McEwen when he ran against “Mean Jean” Schmidt in that Republican Congressional Primary, struck again yesterday, only this time she hit Rob Portman. It seems The Fishwrap part-time newspaper finally figured out that Rob’s former Congressional aide Barry Bennett, and the leader of the Pro-Portman Super PAC is now Ben Carson’s campaign mangler. What the story leaves out is that Bennett was also “Mean Jean” Schmidt’s former Chief-Of-Staff and the one who got her into that mess by accepting money from Pro-Turkish interests that led to her undoing in Congress.  Now, Bennett is holding court with Carson who said all Muslims are bad.  Perhaps Carson didn’t know of Bennett and “Mean Jean’s” former obsession with the Turks — who are indeed Muslims.

image014Carson may not win the presidency, but he’d make a good vice president or an outstanding Surgeon General, because the man has a hell of a message. Now let’s watch Obama being destroyed by Dr. Benjamin Carson’s Amazing Speech (Just Watch Obama’s Face during the Liberal Lambasting)
