Special “Obama’s Iran Deal” E-dition



Nuking The Deal

image004Yesterday morning at The Whistleblower-Newswire, when everybody was anxiously waiting for our next Really Big Story to break, we heard from our DC Newsbreaker in Washington, who said he was all set to cover Sarah Palin today after she announced Sunday night that she’d be joining Donald Trump and Ted Cruz at today’s big “Stop the Stupid Iran Nuclear Deal” rally at 1 PM in Washington, DC.

image005The Blower’s Conservative Scorecard currently shows today’s event will feature three presidential candidates, seven lawmakers, and a host of Conservative and security-minded activists. Besides Sarah Palin joining White House hopefuls Donald Trump, Senator Ted Cruz, and Jim Gilmore, we’ll also see broadcasters like Glenn Beck and Mark Levin at the Stop the Stupid Iran Deal Rally. The plainspoken patriarch of Duck Dynasty – Phil Robertson – will also be on hand. A protest against the White House nuclear accord with Iran, the rally will have an impressive backdrop for speakers and media alike. The event will be staged on the west lawn of the U.S. Capitol.

image008Donald Trump says, “It is hard to believe a president of the United States would actually put his name on an agreement with the terrorist state Iran that is so bad, so poorly constructed and so terribly negotiated that it increases uncertainty and reduces security for America and our allies, including Israel.

“It was amateur hour for those charged with striking this deal with Iran, demonstrating to the world, yet again, the total incompetence of our president and politicians. It appears we wanted a deal at any cost rather than following the advice of Ronald Reagan and walking away because “no deal is better than a bad deal.”

image005“The broad spectrum of national leaders to speak at the rally underlines the momentum behind the movement to stop Obama’s nuclear deal with Iran,” say Jenny Beth Martin, CEO of the TEA Party Patriots, the primary organizer for the rally, along with the Center for Security Policy and the Zionist Organization of America.

image005Whistleblower Pollster Ron Rasmussen says although Obama has reportedly secured enough votes in Congress to override a congressional challenge of its deal over Iran’s nuclear program, most voters (66% ) still think the Constitution requires Congress to approve the deal as a treaty before it becomes effective, and many want their congressional representatives to reject it.

