Daily Archives: August 26, 2015

Special “Trump’s Triumphs” E-dition



He’s Having It All His Own Way

image004At this morning’s meeting of the Conservative Agenda, Political Insiders were asking Beloved Whistleblower Publisher Charles Foster Kane if any presidential candidate in history ever had as much fun as 2016 Republican Front-runner Donald Trump seems to be having these days. “Trump is certainly turning traditional politics on its ear,” Kane explained. “He goes wherever he wants and says whatever he wants to say, he’s leading in the polls, he gets more media attention than all of the rest of the candidates combined, and he gets to show politically correct reporters the total disrespect they so richly deserve.

image005Monday, The Daily Caller says Public Opinion Guru Frank Luntz was knocked for a loop at a focus group by supporters of Donald Trump’s Republican presidential campaign. At one point, Luntz bolted from the room with the focus group to make sure the handful of reporters observing on the other side of the glass understood how big of a deal this was. “My legs are shaking,” he admitted. “This is absolutely for real,” Luntz said of the intense and loyal support for Trump. “And he is not going away. And he is as strong as every survey shows. All those people who think he’s going to implode have not sat and talked to these voters the way that they should have.” Photo Shop Editorial Spoofer on Current Events shows us Luntz’s problem trying to get Trump supporters to say anything bad about their Messiah. [READ MORE HERE]


image005Tuesday in Dubuque, Iowa, Whistleblower Hawkeye Bureau Chief Jan Mickelson says Univision reporter Jorge Ramos caused a commotion screaming “You cannot deport 11 million people” as Trump tried to take other questions. Trump then proceeded to demonstrate how he would handle the illegal immigrants by promptly having Ramos thrown out of the press conference.

“And if you think Donald Trump won’t get the hick vote campaigning in places like Clermont County,” Kane said, “just watch his 2006 ”Green Acres’ performance at the Emmy Awards with Megan Mullally.”
