Daily Archives: August 21, 2015

Special “Anchor Babies and Anchor Babes” E-dition



And The Liberals Have Something Else to Whine About

Mothers and their babies march down Broadway for a May Day rally at Los Angeles City Hall. (Luis Sinco / LAT) May 1, 2007

Yesterday, Whistleblower Summer Interns Rachel, Bradley, Ashley, and Hunter were arguing about the latest updates to The Whistleblower Lexicon because of the current confusion between the terms “Anchor Babies” and “Anchor Babes.”

image008“Anchor Babies” refers to children born to non-citizen mothers in a country which has “birthright citizenship,” especially when viewed as providing an advantage to family members seeking to secure citizenship or legal residency. “Anchor Babes” are air-head bimbos you see reading the news on TV.

image008And any Republican Party hope that time would ease the sting many Latinos felt when Donald Trump opened his campaign by deriding Mexicans may have been totally dashed by Jeb Bush and his use of the term “anchor babies,” which drew swift criticism from the Liberal Outrage Machine because the phrase is used to describe future DemocRAT Party voters who are children of illegal immigrants.

Of course, Bush used the phrase even before he announced his campaign for president and “Anchor Babies” has been used regularly for some time by lawmakers on Capitol Hill and by members of the news media, but Hillary’s outrage was in overdrive when she Twittered the term this week to deflect attention from her e-mail scandals and Obama Supporters in the Press are now in full condemnation mode for any heartless racist Republicans who hate little children.  

image008Brietbart reports front-running Republican Presidential Candidate Donald Trump was awesome when he shut down a reporter who complained about his “offensive” use of the term “Anchor Baby” in New Hampshire on Wednesday. Trump was asked, “You said that you have a big heart, and that you’re not mean-spirited. Are you aware that the term ‘anchor baby,’ that’s an offensive term? People find that hurtful.”

Trump responded, “You mean it’s not politically correct, and yet everybody uses it?” He then suggested the reporter give him a different term to use, to which the reporter suggested “The American-born [children] of undocumented immigrants.” Trump said in response, “I’ll use the word ‘anchor baby.’”

image008Thursday, when 2016 Republican Presidential Candidate Louisiana Governor Bobby Jindal was asked by Cincinnati’s own Bill Hemmer at Fox News whether the term “anchor baby” is “offensive,” as suggested by Hillary Clinton, Jindal deflected the question and explained what he does find offensive: “You know, what I find offensive is Hillary Clinton, the left, when you look at those Planned Parenthood videos — they refuse to call them babies, they call it fetal tissue, they call them specimens. That’s what’s offensive.”  Jindal, who cut off funds for Planned Parenthood, also played those vile-and-disgusting Dead Baby Parts videos on a giant screen outside the Governor’s Mansion during a Planned Parenthood protest.

image008Maybe that’s why at yesterday’s meeting of the Conservative Agenda, Beloved Whistleblower Publisher Charles Foster Kane said it was nice to see some Republican candidates for President have finally enlisted in The Whistleblower’s War on Political Correctness, because The Blower believes the next 445 days will be the most important period in American History for our non-stop campaign against Political Correctness, the Devolution of American Culture, and the Liberal News Media.

Trump and Jindal now appear to be on board, and even Jeb Bush might at long last be growing some cajones!image003