Annual “Remembering September 10″ E-dition


Thursday, September 10, 2015

And The Blower Remembers

image005image004Hurley the Historian says on September 10, 2001, Americans had not yet been attacked by those Murdering Muslim terrorists on our own soil, and Obama, his Dysfunctional DemocRATs, and all those Kneepad Liberals in the Press who still believe things have never changed, except that three years ago on September 11, where four Americans were murdered at Obama’s and Hillary’s Benghazi Massacre right before Obama’s re-election, on 9/11’s twelfth  anniversary.

image005A lot of people (including many of Obama’s advisors) still won’t even believe we’ve ever been in a War Against Terror. They still believe in negotiations, appeasement, and letting corrupt, bungling bureaucRATS at the United Nations protect us. These people are either just plain stupid or still in denial, or worse yet, they’re lying liberals just continuing to bash Bush and try to fool all those Dumbed-Down, Self-Absorbed, Media-Influenced, Celebrity-Obsessed, Politically-Correct, Uninformed, Short-Attention-Span, Free-Stuff Grabbing, Low-Information Obama Supporters Who Put Obama In The White House—Twice, and get all of their information from our Obama Supporters in the Press, one more time, during the remaining 496 Days of Dishonesty and Division for America remaining during the Dark Ages of Obama’s Second Term, unless the First Black President in History is impeached.

image005Our short-attention-span Americans think the War on Terror should’ve been over by a long time ago. But The Blower says you’d better get used to it, people! This Muslim Madness won’t be over for the next hundred years, if even then!

image005Whistleblower War Hero Ollie Hackworth still can’t believe it’s been fourteen years since America was attacked on September 11, 2001. And it’s even harder to believe those murdering Muslims haven’t succeeded in attacking us here in a big way again, unless you count last year during the Patriots Day running of the Boston Marathon on April 15, when those two poor Misunderstood Muslim Murdering Tsarnaev Brothers set off two pressure cooker bombs killing three people and injuring an estimated 264 others. Remember, America must prevent an attack every single time, but those Murdering Muslim Terrorist Bastards only have to get lucky once.

image005image008Unfortunately, since 2001, our nation has gone from Unity to Acrimony. Disingenuous DemocRATS and their willing accomplices in the Obama News Media have been blaming Bush every day during the past fourteen years for the fact that the War on Terror is not over.

            “Bring the troops home,” Defeatist DemocRATS in Congress always say.

image005But Uncle Sam says, “Stop all the political spin! There’s no need for rancorous debate. We just need to finish killing those Murdering Muslim Terrorist Bastards, however long it takes!” And when they’re killing each other like they are in Syria, Sarah Palin says, “Let Allah sort it out.” The Blower says, “That Allah option sounds like a real plan.”

image005Do you remember when Osama bin Laden appeared in a video released ahead of the sixth anniversary of the September 11 attacks, telling Americans they should convert to Islam if they wanted the war in Iraq to end? Actually, we’re surprised Obama and some of our Dysfunctional DemocRATS in the Senate didn’t suggest it first.

image005This year, Obama Supporters in the Press will continue to give Obama total credit for killing bin Laden, but two years ago on the first anniversary of Obama’s and Hillary’s Benghazi Massacre, it was really difficult for Barrack Obama, Warrior President to win support for his War Against Syria. Let’s hope he does better this year when he announces his plan for his War on ISIS.

image005image012TEA Party lawmakers say the Obama administration still lacks credibility on foreign policy, but the majority of Iraq and Afghanistan veterans serving in Congress will be lining up to support Obama’s face-saving plan for military action against ISIS, especially after a couple of American journalists got themselves beheaded on TV. Ohio’s Second District Congressman “Bronze Star Brad” Wenstrup was on CNN criticizing Obama for not having already offered a bold, comprehensive strategy to eliminate ISIS. [WATCH IT HERE] 

image005image013But obscuring the real meaning of 9/11 is part of Obama’s efforts to “rebrand” the events of this horrific date and turn it into a Left-wing Looney day of national service, so they can feel good about what’s wrong with America.

They plan is to disregard the kind of “Patriot Day” memorials promoted by the Bush administration, since the Obama White House is totally behind a cynical, coldly calculated political effort to erase the meaning of the Sept. 11, 2001 terrorist attacks from the American psyche and convert September 11 into a day of leftist celebration and statist idolatry. 

