Special “Hillary’s Hustle” E-dition



But Her Legal Defense Fund-Raiser Is Still On For Tonight    

image004The Counter at the lower right hand corner of The Whistleblower Newswire Web Page is still clicking off those precious days, hours, minutes, and seconds until Not-Yet-Indicted Hillary Clinton arrives in Cincinnati today for her $2,700-per-person Legal Defense Fund-raiser in East Walnut Hills hosted by Jennie and Allan Berliant.

image005 Local Kneepad Liberals in the Press are sad to report Hillary will NOT be appearing at some sort of “grassroots-organizing Women for Hillary event” in Cincinnati where all those little people Hillary is [supposedly] representing presumably wouldn’t have to pay $2,700 to hear her so-called “vision for an economy that would [supposedly] help everyday Ohioans get ahead and stay ahead.”

image005Buckeye Bureau Chief Gerry Manders says there was not exactly a packed house for Hillary’s Women’s Event in Columbus.


image005Now The Blower is waiting to learn the identities of all those Dumbed-Down DemocRATS planning to attend tonight’s event. Who would believe all those lies Hillary plans to tell them when she tries to explain away all of her scandals? But let’s face it, anybody who would be stupid enough to hand over $2,700 to the most dishonest woman in the history of American Politics (who will not only not be the next president of these United States, but is doubtful even to become the DemocRAT nominee), would be stupid enough to believe just about anything.

image005The Blower will also be watching to see if any of our Mean-Spirited Republicans put up any more of those “Hillary for Prison 2016” signs in East Walnut Hills near the home of Jennie and Allan Berliant like the ones that keep getting stolen from Hillary’s neighborhood in the Hamptons

image006 image005Meanwhile, that Hillary Clinton impersonator will be in the neighborhood poking fun at Hillary’s Legal Defense Fundraiser between 4-6 PM this afternoon.

