Special “9/11 Rant Reaction” E-dition



Because They’re Getting A Lot of Help

image004Yesterday in our Special “9/11 Rant” E-dition, The Blower explained how after September 11, we swore America would never forget, but that only 14 years later, the country is already forgetting. Tragically, these days young people who have any ideas at all about why the unprovoked Muslim terror atrocities of 9/11 occurred seem to buy into a vague and totally false notion, spoon-fed to them in a steady diet of Political Correctness by Murdering Muslims’ Liberal Allies, that it was really America’s fault. Killing nearly 3,000 people and destroying a few buildings was not a victory that would change the course of history in favor of expansionist Islam, but Americans blaming themselves for it, certainly is.

image006And as time passes, students on our nation’s campuses continue to become further removed from the 9/11 attacks given their ages in 2001. This year’s freshmen were only four years old that day. YAF visited the campus of George Mason University to see how much students know about the attacks and whether they think their professors should do a better job of educating them. God Forbid!

image006image005As the New York Post reported (“Colleges brainwash students into believing 9/11 was our fault’), not all of us were mourning 9/11 victims and their families yesterday on the 14th anniversary of the attacks. Hundreds of college kids across the country were instead being taught to sympathize with the terrorists.

That’s because their America-hating leftist professors are systematically indoctrinating them into believing it’s all our fault, that the US deserved punishment for “imperialism” — and the kids are too young to remember or understand what really happened that horrific day.

image006So how did our young people ever grow up not learning the “Lessons of 9/11?” The Blower blames their parents and the over-taxed payer funded public dumbing-down system for that. Somebody ought to ask what children were being taught about 9/11 at the Forrest Gump School District on Friday. What he heard from the ones we asked was not very encouraging.image003image028