Daily Archives: August 29, 2015

Special “Increasing Cincinnati’s Police Protection” E-dition



The Blower Has An Idea

image005Monday’s “Outrageous Overtime” E-dition about “Driving Chief Blackwell” set a record for a single story recording the most page views ever at The Whistleblower Newswire, followed closely by Tuesday’s “Outrageous Overtime Update” featuring Award Winning Photo Illustrator Artis Conception’s “Driving Da Chief.”  

image006Earlier today, in The Blower’s Special “Saturday Slaughter” (The Killing Continues) E-dition, The Blower asked if Cincinnati’s Current Affirmative Action Police Chief Jeffrey Blackwell was finally planning to move a few officers from their special assignments to patrol duty in an effort to reduce shootings. We asked what happened to Phase I. Had it been accomplished, or is this just a new attempt to stop the violence since the first one failed? And we wondered if Chief’s Personal Chauffeur Officer Scotty Johnson would be hitting the streets, too. 

Sharon Coolidge’s story in the Liberal Agenda Fishwrap (“Officers moved to patrol to reduce shootings”) had not answered all the questions (as usual).

image006But let’s review the situation:

image009The supposed shortage of police officers in the field is a direct result of a deal made between then, former 14-Star Chief Craig and the very dishonest, lying FOP President, Kathy Harrell.

Harrell bitched, whined, and complained that officers needed to work 10-12 hour days to relieve the stress they experienced at work and for a better quality of life (i.e. three off days-per-week rather than two).  Craig granted this change which created a shorter work week and granted officers a third off day per week.

Let’s do the math: 620 officers in patrol x 1 extra off day per week = 620 officers working one less day per week.  That’s not so hard to figure out.  But, it also means the work week was reduced from five days to four days, or a 20% reduction in the work force each week (i.e. 20% less officers available to patrol the streets).

Again, let’s do the math: 620 x .20 = 124

Yep, that’s correct!  The change in work hours within the police department reduced the number of officers available to patrol the street by 124 cops each and every week.  Craig and Harrell schemed to create the new work schedule, Craig left for Detroit after beginning the deplorable decline of professionalism in the CPD, and Harrell now continues to bitch, whine, and complain there aren’t enough cops on the street.  In an attempt to stop the bleeding, the current dumbass serving as police chief decides to transfer 24 cops to uniform patrol.  WTF!

image006image007HERE’S OUR IDEA: put the cops back on eight-hour days, working five days a week instead of four days per week and realize an immediate, 20% (that’s 124 cops) increase in your patrol force.  Hey, Smithermouth, you don’t need a magic wand to put 100 more cops on the street, you just need to do some simple math.  We thought a financial planner would be able to figure out something so simple.  What a bunch of simple-minded DemocRAT dumbasses we are running this city!

Oh, and by the way, the new work schedule provided officers with three off days per week rather than two off days per week – a 50 percent increase, net 33.33% gain, if our simple math is correct.  The cops are paid premium pay for attending court on their off days.  That means our simple-minded ex-14 star Chief also caused the city to incur a 50% increase in overtime expenditure for officers attending court on their off days.  Hmmmm, I wonder why Harrell just bitches, whines, and complains rather than identifying an obvious solution to the supposed issue of not enough cops on the street.  Could it be she likes spending other people’s money?  We sure know the answer to that one – GUILTY!

And dumbass Blackwell must have his head up his own ass if he can’t figure this one out!  What a bunch of freaking morons!image003image008