Waiting For Another Senseless Solution from Cincinnati City Clown-cil
At Yesterday’s meeting of the Conservative Agenda, absolutely nobody was surprised to learn the Liberal Agenda Fishwrap was reporting how upset Political Panderers on Cincinnati City Clown-cil’s Law Committee were to learn University of Cincinnati police officers had been writing traffic tickets to Black motorists and pedestrians around campus.
Well, duh! What percentage of assaults, beatings, rapes, and robberies of UC students are committed by Black suspects? Who in the hell do they expect the police to be stopping in the area around campus? Gray haired white women on mopeds!
Let’s look at the history of the issue. For years, perhaps decades, UC students have been molested, assaulted, robbed, raped, and terrorized on the streets of Cincinnati, immediately adjacent to the UC campus. The annual hue and cry is for the police to, “do something” about these students being subjected to such tragic circumstances.
Well, the first thing the police try to do on an annual basis is to educate students about how best to protect themselves from becoming victims. The second approach is to analyze data with regard to crimes that have been reported to the police. Annually, the data tells the police that most of these crimes occur on darkened, city streets, in the Clifton, University Heights, and Fairview Heights (CUF) neighborhoods – those neighborhoods immediately adjacent to the UC campus where many students maintain off-campus housing. Students often are walking alone late at night, and sometimes under the influence of alcohol or other substances, which makes them an easy target for the criminals.
This brings us to the next piece of data as it is reported to the police, i.e. WHO ARE THESE CRIMINALS? Well, on an annual basis the groups of criminals typically are our city’s BLACK YOOFS, who choose not to play hoops wit da Chief! Rather, they prefer to beat, rape and rob UC students on the city streets in CUF neighborhoods.
The police are then directed to do something about this, without mentioning the race of suspects, of course, as if there is a magic button the police can push to make it all go away, a’la The FishWrap! The FishWrap publishes endless articles about these savage incidents and how dangerous it is for UC students in CUF neighborhoods. This has a negative effect on UC enrollment. The annual public response by UC is to speak about a campus in an urban environment, blah, blah, blah, while, behind the scenes they’re screaming at the top of their lungs for the police to, “do something!”
The police know and understand that it becomes necessary to use aggressive enforcement tactics targeting people matching the reported descriptions of the assailants. One tactic is to engage possible suspects via legitimate traffic stops in an attempt to ascertain whether known criminals are cruising the area where UC students are repeatedly beaten, raped, and robbed. Hmmmm, go figure! Of course, the increase in traffic enforcement by officers is then touted to be racially motivated and perhaps, even considered to be racial profiling, a’la our Al Gerhardstien types!
What’s missing in the analysis? Black YOOFS are brutalizing UC students. The police are ordered to, “do something!” The police develop patrol tactics based on reasonable data analysis. A traffic stop goes horribly wrong so the solution is to forbid UC officers from making traffic stops on city streets. And, this coming semester, when a UC student fails an examination, I suppose the solution will be to forbid students from bringing pencils onto the campus! WTF!
Better yet, next month when UC students start getting their asses kicked and robbed again because it’s the start of a new school year (or the start of robbery season in CUF for da city’s YOOFS) we’ll all watch and wonder in amazement about what the police will do when they’re told to, “do something!”
Down at Stupidity Sanctuary Cincinnati City Hall, Cranley and our Nine Fine Clowns shouldn’t be involved in micromanaging this problem. Or they shouldn’t have to be. They seem to be doing everything they can to put themselves on the hook for the lawsuit that’s coming, that’s for damn sure!