They would prefer to focus instead on community volunteerism and green initiatives. Planting gardens, picking up litter, and cleaning up parks are just a few of the activities that the Obama administration proudly hails as part of “The Seventh Annual September 11 National Day of Disservice” during the Obama Administration.

Last year, Obama’s White House issued guidelines for Official 9/11 Observances, but sadly missing was a measure The Blower had been hoping for during the previous decade was an official declaration of September 11 as a national holiday: a day of mourning and a day to remember the principles of liberty for which we stand. The time has long since come for this. Can you imagine how much worse it would’ve been for America after 9/11 had Obama been in the White House on 9/10?

image005image015Obama did remember to mark the thirteen anniversary of 9/11 last year during that Sunday’s over-hyped NBC “Meet the Depressed” interview with Chuck Todd, but did he really say “We’ve not seen any immediate intelligence about threats to our Homeland from ISIS?”  Barack Obama, Warrior President had just returned after leading from behind at last year’s NATO Conference in Wales claiming he has a broad coalition of nations to join America in Obama’s War on ISIS. The United Nations has already drafted a sternly-worded letter.

Obama said his plan was to “degrade” ISIS. What’s he going to do—call all those murdering bastards dirty names? Maybe he’ll pull out all the stops and refer to them as “Republicans in Congress.” Obama’s Doofus Vice President Joe Biden promised we’d follow ISIS to the Gates of Hell, and we could hardly wait for Obama’s Clueless Secretary of State John Kerry’s comments.

WE remember when everybody was waiting for Obama’s big speech last year, where he said he’d outline his administration’s plans for fighting ISIS asking Congress for approval. That week, Obama Supporters in the Press were promoting Obama’s upcoming speech like it would be the Sermon on the Mount.  Maybe we should have been watching Judge Jeanne Pirro’s comments about Obama’s Mixed Message on ISIS instead. 

image005All of which is probably why our Quote for Today Committee says they can hardly wait to see what kind of 9/11 coverage our Obama Supporters in the Press provide this week. 
The Blower still remembers when Lisa Beamer’s husband Todd (a heroic passenger on Flight 93) said: “Are you guys ready? Let’s roll!” 

 image005As part of boilerplate remembrance of 9/11 at the White House, an Official Proclamation from 2014 will no doubt be updated. We can just image President, the Vice President, the First Lady, Dr. Jill Biden and White House staff gathering on the South Lawn of the White House to observe a moment of silence to mark the 14th anniversary of the 9/11 attacks. The President could then travel to the Pentagon Memorial to attend the September 11th Observance Ceremony. But we all know just how patriotic Obama and Michelle can get during all those patriot events. 

We’re not exactly sure of how Obama plans celebrate 9/11 at the White House this year, but The Blower’s certain it will make all America proud.

image005Meanwhile, at yesterday’s meeting of the Conservative Agenda, Political Insiders were asking Beloved Whistleblower Publisher Charles Foster Kane about that Buzzfeed report that ten months after Mitt Romney shuffled off the national stage in defeat — consigned, many predicted, to a fate of instant irrelevance and permanent obscurity — Republicans were suddenly celebrating the presidential also-ran as a political prophet. From his widely mocked warnings about a hostile Russia to his adamant opposition to the increasingly unpopular implementation of ObamaCare, the former-candidate’s canon of campaign rhetoric now offers some cause for vindication — and remorse — to Romney’s friends, supporters, and former advisers. From Russia to Mali to Gaza and Detroit, and all of Obama’s phony scandals too, Romney’s biggest fans now say, “We told you so.” “Obviously, it would’ve been nice if some of these incidents would have been reported during the 2012 campaign,” Kane explained.image003 - Copy


E-mail your memorial messages today.


Some patriotic items in today’s Blower were sent in by our equally patriotic subscribers, but let’s face it, we could always use more.image003 - CopyWhistleblower 9/11 Videos of the Day

“September 11, 2001 – We Remember”


Wake Up America

9/11 Remember the Day

Remembering 9/11 (Several Videos)

image021Note: We guarantee iPhone subscribers who don’t go home and see links and pictures on their computers are not going to appreciate all of this good stuff today.image003 - Copy

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