Daily Archives: August 15, 2015

Special “Saturday Scoops” E-dition



Politics at the State Fair

image006image004DES MOINES: Whistleblower Iowa Bureau Chief Jan Mickelson (who’s been WHO Radio’s Rush Limbaugh of the Hawkeye State ever since he left WCKY-AM back during the last century) was going to have his hands full at the Iowa State Fair today if Donald Trump, Bernie Sanders, and Not-Yet-Indicted Hillary Clinton all showed up to be interviewed at the same time.

Trump, the GOP frontrunner who took Iowa’s top spot in the polls this week, was scheduled to arrive in a helicopter and will no doubt be surrounded by a media circus. Sanders, who’s attracted thousands at recent campaign events in other states, was set to speak at the fairgrounds from the Des Moines Register’s Presidential Soapbox an hour after Trump was scheduled to arrive. And Hillary, the only Disingenuous DemocRAT presidential candidate not scheduled to participate in the 10-day-long “Soapbox” event where most of the 2016 candidates will speak, was expected to head to the fair with former Iowa DemocRAT Senator Tom Harkin, a popular figure in the state who endorsed Clinton on Friday.

image006Iowans are proud to be Iowans and they are proud of their Iowa State Fair. They love the national attention, since up to one million people in a state of three million come to the fair each year.

image006And although the 2016 Presidential Elections are still 451 days away, Presidential Campaigns in Iowa will always gets a lot of media attention, at least until Iowa’s “First-in-The-Nation Presidential Primary Caucasus next February 1, and candidates and their spin-meisters will be lined up around the block waiting to get a few precious minutes on Jan’s Top-Rated “Michelson in the Morning” Radio Talk Show.



image006Our Good Friend Jan has been a Person of Consequence on The Blower’s Exclusive E-Mail List from day one, unlike WLW-Hate Radio Trash-Talker Bill Cunningham, who has always been banned because of his avoidance of the military draft in Saskatchewan.

image006And speaking of Donald Trump, an incredible story that happened just came to light, and virtually nobody knew about it because, unlike what almost any politician would do, the billionaire tycoon never used it to boost his public image.

image009A little boy was struggling with a breathing condition that doctors in California had not yet been able to identify. Wanting the best care available for their son, the boy’s parents wanted to fly east and meet with doctors in New York. But commercial airlines refused the family due to the oxygen tank, suction machine, adrenaline syringe, and other medical equipment the boy needed to endure the flight. So Trump sent his plane to California for the boy and flew him to see the doctors in New York.

When reporters asked the boy’s father why he thought Trump went to the expense of making his jet available to them, the man said, “Because he is a good man. He has three children of his own, and he knows what being a parent is all about.”

image006Trump is also scheduled to report for jury duty in New York on Monday, and you know he’ll never try to milk a little good free publicity out of that appearance.

image006So say what you will about Donald Trump’s bluster, occasional rudeness, and brutal sense of competition, it’s clear the man has a heart that’s made of gold, and the fact that he hasn’t bragged on this incredible story to boost his public image just might show how much character he really has. Still, some people will never approve of him.

