Daily Archives: August 25, 2015

Special “Tuesday Targets” E-dition



Today, It’s Hillary’s Turn

image004Last week, in our “Tuesday Targets” E-dition, we took a shot at Ex-Pants-Dropper-in-Chief Bill Clinton on the seventeen anniversary of the fateful date in 1998 when Bill Clinton testified before a grand jury that he had had an “inappropriate” relationship with former intern Monica Lewinsky, and then later that night, he apologized to the American people in a nationally televised address.

image006This Tuesday, we’re taking a shot at Hillary, just to show we’re not sexist. Whistleblower Pollster Ron Rasmussen says growing national security questions about Hillary Clinton’s use of a private e-mail server during her time as Secretary of State are drowning out much of her message as a presidential candidate and causing many of her fellow DemocRATS to worry about the future of her campaign, and 46% of Likely U.S. Voters now believe Hillary should suspend her campaign for the DemocRAT presidential nomination until all of the legal questions about her use of the private e-mail server are resolved.

image006image006That’s why results of another Whistleblower Newswire Survey may also be of interest. That poll shows things people trust more than Hillary Clinton.

* Mexican tap water
* A rattlesnake with a “pet me” sign
* OJ Simpson showing me his knife collection
* A fart when I have diarrhea
* An elevator ride with Ray Rice
* Taking pills offered by Bill Cosby
* Michael Jackson’s Doctor
* An Obama Nuclear deal with Iran
* A Palestinian on a motorcycle
* Gas station Sushi
* A Jimmy Carter economic plan
* Brian Williams news reports
* Loch Ness monster sightings
* Prayers for peace from Al Sharpton     

image006Let’s face it, Americans must remember they can’t trust Hillary Clinton concerning American jobs. The last time Hillary had a meaningful job, she out sourced it to Monica Lewinsky. And Monica blew it!
