Special “9/11 Rant” E-dition



The Unity After 9/11 Has Turned To the DisUnity of Obama’s America

 image004At this afternoon’s meeting of the Conservative Agenda, Political Insiders were asking Beloved Whistleblower Publisher Charles Foster Kane about Ben Domenech’s Federalist column (“The Day We Forgot”) that said “Fourteen years later, Americans have learned no great lessons from 9/11. It is astonishing the degree to which these and other lessons of that day have been forgotten, rendered moot, or cast aside.”

“I totally agree, especially after what I saw today,” Kane explained. “If America had supposedly come together after 9/11, it’s completely fallen apart during the Devolution of America in the Age of Obama. Obama and Michelle stepped onto the South Lawn for an entire minute of silence at 8:46 a.m. Obama made no comment at that observance, but he was later scheduled to visit Fort Meade in Maryland for some selfie photographs with the troops to express his appreciation.”

image006The Liberal Agenda Fishwrap buried its “Local 9/11 Events” listing on Page 21A, and the “Remembering 9/11 Fourteen Years Later” banner at the top of the front page was covered by a Front Room Furnishings’ “Labor Day Extended” sticker. There were no American Flags on cars like we saw after 9/11, but on the way to the Lyons YMCA in Anderson, Kane did see a man running with an American flag. But at the Y there was no recognition of what the day was, and when Kane told one of the members he was “Remembering 9/11,” the guy didn’t know what our Beloved Publisher was talking about. Two Liberals in the Locker Room thought it was “just terrible the way Donald Trump called Rosie O’Donnell a fat pig.” They didn’t seem to place a patriotic priority on Patriots Day, either. Later at the Firehouse, where Kane needed to stop to have his blood pressure checked, Kane asked how many people the firemen thought would recognize the reason the flag in front of the fire station had been lowered today. “Sadly, not many,” the firemen lamented, not that any of those Dumbed-Down, Self-Absorbed, Media-Influenced, Celebrity-Obsessed, Politically-Correct, Uninformed, Short-Attention-Span, Free-Stuff Grabbing, Low-Information Obama Supporters Who Put Obama In The White House—Twice, and get all of their information from our Obama Supporters in the Press, would ever notice the difference. 

Kane did seem one patriotic thing on Patriots Day, when his Faux Facebook Friend PFC Kadon changed his cover photograph.   


Then there was ESPN’s 30 for 30 Short film highlighting President George W. Bush’s first pitch at Yankee Stadium just weeks after 9/11 airing immediately after the national moment of silence marking the 14th anniversary of the terrorist attacks. “It was a sign of defiance to the enemy,” Bush said.

But the Really Big “Feel Good Moment” this afternoon on 14th Anniversary Of 9/11 was when Newsweek reported lightning struck and a giant crane fell on Mecca’s Grand Mosque. 107 Deaths were reported and at least 180 injured. Best of all, the crane belonged to the Bin Laden Family.


The Lord surely does work in mysterious ways.image003image028