Daily Archives: August 5, 2015

Special “Making Politics Entertaining” E-dition



This Is What Tomorrow Night’s Audience Would Really Like To See

image005Months ago, when The Blower was the only media outlet predicting Donald Trump would be the man to beat for the 2016 Republican Presidential Nomination, other candidates, the Republican National Committee, as well as all those Kneepad Liberals in the Press, were quite dismissive of the idea, to say the least.

image005But on the eve of tomorrow night’s first televised “Joint Press Conference” on Fox News featuring “The Donald” along with the other nine Republican Candidates in the Top Tier, Trump’s detractors have suddenly become much more respectful.  

image005Let’s face it, anybody who remembers Seth MacFarlane’s Roast of Donald Trump in 2012 is hoping something like this happens.

image005In Monday’s Liberal Bias Alert E-dition, The Blower showed you the trailer from Robin Williams’ HBO Movie (“Man of the Year”) about a comedian, who hosted a news satire program deciding to run for president, and after an explosive performance in the final debate (in which he made many of the same points The Blower’s been talking about since Lincoln was a precinct captain), the “entertainer” running against the establishment, got just enough votes to win. Something tells us, Donald Trump just must have seen this movie.
